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About Kirkimus

  • Birthday 11/10/1984

Profile Information

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  • Location
    A comfortable viewing distance somewhere beyond the Red Star
  • Interests
    Many have called me a chronicler, of sorts, but more accurately I am a Teller of Stories.<br />Over the years I have observed numerous worlds, and each of those worlds features their own myriad of alterations and variants, and I study them all. <br />Heroes, monsters, magics and tools, their tales are the foundation of my understanding of the world. As a great storyteller once said, "When people told themselves their past with stories, explained their present with stories, foretold the future with stories, the best place by the fire was kept for the storyteller."<br />And my place is very comfortable. <br />Sadly, in my universe, stories are told, changed and forgotten too quickly and far too often. Today, we still know the mythologies of cultures long dead, but we are conditioned to throw away the legends we discover in our youth. I have dedicated a great deal of my time to preserving these tales as best as I can.<br />To that end, I have cast my gaze out into the mulitverse and continue to watch as the stories take on a life all their own.<br />______________________<br /><br />And Now Back to Your Reality Already in Progress!<br /><br />Seriously, I LOVE stories, myths, legends, what have you.<br />I like to consider myself a well of information regarding all things fictional. I am also an avid toy collector, lining my walls with the fruits of my many years of searching (it may be note worthy that I ONLY collect toys that have an interesting story behind them).<br /><br />I also enjoy a wide variety of hobbies including (in no particular order) cooking, drawing, writing, music, video games, and of course, the Holy Grail of Nerdom, D&D.<br /><br />I attened WKU and studied Literature and Theatre (still finishing up) and am currently employed as an insurance agent.

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