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Posts posted by TheJake

  1. I see other people listing their favorite anime, so I guess I'll join in...


    1. Code Geass

    2. Clannad After Story

    3. Puella Magi Madoka Magica

    4. Mawaru Penguindrum

    5. Neon Genesis Evangelion or Toradora (I can't decide ._.)


    Anyway, my Garden of Sinners box set arrived the other day as well as my Evangelion Platinum Collection, Gurren Lagann, and Toradora DVDs. I can't wait to start watching them!


    Oh, I'm finally watching Shakugan no Shana. I can barely stop myself from watching it! There are only 8 episodes left 'til I'm done with the whole series. It makes me sad... :( The characters in this are so likable (my favorite is Wilhelmina~).

  2. I just watched Code Geass: Akito the Exiled OVA 1 last night. It was quite exciting to see something from the CG universe for the first time in a long while. ^^ The only thing that's bad is that OVA 2 won't be out till Spring 2013....
    I just watched it a few days ago, too! It wasn't as good as I expected, but part two looks promising... The ending theme was amazing (as expected from Maaya Sakamoto)! On another note, is anyone here watching anything from this fall's anime season? I'm watching From the New World and Chuunibyo Demo Koi ga Shitai!, and I plan on watching Little Busters and Robotics; Notes. :biggrin:Seeing someone talking about overpriced Aniplex releases reminded me that The Garden of Sinners is finally getting released. I need to get to buying that (though $150 is a lot...). I guess it's worth it for seven movies... :P
  3. I'm loving this demo so far, and I can't wait fro the level cap to be increased! I need a new weapon for the Scientist (I can't use that Orbital Pistol thing at all).What classes do you guys like to use the most (I'm curious)? I like Scientist, because they can get to places so quickly (they're especially good in Conquest~). :DJust sayin', seeing those "Elite" heads in the customization menu made me want the game a lot more. :P

  4. How could anyone stand watching the whole Endless Eight arc? ~shudders~ I only watched one episode of it...

    Well, I'm onto Blue Exorcist and Blood-C (Finally, FUNimation is dubbing Blood-C while Aniplex is dubbing Blue Exorcist! :biggrin: ) along with the movie seuqels, Blood-C: The Last Dark and the upcoming Blue Exorcist Film this winter! :biggrin: (Anyone watch those series?) I still have to watch NO. 6 and Tiger & Bunny...XD
    Exorcist and Blood-C are both getting dubbed? o.o ~looks up info~ I think I'd stick to the subbed version of Blue Exorcist. I can't imagine Johnny Yong Bosch voicing Yukio... :PBy the way, has anyone here watched Eureka Seven? I'm thinking about giving it a shot...
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