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Status Updates posted by TheJake

  1. Have you read the new xxxHolic chapter, yet? I liked it, but it seemed kinda useless to me...

  2. Have you read the new xxxHolic chapter, yet? It wasn't as good as I expected it to be...

  3. Have you read the new xxxHolic chapter, yet. At least it was better than the last one.

    P.S. Have you ever listened to Amrita? It's from the TRC movie (I can't remember the movie's name :P).

  4. Have you read the newest Bleach chapter? I can't believe it's out already!!! Anyway, I cannot wait for the next chapter...

  5. Have you read the newest Psyren chapter?

  6. Have you read the newest xxxHolic chapter, yet? I'm glad it's longer, now. ^^ Also, I watched Rou. It wasn't as good as I thought it would be, but it was still interesting. :)

  7. Have you read the Secret Reports from BbS, yet? I posted them in the KH topic if you want to see them. They explain a lot.

  8. Have you seen that one--shot that Clamp is going to make? I can't wait for it to come out! :D

  9. Have you seen the bad news about OM? :(

  10. Have you seen the new Bleach opening? I like it, but it's not as good as the last one... Is it just me, or have the openings not been showing Ichigo very much? :P

  11. Have you seen the newest Transformers trailer?

  12. Have you seen this yet? Here's what I'm talking about: "In chapter 186 of xxxHOLiC, it's been announced that from this chapter, xxxHOLiC will now become xxxHOLiC・籠 -xxxHOLiC Rou- and it will narrate events 4 years after the story. ". I got it from tsubasa.wikia.com.

  13. Have you started Aqua's story, yet? Also, which character do you like to use the best? Just curious. :P

  14. Have you watched any of the Bleach movies?

  15. Have you watched any of the second season, yet? I'm waiting for the dub... Do you read the manga?

  16. Have your read the new xxxHolic chapter, yet? I liked it more than the last chapter.

  17. He's one of mine, too. ^_^ I'm playing CC right now.

  18. Hello, again. I looked behind me, and you weren't there:)

  19. Hello, again. So, you've changed your name, huh?

    P.S. Do you read the Naruto manga online? Just curious...

  20. Hello, I haven't left you a comment in a while.

  21. Hello, I haven't visited you in awhile...

  22. Hello, I haven't visited your page for a while...

  23. Hello, I saw that you graced my page... :P

  24. Hello, I saw that you visited. :)

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