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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Mesonak

  1. Mesonak
    Well, to the fans of my stories, you will be pleased with this. I am currently working on a lot of stories. And I mean a LOT of stories. They are listed below.

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Short Story Work In Progresses. 

    Meso VS. Smith! 
    Bring me to Life.
    Never Too Late.
    Let it Die.
    Face Me.
    Creeping In My Soul.
    Breaking the Habit.
    Valentines Day.
    Time of Dying.

    Epic Work In Progresses. 

    The Dawn of Darkness- A complete Revamp of my first Epic. 
    Divided We Fall, United We Conquer.
    Sunrise, Sunset.
    The Six Legions of the Multiverse.

    Comedy Work in Progresses. 

    Ask Mesonak-A New Chapter. 
    The Adventures of Kala.
    Most of these are just ideas, and some might not make it into real stories, but who knows...I am an idea person. Hopefully this will be something to wet your whistle.
  2. Mesonak
    My local Big Lots and Kmart have all the Barraki, Toa Mahri, Mistika, and Phantoka in the stores. They also have the respective titans from each year. They've had them for months, I just forgot to blog about it. Thoughts?
  3. Mesonak
    Now that I'm free, I can oipenly express my feelings on this matter.
    The Vahki fad was started by Terakk, as a hopes of creating something fun, and something that would become popular.
    He came up with a backstory, and a goal of "Taking over BZPower." To make it more real.
    People started to assume, and judge.
    They were stupid enough to think that a small group of members could take over BZPower. But, we didn't stop to explain it to them, and kept acting the part.
    So people continued to get mad. The fad grew, became more popular, and became more hated. We continued to have fun.
    But then, several members began to flame us. They were still under the absurd notion that we were being serious.
    It is ironic that they could not take a joke, considering that they were some of the most comedic members on BZPower.
    I will not refrenece any names, because you all know who you are.
    We took the wrong course of action, and flamed them in return, having some members go under the anonymous list and spy on them.
    That was wrong, and did not help the situation. It only enflamed tempers.
    We felt like we had done nothing wrong. We were only having fun, and felt that people were unfairly judging.
    It grew so much that the staff had to get involved, and had to cool tempers.
    By this time, it was not fun anymore, and most Vahki dropped out. I was one of them.
    However, I continued to observe.
    Terakk decided to start the fad anew, under the title of "Bohrok."
    This was a failure. Nobody joined, and Terakk himself declared the fad over.
    Krana Kongu, the last of the Bohrok, continued to try to re-start the fad.
    However, he eventually had to stop it, due to nobody joining.
    But then, the unthinkable happened.
    He re-started the Vahki fad.
    I thought "Why Not? Things might turn out differently."
    I was very wrong.
    There is no need for me to list everything here. Just check Krana Kongu's blog for info.
    But once again, the staff had to get involved.
    So, here I am again, an Ex-Vahki.
    However, I am not sad.
    I met many new friends by participating in this fad, namely MT, Levacius, and Orin of the Winter.
    But, I still feel that the blame does not lie with us, but with the members who could not take a joke.
    Krana Kongu may have gotten a little extreme, but none of it was serious.
    I just needed to get that off my chest.
    Fore score and seven years ago, I was a newbie who sometimes did stupid things. Namely, I got into a friendly argument with the leader of the raptor fad, Phovos, about if Raptors or Toa are more powerful.
    It was a joke. To further it, we made a commedy about the fight (err, he did). Then, some of the "raptors" attacked me via post. My friends, including MT, stood up for me. One of them (who isn't mine now), Tarakavaseargent, took it too far.
    In the end, I backed out and the flaming between them was stopped when Phovos closed the topic by requesting it to a moderator.
    Later, the "Vahki" fad arose. It started as the joke that we would "spy" on the Vahki, and we began to report. Unaware I was to the fact that in the Vahki HQ, TS had decided to start flaming. Vahki went after him, and MT, who had only been joking at first with the Vahki, protected TS.
    Then I came along. After a deal of threats, I finally got the Vahki and MT to stop, and ended up meeting Mesonak up above.
    So we had peace. Then the Bohrok came. MT made a small joke "Bohrok Report" in his blog. Later, KK started a new Vahki fad, and we did a "Vahki Report". Then it went to war again.
    How will it end? I don't know.
  4. Mesonak
    Or rather an old one.
    I think I'll be sticking with this one for a while.
    I've grown rather attached to the Comic Sans MS font though, so I think I'll be keeping it.
  5. Mesonak
    Pokemon Black and Pokemon White.

    Literally JUST announced. =D

    Names are a little bit uninventive, but it still looks great. =D
    These games will be released in Japan in the Fall of 2010, and will be for the Nintendo DS.

  6. Mesonak
    Afl Match: Levacius Vs. Takanuva Stars.
    The Zone of Shadows
    Mesonak climbed the spiral staircase leading up to his podium. "Let the games begin." he thought to himself.
    He entered the podium to roaring applause from the spectators, assembled Matoran, Elementals, and Toa gathered to witness the upcoming battle.
    He looked to his right, and saw MT Zehvor sitting down. "Hey MT." he said.
    MT nodded. "Hey Meso. Odd that I beat you to your own Arena."
    Mesonak rolled his eyes. "Oh yeah, what an accomplishment."
    Mesonak cleared his throat, and spoke. "Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the Zone of Shadows! Presenting, Toa Levacius Zehvor and Toa Takanuva!"
    Two gates on opposite sides of the arena opened, and Levacius and Takanuva stepped out.
    Levacius smirked. "I'm fighting a midget? This should be fun.
    Takanuva looked stricken. "No one treats the Toa of Light that way! You just bought yourself a pounding, stranger."
    "I'm not a stranger," muttered Levacius. "I'm your WORST NIGHTMARE." Levacius ran forward slamming into Takanuva and knocking him back into a wall.
    In the stands, Mesonak couldn't help but grin. "Worst Nightmare? Seriously? That's fail. And cliche."
    MT seemed uninterested in what Mesonak had to say; He was too busy watching the fight. "It's better than that rant you made about you being the "Lord of death" or whatever."
    "...Shut up."
    Takanuva pushed himself off of the wall, drawing his Staffs of light. He hurled one at Levacius, who ducked, barely missing the speeding projectile. The staff embedded itself in the Northwest wall of the arena, causing a spiderweb of cracks to appear from the staff's tip.
    Levacius drew his sword and shield, and ran forward to meet Takanuva. He tried a slash with his blade, but it was parried by Takanuva's remaining staff. Takanuva tried to knock Levacius's sword out of his hand, but his staff was blocked by the shield. Takanuva leaped up, landing on top of the shield. He jumped, and began running toward his other staff.
    Levacius unleashed several lightning blasts, which followed Takanuva. Takanuva reached for his staff, pulled it out of the wall, spun around, and formed an "X" with his staffs, blocking the lightning. He charged, as did Levacius.
    In the stands, Mesonak was growing bored. He decided to kick things up a notch. He pressed a concealed button beneath his chair, which caused several Death Elementals to appear from the Eastern part of the arena.
    "Now we'll get to see something interesting, other than these two people clashing swords..."
    MT looked over toward Mesonak. "What?"
    "Oh nothing, nothing..."
    Levacius was the first to notice them: Purple smoke demons waving ebony scimitars, riding on skeletal horses and bellowing a fierce battle cry. Takanuva ran forward to meet them, but was tripped by Levacius.
    "Whoops." he chuckled, grabbing Takanuva's staffs. He hurled them at two of the elementals, striking them in the head and causing their essence to dissapear.
    "Awesome plan, genius." grimaced Takanuva, standing up. "Now I have no weapons, and you took down a grand total of two. Ah well. I don't need weapons." Takanuva closed his eyes, and shot a pinpoint beam of light toward the elementals. He swept it across the arena, taking out every single Death Elemental. He cut off the light with a snap of his fingers.
    An awkward silence followed.
    It was broken by applause from a random Matoran in the crowd. More applause followed, until the audience was roaring and clapping with renewed ferocity.
    "Hey! HEY!" screamed Mesonak. "Isn't there supposed to be a fight going on here?"
    "Oh. Right. Sorry." Mumbled Takanuva, who proceeded to attempt to stab Levacius in the back. But Levacius fipped around, catching his staffs in between his blade and shield. He pulled, and Takanuva's weapons went soaring to the Northwest wall. They struck, causing the wall to shatter. Water poured in, causing several screams to come from the crowd.
    Mesonak was pretty upset that Takanuva had taken care of his elementals so easily. He was just about to come up with something else to sabotage the battle when the wall shattered and the arena began to flood. He groaned. "Note to self," he muttered. "Don't host fights in the Arena on a rainy night anymore; It always floods."
    Takanuva backflipped, dodging Levacius's swipe, and landed straight on a large tidal wave which cascaded into the arena. He rode the wave for a short time, before leaping off and striking Levacius in the face. Then the wave consumed them both.
    Levacius immediately held his breath, trying to formulate a plan. Takanuva was shocked, and was trying to regain his bearings and swim upwards. Then, an idea struck him. He released a gentle bolt of electricity, not powerful enough to kill, but enough to knock someone out. Conducted by the water, it hit Takanuva, who began to convulse before unconsciousness claimed him. Levacius grabbed him, and began to swim upwards.
    When he broke through the surface of the water, he was grabbed by Mesonak, who pulled him up onto a raft. Takanuva was hoisted into the stands by several Death Elementals.
    Mesonak punched Levacius in the face. "Don't EVER do that to my arena again."
    Levacius smirked. "Now now Mesonak, no need to get violent."
    Mesonak groaned, sprouting his wings and flying into the stands. Levacius followed suit.
    MT was there in a flash. "Nice one, Lev. Congrats on your victory. You nearly gave Mesonak a heart attack when the water came in."
    Mesonak gritted his teeth. "It already happened once; Do you know how much work it takes to clean this place? Sure, it's easy to stop the flood," said Mesonak, gesturing toward the large hole which was being patched up by threads of shadow. "But not so much cleaning up the arena itself. If we're going to host more fights in the Zone of Shadows, they'll have to be postponed."
    MT shook his head. "No can do, Mesonak. You'll need to find a way."
    Mesonak groaned. "We would have to host the next fight somewhere else; And this is the only structure big enough in the Zone of Shadows."
    MT tilted his head to one side. "You're smart; Figure something out. In the mean time, let's congratulate Lev."
    "Okay." said Mesonak, leading Levacius onto the winner's pedestal. "Ladies and Gentlemen," yelled Mesonak, through the tumult of applause. "I present to you Toa Levacius Zehvor, winner of this match!"
    A while later, after the victory party, Mesonak, Levacius, and MT walked out onto the balcony overlooking the lake. MT turned toward Mesonak."Well, that was epic. Got any ideas of where you'll host the next fight?"
    "Actually, yes. It's a place outside of the Zone of Shadows, yet a place that is within my realm. It's a most intriguing location."
    Levacius appeared interested. "And what, pray tell, is this place called?"
    Mesonak grinned. "It's a place you should know quite well, Levacius. You as well, MT, but to a lesser extent."
    MT groaned. "Spit it out already, Meso."
    Mesonak settled for three words. "The Ruby Citadel."
  7. Mesonak
    iBZP, Independent BIONICLE Zone Pocast, has fallen.
    From its ashes, a new podcast rises....
    The Three Virtues, BIONICLE and Hero Factory podcast.
    And the best part is...
    I'm main host.
    Bets on how long my cast will survive before I drive them into the ground?
  8. Mesonak
    has the bzp server been spazzing out for you guys all day today aswell?
  9. Mesonak
    This is the best night ever.
    Just got back from Homecoming about two hours ago; I went with my girlfriend, Allie, and we had a great time.
    This is one of the reasons I love my school: There's a neverending supply of drama. Stupid drama too, like the stuff you see on bad TV shows; hilarious stuff though. She and I were running from place to place for most of the dance. See, she moved a few days ago (only a mile though lol) and she's missed out on a lot of things.
    I said hey to one of her friends who lives near me, and she runs up and hugs me. Allie got mad at her, so another 30 minutes were spent with Allie and her arguing. What're you gonna do?
    Then, we danced for a while. We were in the middle of slowdancing, it was the perfect setting, then suddenly some bad rap song comes on.
    Worst way to ruin a mood.
    After that, bought some stuff for Allie and her friends and we chilled and listened to music. Was fun.
    After that, we danced some more, the drama levels started to subside, and it all went smoothly from there. When we left, we found it was snowing.
    Snow. In southern Mississippi. The last time that happened was almost 13 years ago. It's still snowing now.
    As you can all see, I've had a great night. And she's coming back over tommorow and we'll hang out.
    Life is good.
    -A very happy (and tired) Mesonak
  10. Mesonak
    I won the giveaway.
    That's a nice surprise. ._.
    Glad to know it isn't rigged against members named Mesonak/HIGHlY SuSPecT.
  11. Mesonak
    For those precious few who visit this blog:
    I'll be taking a leave of absence from BZP. Need to... Re-assess my priorities. Get my life straight.
    Don't expect me to respond to PMs, reply to comments, anything. I may, on occasion, find the time to post in a topic or two. Only thing I'll be doing is recording the weekly episodes of TTV. Therefore, if you want to contact me, do so between 4:00-5:00 central time on Sundays. I'll be on Skype then.
    Wish you all the best,
    EDIT: Appears this was a false alarm; For the moment, I remain.
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