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Status Updates posted by TheJake

  1. You like Naruto, huh? Do you read the latest chapters online?

  2. Yeah, they weren't the greatest. Hopefully Gin's bankai can do more... Psyren was pretty good this week, though. :)

  3. Do you play Kingdom Hearts?

  4. Where have you been?! Now that that's out of the way, let's discuss chapters.... Tousen died too easily, IMO. The Sasuke vs Danzo fight looks promising, though...

  5. I'm not expecting a Black Cat 2 anymore, either...

  6. Okay, I was wrong...

  7. Actually, I rarely watch the anime for manga that I read. :'D (Although watching Naruto Part 1 made me want to read it.) The only exception is FMA Brotherhood (Have you ever read FMA?). The only time I watch it is when it's on television... The only thing that I know about it is that it's on the Invasion of Pain arc.

  8. Yeah, but it fits the OAD's plot...

  9. I just read the new Naruto chapter! It's pretty good...

  10. Magic helped a lot, though:)

  11. But the manga's so much better! :o

  12. Thanks! :) Wow, you joined after me, but you have way more posts than I do... I should start posting more...

  13. The existence of FWR has always confused me...

  14. Have you heard the new opening for the Invasion of Pain arc? It isn't very good, IMO...

  15. I tried to restore your stars. I was clicking for over five minutes, though.

  16. I must ask you... Where did you get those Bleach pics in your sig? Could you PM the answer to me if you remember?

  17. What do you mean by "upside-down"...? (You don't have to tell if you don't want to...)

  18. She had to turn them into Sakura cards in the manga. Anyway, have you ever watched Clamp in Wonderland?

  19. I'm here to tell you that your sig is too big. I don't want you to lose proto! :)

  20. Only one more day to go... :)

  21. Oh, what's your fav Evanescence song?

  22. You watch Higurashi, too?!

  23. Did you have a hard time with Angeal Penance? I died about 4 times... :P

  24. Hello... Welcome to BZPower!

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