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Status Updates posted by TheJake

  1. :) times 1000!!!!!!
  2. ...at once (for the first time ever)!

    P.S. Do you like football?

    P.S.S. If you've started RK, what chapter are you on?

    P.S.S.S. Sorry for the ridiculously long comment...

  3. ...I'm scared... Oh, I just watch the Riza and Roy one, and I loved it. Now, I'm off to the next one!

  4. ...was referring to the wings that Sakura had near the beginning. Maybe there's a secret meaning of the "Reservoir" part, too. :P

    P.S. Wow, that's a long comment...

  5. (continued...) few sevens. Well, my point is that I have KINGDOM HEARTS FEVER!!!

    P.S. You're lucky that you have a PSP. I have a DS, so I'm waiting for 358/2 Days. Multiplayer looks like it'll be fun. Have you ever watched the BbS trailer in HD? I recently noticed that Ven's eyes are still moving after he is frozen.

  6. ): Where did you hear that? *sniff*

  7. *gasp* You logged in again!

  8. A new chapter's out! Hopefully we'll see Himawari, soon. It looks like we'll finally see the crimson pearl on the next chapter...

  9. Actually, I rarely watch the anime for manga that I read. :'D (Although watching Naruto Part 1 made me want to read it.) The only exception is FMA Brotherhood (Have you ever read FMA?). The only time I watch it is when it's on television... The only thing that I know about it is that it's on the Invasion of Pain arc.

  10. Actually, I've never edited a movie. It just seems annoying to me, though :P

  11. After reading the TRC epilogue, I can barely wait for the next xxxHolic chapter...

  12. After watching the new Naruto opening a few more times, I'm starting to love it. I haven't seen the new Bleach opening, because I forgot all about it. :o I can't watch it right now, because I'm at my granparents' house. Their speakers don't work. -.-

  13. Another new personal pic, I see. Every time you get a new pic, it makes me want to get one for some reason. ._.

  14. Another new personal pic, I see... Well, I shouldn't be talking...

  15. Another week, another set of new chapters! Naruto still seems boring to me (but Darui's black lightning was cool). This week's Bleach was better than last week's chapter, at least. XD

  16. Are you a Naruto fan?

  17. Are you going to get TLR...?

  18. Are you reading any good manga or watching any interesting anime at the moment? I'm not really reading anything, and the anime that I'm rewatching is almost over (again :P). I'm trying to find something interesting...

  19. Are you talking about the first one? That was was always hard for me. Most people I know say that Giant Ursala is harder.

  20. As a response to your PM, Shinzo was an anime. :)

    I can't watch the video at the moment, because I'm at my grandparents' house. Their speakers aren't working. -.-

  21. As of now, I have a 2-hour delay tomorrow, too. It's supposed to snow 2-5 inches tonight, so I might not have school tomorrow, either...

  22. At first, I thought Battler was annoying. I like him better now, though. Ronove doesn't seem to do much, IMO... Virgilia is awesome, too. Have you finished Umineko yet?

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