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Status Updates posted by -BD-

  1. Trying to reestablish myself.

    1. Bundalings


      Where've you been?

    2. -BD-


      Most of my quality time pretty much went out the window when I hit college. But lately I’ve had missed this place, and I’ve been itching to break out the bricks. Good to hear from you!

  2. I need to send you a message, but like CF said...

  3. Wait, I't not the 13th? Happy on time B-Day! lol

  4. Happy late B-Day! MOC is done. I'm just trying to brush up on the photos. It's hard to do with white pieces, so I may shoot you in a blue background.

  5. Oh yeh. I havn't checked these comments in awhile. I'll try to reply on tuesday or wednesday.

  6. Luke's father has it already...

  7. Ooh. I thought you were talking about deleting those dates in your inbox. Now I feel stupid. XD

  8. Did you forget to say delete?

  9. Your inbox is full. XD

  10. Again thanks. I can send MOCs this year! *yay*

  11. Can people send MOCs to Brickfair, or do they have to bring them?

  12. Do you know where Brickfair is this year?

  13. -BD-

    Ecto? I've been lookin for u. Why the name change?

  14. Hey, I shot you a reply post over in the voting for the toa colors. My bad for talking to you like a kid. I should have checked your age first XD. Anyway, most people call me BD. Nice to meet you. =)

  15. It's ok. I have alot more of my time to spend with friends. It's getting a bit boring now though. Every day is the same thing over and over. Also, I hate my AP English class.

  16. Someone talk to me!!!

    Oh and thanks ToC. =)

  17. Hey, I didn't know you were on BZP.

  18. Yup! I'll post it later today

  19. Congrats! I really enjoy your MOC. I'm even more amazed after taking a look at its gallery. =]

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