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Blog Entries posted by wopup2

  1. wopup2
    I spent aliitle time typing up a new game I'm planning to use in the B.G. & Trivia. It's just like the feeling I had almost two years ago, when I was a premier member.
    I slept in till noon, my time. I'm excited that I have a hot topic.
  2. wopup2
    Wow, I came up with a game and published it, all in one day. I feel like a game tycoon. King of the Colliseum is now open. I host 2 active games now and I anticipate a 3rd.
  3. wopup2
    Wow. I din't realize hosting games took THAT much work. I spent almost 35 minutes updating them. And I'm going to do it again tomorow. Anyway, I working on a New game (yet again). It's called Power Stuggle, a game similar to Risk.
  4. wopup2
    Hello. I am new to Bloging, but I will try not to embaras myself. I am a very happy person right now. This Psuedo-Premier membership has elated me. I have many things planned. This is among the first of many.
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