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Master Distraction

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Posts posted by Master Distraction

  1. Wait what? I found this while mining in Minecraft. That's weir- Wait a minute. Who buried my comic series?! It's not...totally...dead. *glances at time of last post* Never mind. :wacko:


    Fishes bodies are always good to find especially when you get stabed.
    Forty-two? I think? Can someone verify this for me?So I currently have no new comic, however, I did some maintenance to comics two, three, four, and five. Here's the change log.


    Comic Two

    • Added two panels to make the comic make more sense in comparison to others.
    • Adjusted some out of place pixels around the border of one panel.

    Comic Three

    • Made a joke easier for everyone to get.

    Comic Four

    • Added more emotion to Utah's face.

    Comic Five

    • Revamped the dialogue throughout the comic to fix a few grammar and spelling errors and convey the information better.
    • Adjusted a few misplaced panels.
    • The title has been changed.

    So yeah, the next comic is in the works and should hopefully be up soon. In the meantime you all could go look at the monstrosity of a comic that Utah, Garda, and I created. If you die of confusion don’t feel left out, we don’t understand it either.-DONT PANIC

  2. So yeah, I took time out of my busy scedule of adding arrows to the skulls of others to make an actual comic.-DONT PANIC

    Oh. This'll be awesome. ^.^

    TV Studio.. Awezum.

    Yeah, studios are fun.

    The sight of Joland with a taco made me chuckle, for some reason.

    Might be because it's Joland. And he's all Joland and stuff.

    The sight of Joland with a taco made me chuckle, for some reason.

    This shouldn't surprise you, Darc. XDGreat comic, Decei. Looks like we're getting a setting for the series. Although....do I have no arms in those last panels? o-o-Utah
    Thank you, and yes you have no arms. I ate them.

    Nope, he shot those off too. :PThis should be good.

    Then I ate them. And yes it should.No new comic today. I've been focusing all effort into my Christmas comic, it will take place after the studio has been aquired. While it won't be an actual episode in the series, it will be set in the studio.Until that comic is released, you all should go buy and play Portal, if you already have done both and beat it you should do the same with Portal 2. If you already have with Portal 2 as well, do it again.-DONT PANIC
  3. Okay, time for me to go on a rampage, since I haven't posted once. I'll try to be concise.Utah - I felt bad for Joland at the begining, but by the end I figured he'd be fine. He seemed to be coping nicely.Atomic 009 - It interests me greatly how a situation like that would come about. I've experienced similar things... *reflects past events with terror*Piraka~Mistika - You have created a nicely thought out set of lyrics for a song imbeded into my cerebral cortex. Thank you for giving me a remix.Chath - First things first, I don't think I've ever sen a comic that can be read in any order like that. If only I had read the subtitle before reading the comic.King Joe - I would concider getting a snow shovel, or a bulldozer. It might make finding the the cement slightly easyier. You might want a fireplace too.Shadonix - I would move my studio to London, it's all better and British.Tapika - I like the art in that comic, I also like that you seemed to continue with your story rather than making a designated Christmas comic. To tell the truth, I haven't read the whole thing yet. It has a lot of text.Dr. Giggles - The ending confused me a bit with the whole, "Time to wrap the presents and put them under the tree." to the presents instantly being wrapped and under the tree.Pirok The Va-Matoran - Hmm, do you happen to have an Audry II somwhere as well?LNU - I wish Pinkie Pie would throw me a party. Maybe I waould actually go. Also, where could I get one of those Mysterious Mare Do Well Action Figures?Makuta of Comedy - Let's see, Kahi is trapped in a basement. Bio is Santa and the Easter Bunny. And there is one less dollar store in the world. Makes perfect sence.Reznas - I wouldn't imagine Kahi being a cheap lawyer. I see him more as the blood-sucking lawyer who works for people with large Swiss bank accounts. (No offence Kahi.)Vataki - How dare you pass up a perfectly good opertunity to sleep! Frankly I am offended... And now I don't care. As long as I wasn't woke up. Things would have gotten ugly if I had.Absorba - That made me think of a silent movie and one of Spongebob's snow specials. Silent movies... Makes me think of a Supertramp song.Eljay: Toa of Mangosteen - I haven't seen that movie on this year... Usually it's on seven times in within the first week of December. Your lyrics were very well put. It worked and flowed for the song.WVUFan - I'm not sue who I felt worse for, Utah had an expression that made his line seem so sad but you kind of died. Oh well. As long as I don't have to go to the funeral.Justax-Kal - I was very happy to see a long comic fromyou for that series, I should probably post in it too. The Doctor Who referance made the comic so much better. Good thing it wasn't a Dalek attacking Santa...Sorry to anyone who didn't like my comment, or thought that I only commented on a small part of the comic. I thought I should keep this relitively short if I was going to be respnding to almost everyone at once.Nice work everyone, especially Kahi. I love the actual calendar itself. I look forward to seeing the remaining seven comics.-DONT PANIC

  4. I approve of entrance.I couldn't help but notice I was using an iron pickaxe. While I wouldn't have pictured myself with only iron it's growing on me.Then there's always that creeper... “That’sssSsssSSss a very nice head you have there. It would be a sssSSSsshame if something were to happen to it.”Overall, awesome comic. For some reason I love espionage and the likes.Let the references begin…Also, was that giraffe giving birth to an elephant?-DONT PANIC

  5. You really need to have somebody build robotic zombies.When killed, they can be rebuilt. And they don't even feel pain! .... Unless you program them to. :P

    It doesn't matter what kind of zombie it is. If you can rebuild it, you're killing it wrong.I can't wait for all those ideas that were spawned the other day to be implimented in these comics.They will make this series about 20% cooler. -DONT PANIC
  6. So ... how do you live in a buried house?

    He doesn't live in a buried house.He lived in what is currently a buried house.
    That's kind of what I was asking. How does he get to a buried house, and then how does he expect to live in it? :P
    I refer you to the library from Avatar: The Last Airbender.That, and Minecraft. Most of my houses are underground in Minecraft. I would totally be found living in a house underground. If it was built there of buried wouldn't matter to me. -DONT PANIC
  7. And Garda gets an arrow through the skull.Funniest comic/whatever yet. ^_^

    Arrows and skulls are one of the few things I'm good at in TF2.

    @Garda: there seems to be a wooden projectile in your head.@DTM: good start on the series :evilgrin:

    Thank you, and you can call me "Decei".

    How many times have you done that to me, I wonder? ;_;-Utah

    A lot. ^_^

    Color-blind joke. Well done.

    Yeah, Utah said I could use it. So use it I will!So yeah, I took time out of my busy scedule of adding arrows to the skulls of others to make an actual comic.-DONT PANIC
  8. I'm liking the story here. Fairly intrinsic. I like that.Just one complaint: You split the text up around characters in weird ways that makes it difficult to read. I really read that one panel as: "Hmm, point. But importantly a point. Zombies can't make points."And it's spelled "Definition". :PKeep up the good work! </overusedcliche>

    Thank you for the kind words friend.Yeah, I knew the text was weird. I could have made it worse though.And thank you. I was worried that without Alena I wouldn't have anyone correcting my grammar.

    Well.. That's an interesting name for the planet.. I guess someone could always ask the ancient old question. "Why are we here..?"

    It's one of life's great mysteries, isn't it? Why are we here? I mean, are we the product of some...cosmic coincidence? Or is there really a God, watching everything, you know, with a plan for us and stuff. I don't know man, but it keeps me up at night.

    Hm. It seems like me and Joland are going to be showing up quite frequently in these comics. And so shall our color-blindness. XDThe only thing I had an issue with in that comic, is that when Utah kind of "screams." He doesn't show emotion.But I still loved it. ^~^-Utah

    Emoitions aren't really my thing. Of course, some people concider emotions a form of weakness and you may not have wanted too show any weakness to the undying creature.That and you weren't really "screaming".Due to me being me, I've ment to make a comic and managed to procrastinate doing other things such as this.I'll see what I can do about making a new comic withing the next twenty days.-DONT PANIC
  9. Hmm, people in your head. I would know a thing or two about that wouldn't I.Yes you would.Oh, hello Ego.Hello you goldfish spawn.I forgot how pleasant talking to you was.You forget a lot of things.Now I remember why I don't let you post, I'd be banned for flaming myself.Also Utah, Joland gets the couch and you get the floor. Don't you have a bed in your room?-DONT PANIC

  10. Play Team Fortress 2 at Board Meeting, elevate boredom. Totally worth it.Jeez, your graphics seem to be getting better and better. Anyone else agree?I can’t wait to see how to top yourself graphically.-DONT PANIC

  11. Cake? Portal has taught me not to trust anything related to cake. BUT I SHALL CLICK IT ANYWAY!*reads comic*For anyone who is confused, both Joland and I are colorblind. :P-Utah

    The idea of the link was to get the response "The cake is a lie." Since the comic had nothing to do with cake. And, ya. I probably should have mentioned that.

    the mentioning of cake is a lie!!!Now knowing that Utah and Joland are colorblind makes it that much more hilarious. And you would put bacon on pancakes Utah?

    I may not be Utah, but I would totally put bacon on pancakes.

    What's wrong with purple?

    Cause purple is my favorite DRINK!!
    That seems unrelated.

    Just caught up. You died pretty quick. And we all wish we were as cool as Captain Jack. And you know, the whole not-dying thing is boss too.J-K out.

    Both Captain Jacks are awesome, and ya, not dieing is pretty cool.

    It reminds me of when they finally killed off Will Smith in that zombie movie. :P

    Was that the one with the zombies? Ah, as my series' tend to do this slowly faded without a new comic.So I shall remedy that!-DONT PANIC
  12. Never ever trust someone who says " A fresh body! Just what I need." EVER!!

    Ya, those people don't tend to be good influences.

    Never ever trust someone who says " A fresh body! Just what I need." EVER!!

    This is very true. Also, good comics, looking forward to seeing more.
    Thank you, looking forward to making more.

    Ya know, Decei. If you come back to life. Well. You know where I'm going with this. :PJOLAND, FRESH MEAT!*runs off*-Utah

    Ya, but you know I'm your worst nightmare. Being completely unkillable and all.

    Never ever trust someone who says " A fresh body! Just what I need." EVER!!

    Especially if they're text is colored purple.
    What's wrong with purple?

    So, who is this purple-text guy? Herbert West?


    Decei.. As wonderful as always.. I love your graphic style.

    Glowing text seems to be your quirk.(If that's used correctly.)

    About time you posted. Also; Quirk - a peculiarity of action, behavior, or personality; mannerism: He is full of strange quirks. You tell me if that's what you were looking for.

    Thank you everyone! This is more posts than I tend to get after five comics in my older series'. So, everyone who posted now get's a prize!

    Here's some cake.-DONT PANIC

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