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Franz Joseph Haydn

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Blog Entries posted by Franz Joseph Haydn

  1. Franz Joseph Haydn
    With my sadness over Omi's leaveing dismissed, I return to my duties as BZP weekly udater.
    Fresh Makuta of bel air has been unbanned. As a loyal follower of his comedy, I am extremely happy. Nice to see you back!
    Holiday updates
    Thanksgiving is over, Now we move on to Christmas!
    This is the last Weekly update, I will be keeping the weekly update catagory for reference. Goodbye. Thank you for listining to our program.
  2. Franz Joseph Haydn
    hello,once again,today i learned that the awsome set entitled jetrax t6 is suposed to be released in yellow.crazy .yellow is an eyeseering color.ya know what?that set is probably the worst set lego has ever made.i hate the fact that it is yellow.the set itself is ok,but,i prefer the blue version.i just don't see the catch.
  3. Franz Joseph Haydn
    Hello,i am working from a computer in a local electronics store.i thought i would update my blog to day.
    a few things to get across,
    1.the epic i have been working on has been cancelled.
    that's it for that.
  4. Franz Joseph Haydn
    Well, I have a lot of projects going. Including some brand new BIONICLE-Star Trek hybrid sprites. The Re-Posting of Baranus Stratus Life and watching Star trek: Voyager- The Omega Directive.
  5. Franz Joseph Haydn
    have you ever see the original star trek? spock has a blue long sleeve shirt.i have one to,without the badge.i also have a next generation phaser and tricorder,a series one communicator and a next generation type one phaser. thats right, i'm a trekie.
  6. Franz Joseph Haydn
    I missed my One Year annivesery(SP?)
    I'll have a comic up soon, but First, here's a teaser of a project I have been working on.

    Raanu walked through the hot desert. It was noon and the sun was beating down on his small troop. He was heading to Atero on a scout mission with his fellow Agori Berix, Metus and Kirbold. The Glatorian talked of a plan involving an attack on Atero.
    Raanu gleefully accepted, Tarix understood why. They attacked Atero. Raanu wanted them out. So, all in all, it was a win-win situation. Glatorian had spies and scouts now, Agori could get revenge.
    As Raanu and his party approached Atero, they stopped. Each one took out Rock tribe armor and put it on. “Stay close together” Raanu said. They approached Atero. Two Skrall were standing at the gates. “State the nature of your visit” The first Skrall said.
    “We’re here to verify an order of supplies by Branar” Raanu lied. The Skrall grunted. “Fine. But be quick, you have supplies to get” The Skrall said, with natural ferocity. Raanu could not help but believe he was going into a trap.
    Raanu and his group proceeded to go into a set of Towers. Raanu and Kirbold took out Thornax Launchers while Metus and Berix set up an observation post. When the Observation post was set up, Raanu and the group exited the Tower.
  7. Franz Joseph Haydn
    With my recent move to Wyoming, i am alittle late with the update. Such nonsense is life.
    This week we have a few amazing updates.
    The first is the most important, the Mata Nui Rising video. I must say, that bink guy sure did a good job keeping this one secret. I would like to congradulate Binkmeister on his excellent work with the story update aswell. Not only did bink write the story, but he also kept the movie a secret. Go Bink!
    The next updates are the BIONICLEstory.com chapters. Dwellers in darkness is up, and so is the destiny war. Brothers in arms is up aswell. Takanuva has updated his blog ALOT over the past week aswell. The toa nuva are finally home. Whoo hoo for new chapters!
    The last thing on my list is the Mata Nui Rising Podcast. This is basically the story. Told by the famous "Voice of bionicle".
    Well, sorry for the lateness. As i said above, "Such nonsense is life".
    As you can see, i have used to many emoticons this week, PHEW!
    See ya next week!
    (I could not resist the awesome power of emoticons)
  8. Franz Joseph Haydn
    The Favorite Piece of clothing topic inspired this entry.
    I have tons of cool stuff. But I'm "Old fashioned" as they say. I prefer one color to prints and other stuff. Here is a list of my favorite stuff from everything.

    Cloths: Red crew shirt Star trek Memoribillia: Starship Enterprise New movie <3 Transformers: 2007 original Optimus Prime Hats: Ohh, a beautiful Spartans baseball cap, go MI state! BIONICLE: Strakk
  9. Franz Joseph Haydn
    Adding on to what Omi said, This kind of behavior could result in banning, should it go any further then "Better in full". You may mean it as a joke, but the Mods and Admins don't, or atleast they don't know your trying to be tricky, or funny. So, in addition, this has to stop.
  10. Franz Joseph Haydn
    Your strength and leadership make you a great Administrator, your wisdom and loyalty make you a great freind. You calmness in the face of certain disaster make you something to be admired. You are a force of Nature, a guiding wind. You are as pure as the sea water, and as strong as the old hickory. You, Tufi, are an admin. You do your job well.
    From Khan.
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