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Premier Retired Staff
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Blog Entries posted by Shioi

  1. Shioi
    This... weekend. How's it goin' for me, you want to know?
    OH, I am not going to address that now. Instead, let me tell you how my day began yesterday.
    Zoom! Beagle runs by me in a blur.
    Zoom! (number two) Son runs by me in a blur.
    I noted, as this happened, that my dog refrained from comment as he passed wildly by me, but my son had the courtesy to at least take a moment to yell out, "He's got my boxers!"
    And off went our canine rascal, clutching tightly in his teeth, my son's white boxers. Dang if he didn't get safely out the doggy door and down our back hill before we could get the -always-seems-to-get-stuck-at-the-wrong-time-screen-door opened.
    By the time my son got himself down the hill fido was starting to bury the stolen property somewhere down there in the dirt. BUT, on a positive note, my son came back up with his boxers AND my stolen dish towel from the night before. And then we all settled down and had bacon. BACON! Do you hear me? The solution for all one's woes. So all was looking up. Bacon rules. (No. Poochy got no bacon. BAD DOGGY. I mean an occasional sock or two of my husband's on display in places in our backyard is one thing, but boxers...that's just tacky).
    Speaking of my husband...the one who has left me trapped here for an entire weekend as he is off being all giddy over doing some tech job...
    So...what are you doing again, Dave? (see, I have been left alone too long here. I'm starting to have imaginary conversations with him) Okay, you're rolling out two new servers *whatevah* and what now...huh? with a what? a whole new active directly domain, oh STOP! No more techy talk! It's not like the bulk of BZP members are geeky or anything and want to hear about this stuff. No! They would rather hear about...
    my son running after his boxers! Right?
    I certainly don't have you guys pegged right at all.
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