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Premier Retired Staff
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Posts posted by Shioi

  1. Wow, this was all done during History? You made good use of your time! :)


    I love the forward curve of his torso...to me it makes the pic, for it becomes the focal point. It gives him some humanization other than keeping him stiff and too automatronic-like. Really nice touch!


    The shading is good. The addition of some blue is nice and an affective reminder that we are dealing with someone "cool as ice." So I'm glad you added it. It makes this more than just a quick colorless pencil doodle done in class, for you put that extra thought into it.


    I'm glad you shared this...I really like it. Keep drawing! You're good.


    ~ Shioi :)

  2. Ah...there's that studly Tahu we all know and love. I think he went a little excessive on rubbing down with oil, but no one could deny that the definition can be seen. Clearly seen. Impressive.But he's just so...so...self absorbed!(love his cheesy grin)A really big number out of ten for originality. ;)~Shioi :)

  3. Very nice job on the legs, Mush. They look 3D...quite percise. I really enjoy seeing drawings of the various minifigs. I think there are some other threads of artwork by you recently, and I've been meaning to leave some replies...I will soon. I already viewed the artwork and I liked what I saw, but haven't returned to leave a comment as of yet...Keep drawing! You are artistic, for sure!~Shioi :)

  4. :kaukau: People have already gone into detail about the detailed details.
    Haha. I enjoyed that line. :)Well, Empire, this is one sharp drawing. Nicely done. I love Tahu's mask. And the way you've placed the arms on him, it feels like you've caught him in midstep...I'm half expecting to see him move forward any sec and give his head a turn as well.Good entry.~Shioi :)
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