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Status Updates posted by TheJake

  1. Just a few more days until the new xxxHolic chapter comes out! Maybe it will come out early again...

  2. I think that Madara will come and teleport Sasuke away. That's the only way Sasuke won't lose (that I can think of)...

  3. The new chapters were nice this week. :) I hope Psyren comes out soon...

  4. Hmm... What a coincidence... I just started reading it yesterday, actually! :D I'm about to start Chapter 2.

  5. The new chapters were pretty good this week. I wonder how anyone can defeat Aizen... Also, I can't wait to see Sasuke's Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan! :D

  6. Have you heard that to-LOVE-ru has ended?! That means the author of Black Cat (who illustrated t-L-r) might make Black Cat part 2 soon!

  7. I'm on the last Riku battle, now. You're right, he IS the hardest boss in the game. I am still trying to level up, so I can attempt to beat him. Well, I'm off*sigh*.

  8. I didn't even think about that... It would make sense, though.

  9. For once, I'm satisfied with both chapters! Bleach was really amazing this week. We can guess that Aizen isn't finished, though... Sakura vs Sai in Naruto will probably be good (unless it's interrupted). Hopefully, Sasuke gets to Konoha soon.

  10. Have you heard the horrible news?! xxxHolic is now a monthly manga! :(

  11. If it is available here, I haven't seen it... <.>

  12. I get what you mean. On another note, my Spring Break has started...and I'm already bored. :P

    P.S. Nice new pic! :)

  13. As a response to your PM, Shinzo was an anime. :)

    I can't watch the video at the moment, because I'm at my grandparents' house. Their speakers aren't working. -.-

  14. I loved this week's chapters! Isshin using Ichigo's move was pretty cool. In Naruto, Killer Bee and Naruto vs Nine-Tailed Fox should be interesting.

  15. Oh, and congrats on your Rukia keychain. ;)

  16. It's too late, now. I got KH 2 today...

  17. Nice av and sig! Aizen's one of my favorite Bleach characters.

  18. I've heard that the members from CoM are very hard. Why do you hate Roxas? He's my favorite Organization XIII member:)

  19. Do you read manga on OneManga.com?

  20. Yeah, I wonder what's happening... Too bad we have to wait an entire month for the answer. :/

  21. I've found 10-15 sites, already. They aren't as good as OM, though. Nothing will be. :(

  22. Leave Out All the Rest is one of my favorite Linkin Park songs!

  23. The flashback episode was amazing. I was holding my breath the entire time. XD

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