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Blog Entries posted by -Absorba-

  1. -Absorba-
    Well, today was the annual Luau Day, so we basically had a Hawaiian-style day. There was a preformance, a pineapple thing for lunch in the cafeteria, and many other stuff. At around the end of the day, there was a party that occured. However, most of the kids in the school forgot to bring the extra $2 for the admission, and since my grandma wanted me to go there, I was then alone with only about 12 or 13 people. Plus, it was pretty cramped in the lunch room too, because all the round tables for there that was for lunch were never even moved, including the extra tables placed there for the snacks and drinks. I really hope my principal doesn't read this, but that was dumb because of the extra tables. The games were pretty lame too: Camera shots, a raffle, and other kind of stuff like that. HISSSSSSSSS. Why must my life outside of Bzpower be suckish?
  2. -Absorba-
    Only two extras today:
    6. Toa Vaxx for being a PGS in Absorbed Comics.
    7. Archon for being a PGS in Absorbed Comics.
    If anyone wants to be a PGS in greyscale, feel free, because 3 spots are open.
  3. -Absorba-
    Well, you see, in mid-October, my mom went to Canada for a buisness trip, but she's stuck there for immigration reasons. She's still stuck in there, and last month, my dad went there too, leaving me alone with my grandma. Well, now I have to go there. Anyways, I have to go there in 10 days. Sadly, I can't bring my dog to Vancouver, so I have to give him up. . Also, I can't ship anything to them. Anyways, life is pretty bad now.
  4. -Absorba-
    When I rate an MoC, I not only judje its design, but also by color. Here's what I find interesting:
    -Red goes well with yellow, orange, and if you want to make it volcanic, add a little grey. Gold is also good.
    -Blue goes good with "glass" or grey. Silver is a good exception of a metallic color.
    -Green and grey is a good combination. Gold may look okay on it as a metallic touch.
    -Black is good with white sometimes, for I like Yin-Yang colors. Gunmetal or Silver is good with it.
    -White is good with black (see above), and with Thok blue or "glass."
    -Brown works well with yellow or gold.
  5. -Absorba-
    Money money....MANEY! Whew, after taking care of all these dogs, I've finally gotten 67 bucks! Plus, an extra 3 from Chath for buying my parts. This is gonna be good. I now can afford the Kaxium!
  6. -Absorba-
    I have a feeling that my latest topic will become one of the 10 hot topics. That's kinda because the topic recieved about 25 posts in one day, and it's increasing. Plus, number one in the 10 hot topics only had 28 new posts in one day. Whopee. I could have my first topic in the list, and it could be #1.
  7. -Absorba-
    Well, my sister's birthday was today, yet it turned out to be a bust. Kinda. I accidentely woke up at 7 and couldn't fall asleep, so i was basically cranky most of the day. I upset her, even at the Cheesecake Factory. What's worse was is that I was really looking for sheet music based off of Castaway to play at the school concert tonight, and there wasn't any. I'm going there now, so this is going to be a problem. Anyways, might as well find this day to be just straight bad for me. I'm just glad she didn't get really annoying presents from my sister's friends, like a drum pad or anything really loud. Oh well. I guess a tattoo airbrush thing from crayola and a Nintendogs game won't be so loud.
  8. -Absorba-
    I call it...
    Warning, if you read this spoiler, you get some strange photo of matoran, along with the place it's from, and it's plot.

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Image from "Survivormatoran" 

    When a matoran named Jacky washes up onto a desert island with no memory of of how he ended up there, he finds only one refugee named Dermen there to assist him for his want of survival, rescue, and...just pure hilariousness.
  9. -Absorba-
    . Yesterday was so wierd. I got permission from the landlord's agent to let small dogs in, so I put up the posters around this dog park, and now, I'm in care of two chihuauas. The guys are going for a week or so, and we are going to be paid a lot of money. Woohoo! This is a way to make easy money in summer, for those of you who wanna try a summer job.
  10. -Absorba-
    Alright, call me an early starter for this, but I'm creating a Comic Award for the best that the comic industry can offer. If anyone wants to be nominated for these awards, post here! Here's how it works:
    1. Nomination
    The LOL awards are split into the following categories:
    -Best Comic Series
    -Best Artwork
    -Best Comic Movie
    -Best Author
    -Best Original Character (Personality)
    -Most Participative PGS/GS
    -Best Made-up character
    -Best Comic Kit
    -Best Comic Adaption (Comics based on pro work)
    -Best Comic Game
    To nominate yourself, just post your name and tell which category you want to be in. Deadline of nomination is at September 15.
    2. Judging
    Now, who will be the judges? Well, YOU WILL! I will be making voting topics in the Voting Booth section (links will be provided), and I shall close the votes at a later time when they start. Basically, you'll get the results at the end of the summer!
    3. The Prize
    The winners of each topic shall recieve the elusive GOLDEN LOL AWARD. I won't release the full image (for copyrighting reasons), but you can see it in my sig. Then, you can post it anywhere! In your blog, in your comic series, or, just print it out!
    So come on down to win your Golden LOL award!
    {Sig banners coming}
  11. -Absorba-
    Here are the nominees:
    -Best Comic Series
    Absorbed Studios V.2 (absorba62)
    -Best Comic Movie
    -Best Author
    BS01 Waffles
    -Best Original Character
    Piano Playing Shadak Imp (toaster1)
    Razi (Leskows)
    -Most Participative PGS/GS
    -Best Comic Kit
    Chimoru Omega
    Tricolor RZMIK
    Best Comic Series and Original Characters
  12. -Absorba-
    *whew.* What a day that was. First off, when we got to the airport, me, my sister, and my aunt help get us the boarding passes, but then we have to wait an hour just because my aunt assumed it was to early. So, she was then talking on the phone for an hour, my sister was playing Nintendogs, and I'm stuck doing nothing. It was absolute tourture, man. Sure, I could've pulled out my laptop and check my topics, but the battery shortened out right when I turned it on. When we finally get on the plane, my sister's weak stomach caused her to throw up all the time, even though the flight was only 2 hours, 30 minutes. Well, now we're in Canada. Woop-de-doo.
  13. -Absorba-
    Since Leskows was unable to make it, I tried it myself, and let me tell you, this was difficult. I'm sorry for it's so slow. On the Gif animator, this thing only took 30 seconds, but this is longer for some reason. Anyone know why?
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