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Posts posted by atvan

  1. I have 1, 4, 6, 7, and 8, and that was just from getting sets, exept for the time stuff, which I got in a trade for a tahnok-kal shield and headpiece to a friend, so at least those were pretty common.

  2. Hold on--the EP being is alive, correct? If that's the case, the EP being would want to stay as far away from the Ignika as possible, just in case the Ignika doesn't have the destiny to transform--after all doesn't destroying the Ignika destroy all life in the universe? If that's the case, I'm pretty sure the EP being would be killed as well. Meanwhile, the Ignika would also not want to risk being destroyed, so it would do everything in its (considerable) power to avoid touching EP as well.However, there is another question that came to mind: Mata Nui's consciousness is sealed within the Ignika currently, correct? What would happen if Mata Nui had a destiny to transform, but the Ignika itself didn't? Would Mata Nui's destiny to transform override the Ignika's (lack of) destiny to transform, or would the Ignika be destroyed, thus killing everyone in the universe and preventing Mata Nui from achieving his (hypothetical) destiny to transform?Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go get some asprin for my sudden, splitting headache. :P
    EP is alive in some sense of the word, but, at least IMO, he is beyond the reaches of the mask's powers. The Great Beings forged the mask as a failsafe device for their creation (in some ways like a fuse in circuit breaker, and also like the electricial's toolbox), which in itself was designed to reunite Spherus Magna. The mask would not kill anybody there, because that would kind of beat the point of helping them. And since the EP was originally found on spherus magna, it should be concluded that he would be uneffected by the mask. Also, the great beings were worried about their upkeep technicians, as evidenced by Marendar. Would they give the mask the power to destroy all life on the planet they were trying to save? Finally, EP was used for certain components on the Mata Nui robot. If the Great Beings could create something as powerful as EP, why would they use a sentient something that destroyed their planet to make up some of the essential components to fix it? By this logic, the EP being should be more powerful than the mask.
    I just thought of something. Though there's no way to confirm it for sure, I believe that the Ignika has an edge on Energized Protodermis.If I recall correctly, in 2010, the Ignika transformed Tahu from a Toa Nuva back into a Toa Mata. Also, mutations/transformations made by the EP are supposed to be permanent (if memory serves me right). So though we don't know what the EP could do to to the Ignika, we do know that Ignika is powerful enough to reverse the effects of EP, which are supposed to be permanent.- :t::l::h:
    While I stand under the bias that most of what happened on Bara Magna was annoying and seemingly contradictory to earlier stuff, and doesn't deserve to be canon, this goes back to what I said above. The mask has a tremendous amount of power over the life of the MU inhabitants, while the EP has a wider reaching power. Also, this is a reversion. I imagine that preventing a transformationis much more difficult.On the other hand, if farshtey confirmed that the mask has wider reaching powers ignore all this.And a question- do the Ignika's life destroying powers only work on protodermics? If no, that sort of breaks my above theory. Life giving must be more universal, based on the bath of vegitation it created on spherus magna (unless that was one of Mata Nui's powers).Basically, If I wasn't clear, I think EP would win. Not sure what would happen, but EP would win. :P
  3. I am glad that I got into the storyline early. but then I kinda went crazy. I now own all the chronicles, MoL conversion, all the adventures (time trap is pretty epic), and all the legends exept for three, from the end of the Mahri line and the beginning of the Karda Nui stuff. As others have said, it is a wuick read. It is not unreasonable if one focusses to read all of them in a week.I personally like some of the other books as well. I have the dark hunters MOC book, the Rahi MOC book, the encyclopedia (somewhat outdated), and the older atlas, which is less of a map and more of a travel guide. The pictures in these books are nice IMO, letting you visualize things the way farshtey does when he mentions then in-story (sometimes it makes things make more sense).

  4. I'm assuming the answer is no but I thought I'd make sure. Would it be allowed to use the toa of life as the protagonist, thinking back on something the mask experienced? In some ways he is not really dead, but at the same time, you'd have to kill/relocate Mata Nui's mind before you could do that, if it is even possible. The other problem I see is that the mask would be the one holding the memories, and it isn't dead.Another things along these lines, does it actually have to be "written down" by the character? Or can it just be remembering? Alternatively, can a story be told to another character (through words or psychic powers), and be written down by them?

  5. I suppose Teri had to stay, but otherwise, who else? Once they started releasing so many titans, they failed to make them useful. Krekka and Nidhiki did die, as did Sidorak. Roodaka fixed the Hagah, who then proceded to lose Zaktan and go crazy (only to be fixed by a blob of jello's mind). Brutaka started an interesting conflict that ended up speeding up the Voya Nui story, but made it more exciting, and then proceded to start an interesting but non-essential side plot. Axonn saved a matoran, again sped up the CoL scene (robbing the ingenuitive thinking process from the toa combat that made it interesting), and cleaved through dirt and stone for the toa (why exactly?). Fenrakk drooled acid and turned into a cannon. Gadunka did nothing, Nocturn ate a whale, Hydraxon showed off the MoLife's powers and got in the way of the story, and Maxilos made a humanoid body for Teridax (he could have used, for example, a takea shark corpse instead). Icarax told the Toa of Life (anyone else think that sounds too much like Toa of Light?) that he was genocidal. Mutran wrote a story. Meganuva brought a compass that pointed at something Tahu had already found. Everybody on Bara Magna was useless and I cannot remember if there were any titans or not./rantIf I missed any, remind me, and I will point out there uselessness as well.

  6. I cried for fishy. The end of 29 got me super excited. If BE murders all the other characters for fishy, I'd be fine with it. :PRathoa seems to be weaker in his Makuta form, but that could just be because of who he is up against but I like how he just utterly fails against the Unknown. Before, I pictuted him as fat with an eyepatch and totally unstoppabale (don't ask), but now he looks like a boring Makuta, which goes back to my first point about him.I feel like Mad is going to save the day. But entirely unintentially in a way that is for his amusement.Kanoka is hurting my head. While on the topic of Rahunga, I imagine Mukana's hut is starting to smell by now.Bhukasa just keeps getting funnier looking in my mind. And then there is Mhondovma- I picture him as Kardas in bobblehead form. :PGali is not doing much- currents, rain, currents, rain, rinse, repeat. Actually the last few chapters have been rather devoid of them doing stuff, except for Lewa. I want to see him with that new axe of his…The Kritunga seem much less stupid than in TI, haha. However, they look as funny as ever.These are my rather useless thoughs after rereading the whole thing today.

  7. Update (and bumpidy-bump):The community is also now planning another war. This war will be perhaps the easist way for someone interested to try out the hobby. Why, you ask? Because you already have a reason to be there, of course! We will be meeting at the one and only Brickfair! If you are intriged, don't be afraid to send me a PM!

  8. Water Warfare to most means a way for little children to cool off in the summer. But for some, it is more than this.Hardcore Water Warfare is the pursuit of a unique breed of CQB milsim with an emphasis on customization and modification of weapons to suit the needs of the user, from doubling the range of stock blasters and making homemades out of plumbing materials, exceding 70 feet of range, to adding woods camo to keep hidden for hours amongst the trees. This year, our community will be holding the second annual Community Water War, known as Downpour. For more information, or if you are merely interested, send me a PM.This is also a place to discuss water guns and such in general.

  9. I have read your entire tepestry of time, except unseen. I cannot access it. Is it somewhere unique from the rest? Also, have there been any more tapestry of time since the forum revision? Any other epics you've written? I nned more!Anyway, love this so far, going to reread it now, hopefully some insights will manifest themselves.

  10. Great story. One problem I see is that the deaths are a bit quick, both in the timeline of the story, and in their though. I didn't even know who the characters were that died, had to go back and check. I don't need the combat to stop for a three page mourning scene, but some more emotion would really help to convey the sense of loss and imenent doom coming over the villagers and toa alike.

  11. The lumbering brutes. Comic relief=good. Especially Nocturn and Krekka. I'd rather they kill Tahu. I never really liked him.The intelectuals will be missed as well. Tren Krom. But also, in my mind, helryx and mavrah.Mavrah- "I am whenua's friend. I can spill about him. My mind wasn't wiped. I can control ancient rahi- they are my friends. Whoops, I slipped."Helryx- she was in the mind of teridax, vowed to destroy him. Then he was taken out by gravity. Really? Why wasn't she taken out too?

  12. For those who say the GB must be the murderer, Tren Krom could be destroyed with his own energy thing, right? Perhaps even a mirror could destroy him, if used to deflect the energy beam.Hydraxon could be the GB, because Tren Krom demostrated that in a mind switch, the powers go with the mind. Perhaps the GB simply hid his mind in the MoLife until the opportunity arose to create a new body.Also, the GB placing the MoLife that is afraid for its safety is reminded that the mask will create gaurdians, but he feels that those will not be enough. Axonn and Brutaka then go to gaurd the Mask. Brutaka was regarded as a scholar, seems fitting, but both he and Axxon are in the temple. So there goes that. But perhaps the GB was one of the Southern Continent Matoran. This supports the Kazi/Velika Theory. Of course, this all rests on the GB being the one that placed the MoLife.

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