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Pridak for Prez

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Posts posted by Pridak for Prez

  1. Looks like my dream car! I always wished someone would make a car like this, with some monster crouching on the wheels. As you said, the car is kinda of cluttered in some spots, but it works to give it an armored look to it. It took me a couple of looks to decipher what it was, but once I saw it, it was beautifal. A great MOC, I especially like the biting mouth. It is truly a monster truck.

  2. Because it would be pretty dull with just Matoran and Toa.Seriously though, I imagine that they were created to populate the universe and become a part of ecosystems like how regular animals are in ours. Things cannot function by themselves, other strands need to be placed to make the web. The idea that only matoran help Mata Nui function may just be a belief that Matoran hold, like how we humans think that the world can work just fine with just us. Matorans think themselves are better than rahi, so perhaps they do not hold the idea that rahi help Mata Nui function.

  3. Nice drawing! Love the armor-over-organics look to him. I really like the maskless face, as it is something that is rarely drawn. A little shading and it will look great. At least he is a Toa of Ice, so he is already 70% colored!

  4. I like the waitress one the most, as its skirt and tray really look good and blend with the character. I like how the mugs look, and how they could actually be held like items by a Hero set. The back of the waitress could use some pieces so it is not so exposed. The female hero indeed has a feminine look to her, and she definitly has the hero build. Unfortunatly the feminine look is the only thing that sets her apart from the regular sets. (But if you were going for that look, then you succeeded!) The villian's wings and legs look good, but the chest armor piece was much too blocky to fit with her build. The villian could use some touch up, as the armor on the upper torso and arms are lacking.All in all, these are some good MOCs (The waitress being the best, masks off to you on that), just add some armor here and there.

  5. The main deaths that bugged me were Karzahni, Carapar, Botar and Nocturn. Caraper was one of my favorite Barraki, and to see him go so soon was disappointing. Karzahni would be an interesting character on the new planet, an insane, nightmare-giver with no allies or sides (Having him join a faction would have been cool), but he was stabbed and dumped off a cliff. Botar and Nocturn perished on the side and way too quickly for it to be considered a good 'death.' Both of their attitudes and personalities were great, and having the authoritative Botar during the final war would have been wonderful, but he was erased as soon as he was made. Though Nocturn died at Hydroxen's hand, it still seemed rushed and random.

  6. My one hope is that if they do make a villian factory, that they do not put the word "villian" in front of everything. The clips are interesting, and the fight scenes might be better this time around. I just hope the villians stop laughing, that is getting really annoying....

  7. Love the use of mouths for his body, the hands and chest are ingenius! The build of him creates that scary, creepy look and the scale staff is a brilliant addition! Love to see the other Horsemen! Great MoC and great build!

  8. Love the hunched back and the claws you have on him. Though the legs and limbs may be a weak point, I like the thin, sickly look of them on him. It gives more to the vampire-look. All you need is a Dracula cape and you are good! Great MoC!

  9. I have to admit that I am seriously thinking about getting the villians, especially jaw-blade. The fact alone he is a shark had him already sold. Like the design of split face, reminds my of a MOC I saw a while ago. (I think it was called Flipside?) The villians are pretty awesome. The Fire Lo- I mean Black Phantom, looks familiar. The Heros are either a hit or miss for me. I like Breez and the hero armor is looking great. On the otherhand, Furno and Surge look really cluttered. As if they threw on everything they could think of on them, blades, turbines, shields, handcuffs, launches, rockets. Yikes! I like the idea of handcuffs though, the perfect piece for a true cop and robber set up. Evo (yellow dude) looks really good armor wise, but the lack of a close-combat weapon stinks. I never liked the idea of sets having only launchers as weapons. (I am talking about YOU, Onua and Gali Mistika.) But all in all, looks good and I might buy my first HF set!

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