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Shadow Destroyer

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Posts posted by Shadow Destroyer

  1. To put it simply, yes it is. To put it more complex, it is a dying platform as all forums are, but this is also one of the strongest fanbases, that uses forums, out there. I think it'll be many many years before the site dies off in it's entirety. We've still got life, new members, and what have you, but I think we could use a restructuring to make it more mainly lego themed, and make BIONICLE a sidebar.

    I'd say that's a good idea. Still have a bionicle forum on here, but re-brand the site to be more Lego-based. To be honest, a name and template change wouldn't be bad thing. The site is desperately in need of an overhaul.

  2. Hero Factory had a year or two of planning before it was launched, like every other theme.  In order to have a viable BIONICLE replacement LEGO would pretty much have had to start working on it immediately after launching BIONICLE.  Given the abrupt end, it also seems like it would be a bad move to try to build up another original franchise to replace one that had decent name recognition behind it.  Better to leverage a high-power brand like Star Wars for the moment and see if things will rebound.  Give it a year or two.


    Plus if there was a new theme screaming down the pike we'd have seen some teasers and hype announcements already.  Toy Fair isn't generally the place for major theme reveals.

    Totally would be down for bringing back Slizers.

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