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Blog Entries posted by ~Mat~

  1. ~Mat~
    And without further ado, I GIVE YOU THE RULE LIST!


    There is a Setup Time: I.E. No killing is allowed before this allotted time has expired.
    Setup Time is from Sunrise(Day 1) to Sunrise(Day 2)
    2 Person teams/alliances are allowed, though if it comes down to just them in the end, one must die. Private contact is allowed for alliances, heck, I encourage it.
    Any deaths occurring before this time is up, shall not count. It is advised you get a bed made so you don't have to wander around to find your place should you die before this.
    Any killing before this time is up, will render the attacker disqualified.
    You are not allowed to leave the confines of the glass dome whatsoever.
    Once you die by a player's hand, you're out. No If's, and's, or but's.
    No X-Ray Texture Packs or any unfair Modification. Optifine however, I will allow due to its Minecraft performance enhancing options.
    Nether Portals are NOT allowed.
    Any means of advanced healing(Potions, Golden Apples etc.) are allowed.
    The prize is bragging rights as the head honcho victor of this round of BZPcraft!
    And do pay mind to our host's server rules, as listed here.
    As always good luck to the competitors. MatoroIgnika, Cholie, AvohkahTamer, LaughinMan, Bambi, and Force_Unbleached.

  2. ~Mat~
    This competition is a loose CTM(Complete the Monument), style challenge. Death does not eliminate you in this challenge.
    This competition is team based, teams were previously announced.
    In this competition, the objective is to hunt down all ten pieces of wool and then bring them to the central Monument. They are spread across the map.
    You are only allowed to take one wool at a time, per person.
    When a wool is placed, it cannot be removed. It is there.
    When the monument is completed, the team to do so must say "Complete!" in Minecraft's in game chat.
    Though this is not completely oriented at being survival, you may still mine resources to better your chances at winning.
    Crafting anything that is possible within the rules, is allowed.
    Do not burn the bridges in between the spheres.(You'll understand tonight.;D)
    You may build anywhere within the confines of the Obsidian Wall.
    You may Not leave the confines of the Obsidian wall.
    You may not alter the monument in any way aside from placing the wool. This only counts from the floor and up though.
    You are allowed to stockpile at most, 5 wool of each color just in case you die or it gets stolen.
    Wool Domes are marked by Gold/Glowstone entrances, so, if you see one such entrance, the wool is DEFINITELY somewhere on or in that sphere.
    You may NOT team up with other teams.
    Do not, under ANY circumstances, craft a map. It causes an issue with the actual map file and it may possibly crash the server or kick you.
    There are tiny spheres outside of the main ones, these house higher value minerals such as diamond.
    You may not alter a team's starting dome.
    Have fun & Good Luck.
  3. ~Mat~
    So, as per usual, BZPc should be taking place on Saturday Night and 9 PM Central Standard Time.
    There are 3 slots left open. This shall be a team based Complete the Monument challenge.
    Avohkah Tamer
    Laughin' Man
    Electric Turahk

    2 of these people havent gotten back to me on whether they will play or not, so they are subject to being replaced should they not contact me beforehand. I shall contact all the people who get in after I close sign ups.
  4. ~Mat~
    And without further ado, I give you your teammates. : D

    MatoroIgnika - Laughin' Man
    Avohkah Tamer - Cholie
    Electric Turahk - Bambi
    Paragon - Force_Unbleached

    Well, thats it for now, I just forgot to put this up yesterday cause I was a bit busy IRL.
  5. ~Mat~

    1: BZPcraft #7 is a team based competition until the final four contestants remain, at this point any existing teams left will be dissolved.

    2: In BZPc #7, the objective is to be the last man standing, and any death aside from accidental ender pearl induced deaths, is final. Ender Peal “assists” (dying of Pearl “fall damage” while trying to escape a fight) count as a kill.

    3: Hostile mobs should be disabled for this challenge, so it should be safe to roam the map at night.

    4: Going to the Nether is not permitted.

    5: Altering the Map’s buildings is discouraged. Though you may destroy what you need so long as it does not conflict with rule #6.

    6: Taking mineral blocks such as solid Iron/Diamond/Gold blocks, is not allowed.

    7: There are a multitude of chests spread all across the map, many contain supplies and goodies, you may loot them, but if you come across one with multiple sets of the same items, you can only take one set. (E.G. In the arena, there are sets of weapons and armor. Only one set per person may be taken.) Don’t be a hoarder!

    8: You may not leave the confines of the Obsidian wall that surrounds the city.

    9: You may harvest the wheat fields around the city’s perimeter, but do not harvest more than one stack per person at any given time.

    10: Crafting is permitted with materials found in the chests mentioned above, and materials harvested from trees.

    11: No Camping (defined as hiding out in one spot for a long time waiting to ambush players). It makes the game boring, and you probably won't catch anybody that way anyways.

    PRIZE: Bit.Tip Beat

  6. ~Mat~
    So far there is no set date yet, but if everything goes according to plan, it should happen on the normal day, at the normal time. That is unless we need to hold it back for some reason.
    Toa Zehvor Blackout

  7. ~Mat~
    No leaving the confines of the glass wall.
    The Nether is allowed, but only one Portal per person.
    Alliances are allowed, though only 2 people per alliance, should players team up.
    Death is Final. Be careful out there!
    Dont just camp out in one spot.
    When the amount of remaining players drops to 3, alliances are dissolved.
    There is no Prize for this BZPc, I'm holding off on that again until #10.

  8. ~Mat~
    Electric Turahk
    Toa Onarax

    First come first server on this. #8 will be just a regular survival challenge as #'s 1, 4, & 5 were.
  9. ~Mat~
    This is intended for the following, as I forgot to make it a requirement in the sign up post.
    Ddude the Insane
    Electric Turahk
    Captain Marvel

    I need to know if all of you have/can use Hamachi(Unmanaged Version), for the server we'll be using, I'm seriously leaning toward this if I can figure out Port Forwarding/find a capable server to borrow for a few hours. lol
  10. ~Mat~
    It is time everyone! Tomorrow Night at 9:00PM Central Standard Time, "BZPcraft: Hardcore" will kick off.

    The Following is the list of our competitors, the other three who never answered my plea for Hamachi are out. You guys had your chance, Plain and Simple.

    Electric Turahk

    The Rules:

    Absolutely no alliances.

    No leaving the Obsidian arena until you die, in which you will be spawned outside of it.

    No X-Ray Texture Packs or any unfair Modification. Optifine however, I will allow due to its Minecraft performance enhancing options.

    Regeneration Potions and Golden Apples are not allowed.

    Instant health Potions ARE allowed, though only the Level One variant.

    When the amount competitors drops to 2, start heading toward the center of the arena, or a pre-determined co-ord so as to prevent aimless wandering.

    Once you die, you're out. No If's, and's, or but's.

    There is/will be one overall grand prize. It shall be elaborated upon at the end of this post.

    You are allowed 0 contact after the game starts, with the other competitors until the point in which you die.
    No Camping out, you must stay active.

    The Grand Prize:


    BEEP by Big Fat Alien


    This game is available through Steam, and I will gift it to the winner through said platform after the game concludes.




    To the competitors, I will be PMing/IMing you the Hamachi Network Information shortly.

    I'll thank you to join promptly so we can do a proper stress test of my server either later tonight, or sometime tomorrow.




    With all that being said, I have only this to say.


    Good Luck to everyone, and happy hunting!

  11. ~Mat~
    Okay so, about the server, If everyone can use Hamachi(Unmanaged), then we can get this ball rolling right quick. If you guys cant, we have a problem.
    I know the following can use it.
    Electric Turahk

    ​So far that's just over half of us, I'd really appreciate it if everyone can download it and use it for this, for those new to it I'd suggest Googling for a tutorial on how it works, or I can post a tutorial myself. We only need the other Half to make use of it, and if all goes right, we may just be able to play this coming weekend. The map is nearly done according to my mapmaker. :3
    Just as well, Im hoping to host this either Saturday or Sunday, what would be the best time for everyone, Central standard time wise?
  12. ~Mat~
    Here you sign up for "BZPcraft: Hardcore". The Rules and further details are coming, we just need the players who will be partaking for the map setup. So, if you wish to join, please comment here, and then PM me your Minecraft name.
    There is only ONE requirement, that you have a Steam account. Though if you don't have one and happen to win, you can create one for free, regardless. :3
    The following names are those of the BZPer's taking part in the challenge.
    Ddude the Insane
    Electric Turahk
    Captain Marvel

  13. ~Mat~
    I'm kinda hoping we can have this go down this weekend, I need to know though, if this is good for everyone else. I'm aiming particularly for Saturday, or Sunday, preferably the latter. What time would be the best for everyone, I'm aiming for around 9PM CST with this.
    Is this good for everyone else?
    Just as well, If I cant get confirmation that the final three who haven't given the affirmation that they can use Hamachi for this, come Saturday night, if you haven't said anything about it, You're out. Take it or leave it.
  14. ~Mat~
    All is coming allong along, though I still need confirmation that all of us will be able to use Hamachi(Unmanaged). Google it if you haven't heard of it.
    I'll go into more stuff later, I just wanted to get that question off before I left for my evening class at college.
    Later you goonies, MY PLANET NEEDS ME!

  15. ~Mat~

    Attention all BZPers, I will be making a 2011 BZPower calender, but I need one crucial thing!


    Thats where my fellow members come in. :3
    Nominate your art here, and/or maybe a friends, with their consent of course. It would be really cool if it could be seasonal too, but that's not a rule.

    Only rule is it Has to be Bionicle or BZP related, Hero Factory is not allowed.

    You are allowed to enter up to three separate pieces.

    There will be three categories, 1st half of the year, 2nd half, and Cover. I will hand pick two pieces currently, or recently in the General Art Forum.

    The Top 5 winners from the half will be on the month of my choosing, whereas the top winner will be the cover piece. I will overlay the winners username into the corner of their piece. Also, I would prefer either Digitally drawn, or traditional art though MoCs will be accepted at the hosts discretion, in simpler terms, if I get too many newbie MoC entries, then MoC's are out.

    I would prefer at least 24 entries before 11:59 PM on January 23rd, 2011.
    It can have be published Prior to this entry, so enter in the comments section of this post.

    Entrant List:Ballom - 1 Danwojo913 - 1|2 Fearlix - 1|2 Waffles - 1 ~MatoroIgnika~ - 1|2 Lord Oblivion - 1 Onewa7 - 1|2 Chunky - 1|2 Xon - 1|2 Brave Dragon - 1|2 Phyroohrii - 1 The Clue - 1 TakuaTheAvrahk - 1 DoctorDoom - 1 Sisen - 1 Steel Samurai - 1 Nukaya - 1|2|3 Say what you will, Im using two of mine as filler.
  16. ~Mat~
    I set one up with Hamachi & Bukkit. :B
    Built a Spawn Area...
    Would you guys even be interested in playing on this even though it uses Hamachi? I tried Port Forwarding, I could NOT get it to work, so that option is a no go.
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