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Status Updates posted by Teridax1234

  1. a fanfic, so i guess epics...

  2. Actually a lot. I canceled my epic and my comedy to make room for a photo comic series.

  3. after my exams are over, so maybe the third week of December? school just eats up a lot of time.

  4. Brony haters: Problem? *Trollface* Luna is best pony!

  5. Can i make a 3d artwork request?

  6. closed again because of the requests I presume?

  7. Do you have a GS form for your comics?

  8. Guess what else? Ive added you as a freind!(sorry I found the request so late)

  9. He closed it because he needs time to start making the avatars.Right?

  10. Hey bro, waz up?

  11. hey guys!i got a crazy idea!a comedy,parody of ADITLOT.a day in the life of jaller!

  12. Hey Vahi, will you be restarting your comics?

  13. Hey, in your profile pic, is that you?

  14. I actually made a crossover fic with it, and was wondering whether or not it would be a good idea to post it here...

  15. I am sorry for seeing your friend request so late.

  16. I apologize for seeing your friend request so late.

  17. I forgot about your birthday. Well, happy late birthday.

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