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Status Updates posted by TheJake

  1. Have you had any luck finding it? I haven't seen a thing...

  2. Have you had any luck finding Rou subbed, yet? I still can't find it. -.- Also, there are only 4 days left until an xxxHolic one-shot comes out! I wonder what it will be about...

  3. Have you heard about the new Pokemon Gold and Silver remakes? They're called HeartGold and SoulSilver. They are supposed to be released in 2010.

  4. Have you heard any news about the next xxxHolic chapter? It seems like it's been forever since the last one came out...*sigh*

  5. Have you heard Linkin Park's new song? It's called new divide, and you can listen to it on their website.

  6. Have you heard Linkin Parks new song, "New Divide"? You should listen to it... It is AWESOME!

  7. Have you heard of CLAMP's future work, "Mangettes"? Its art style is just like xxxHolic's.

  8. Have you heard that to-LOVE-ru has ended?! That means the author of Black Cat (who illustrated t-L-r) might make Black Cat part 2 soon!

  9. Have you heard that xxxHolic is ending in February? I'm actually kinda glad, though. The past few chapters have seemed pointless to me...

  10. Have you heard the horrible news?! xxxHolic is now a monthly manga! :(

  11. Have you heard the new opening for the Invasion of Pain arc? It isn't very good, IMO...

  12. Have you heard? The last two epsiodes of Madoka air on April 21st! :D

  13. Have you heard? xxxHolic is reaching its climax! :D BTW, have you had any luck with your parents, yet?

  14. Have you played KH Re: Chain of Memories? If so, whose story is more fun to play? I've heard that Riku's is...

  15. Have you read any Bleach or Naruto spoilers, yet?

  16. Have you read any spoilers, yet? Neither of the chapters seem very good this week...

  17. Have you read any spoilers, yet? The Bleach ones seem too strange to be true... On a different subject (Well, still manga :P), I just finished the manga "Chobits". It was really good. You should read it sometime. Now, I'm trying to read Black God, but I can't seem to get into it...

  18. Have you read chapter 212, yet? For the first time in awhile, I'm actually looking forward to the next chapter of xxxHolic! :D

  19. Have you read Naruto Chapter 446, yet? It's more interesting than some of the other recent chapters. BTW, Bleach is getting pretty good now. I'm around Chapter 40.

  20. Have you read Naruto or Bleach? They're really good...

  21. Have you read the new chapters, yet?

  22. Have you read the new chapters? Bleach wasn't very good (it never seems to be, anymore). I like Samehada's new look in Naruto. Also, have you heard that the author of Black Cat is publishing a new (monthly) manga in Feb.? I'm hoping for Black Cat 2. :)

  23. Have you read the new Tegami Bachi chapter?

  24. Have you read the new TRC chapter, yet?

  25. Have you read the new Tsubasa chapter? Too bad it was shorter than usual...

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