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    I am interested in, well... other people. How they work. What they do, and why they do it. What /drives/ them, really. <br />Normal, I am not. ;-)<br />Meh... I also love art and Star Wars.<br /><br />All the questions my sisters and I get asked: <br />1. (to me and Nicki) "Are you guys twins??" Answer: "Nope, we're triplets." (Nicki and I look somewhat alike.)<br />2. "TRIPLETS??? Really?? Do you guys all share a room?" Answer: "Uh, no."<br />3. "How's it like being a triplet?" Answer: "I don't know, how's it like to be stupid?" or "As opposed to what?"<br />4. "So, you guys are all the same age, right?" Answer: "No... Nicki's actually 35, I'm 27, and Ali's 52. What were you thinking?"<br />I think that just about covers it. ;-)

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  1. Cool. When you say hockey, you mean actual hockey or videogames? But I'm into shoot em ups, fighting, and usually driving games.

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