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Maphrox: Toa of Polygons

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Posts posted by Maphrox: Toa of Polygons



    As promised, the fixed version is now published. Click the link to check it out! Pictures of the real thing will follow up soon, so stay tuned for that.



    Ayoo, 3D experienced person here, you definitely want to make sure your model's manifold, as in no open edges, no double edges, no weird stuff like that. Depending on the program you're using, there should be an automatic check for it, but what you're looking for is basically any edge that isn't connected to exactly two polygons, those are the ones that cause trouble.


    Oh, and also self-intersecting geometry makes printer programs hate you

    Yeah that's literally the basic procedure with printable models for me xP Aside from the auto-checker, I always check everything manually to make sure everything's in order. I've found that 99% of the time merging and welding down everything that's too close together does the trick. As far as this model goes, it appears that Shapeways didn't register the boolean holes properly for whatever reason, so I just re-did them and everything was fixed. It's weird how it doesn't register some aspects of the model at times though, even if the edited version has no difference in the affected area.

    Sounds to me like a problem with exporting the model, are you exporting to .stl or using the program's native format?


    Neither, I use the .obj format. I also regularly check the .obj files in a 3D-printer/viewer program to make sure they're properly exported. So far I've only encountered this error with Shapeways


    Well, then that's really odd. Perhaps worth reporting to the shapeways team?

  2. As promised, the fixed version is now published. Click the link to check it out! Pictures of the real thing will follow up soon, so stay tuned for that.



    Ayoo, 3D experienced person here, you definitely want to make sure your model's manifold, as in no open edges, no double edges, no weird stuff like that. Depending on the program you're using, there should be an automatic check for it, but what you're looking for is basically any edge that isn't connected to exactly two polygons, those are the ones that cause trouble.


    Oh, and also self-intersecting geometry makes printer programs hate you

    Yeah that's literally the basic procedure with printable models for me xP Aside from the auto-checker, I always check everything manually to make sure everything's in order. I've found that 99% of the time merging and welding down everything that's too close together does the trick. As far as this model goes, it appears that Shapeways didn't register the boolean holes properly for whatever reason, so I just re-did them and everything was fixed. It's weird how it doesn't register some aspects of the model at times though, even if the edited version has no difference in the affected area.

    Sounds to me like a problem with exporting the model, are you exporting to .stl or using the program's native format?

  3. Ayoo, 3D experienced person here, you definitely want to make sure your model's manifold, as in no open edges, no double edges, no weird stuff like that. Depending on the program you're using, there should be an automatic check for it, but what you're looking for is basically any edge that isn't connected to exactly two polygons, those are the ones that cause trouble.


    Oh, and also self-intersecting geometry makes printer programs hate you

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