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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Mesonak

  1. Mesonak
    Mesonak-Kendan Leader-4 Votes.
    -Mesonak-.-2 votes.
    Mesonak.-2 votes.
    Mesonak-Shadow Incarnate.-3 votes.
    Any other Mesonak with any other random symbols that you may suggest.
  2. Mesonak
    This is an awesome day.
    First, and most awesome, TRIDUMST IS NOT LEAVING BZP! He told me he has decided not to. PARTAY OVER HEAAAAAR
    Secondly, I became OBZPC today. YAYZ FOR ME
    Thirdly, have any of you tried the new KFC Grilled Chicken? I swear, it is awesome.
    Fourth, my comics are coming along well. Almost done with the first comic.
  3. Mesonak
    Rahkshiking walked into The Realm of Shadows, searching for a second win. He was hoping to put some space in between him and his division rivals. He had already beaten Brenmac, and Sonu was now 0-2, so beating Calypso would definitely make him the class of the division for now.
    Rahshiking was having trouble seeing, the area was pretty dark in itself. He exited through a tunnel and came out into a dimly lit arena. Torches covered the arena, but instead of Flames, black smoke rose up from them. Calypso was on the other side, apparently trying to adjust to the light (or lack of).
    After a few minutes, things started getting awkward. No one was there, so Rahkshiking fired off a blast of electricity, hoping it would connect. Calypso dodged, and, guessing that the fight was now on, ran towards Rahkshiking, weapon drawn.
    Rahkshiking fired off a few more blasts, but Calypso, who today had gained the power of ice, froze them all. He then aimed his own sword and attempted to freeze Rahkshiking. The Rahkshi used his power over ice resistance to shake off the attack.
    As soon as Calypso was within range, Rahkshiking stabbed with his staff. Calypso dodged to the left and swung his sword, which Rahkshiking avoided by ducking his head. Rahkshiking then attempted to stab Calypso again. Calypso grabbed the staff and tried to rip it out of Rahkshiking’s hands, but the Rahkshi held tight. He sent waves of energy down the staff. Calypso yelled and let go immediately, giving Rahkshiking the time to blast Calypso again and knock him to the other side of the arena.
    Rahkshiking tried to peer through the darkness to see where Calypso was. He had pretty much vanished from sight after being thrown, and Rahkshiking was guessing that he was hiding, hoping to deliver a huge blow whenver Rahkshiking turned his back. And Rahkshiking couldn’t keep spinning around forever.
    The answer to Rahkshiking’s question of where Calypso came when an ice bolt flew out of the dark and froze Rahkshiking’s hand. Rahkshiking thought that it was a waste of a good opportunity to strike a hidden blow, but he wasn’t questioning his luck. The Rahkshi charged, activating a shield covering his front. Unfortunately, he didn’t know the rest of Calypso’s plan.
    After the last fight here, there was more than a few puddles of water on the floor. Calypso froze them as Rahkshiking charged, and the Rahkshi slid and crashed into the wall where Calypso was. Calypso used the advantage to knock out Rahkshiking’s shield generator in the back. Rahkshiking shook the crash off, and began firing beams of plasma out of his staff. Calypso froze one of the beams solid, and Rahkshiking’s staff was weighed down towards one end, causing the other end, still shooting plamsa, to aim towards the ceiling, which melted and caved in.
    Calypso ran. Rahkshiking tried to get out as well, but Calypso froze another puddle and sent Rahkshiking skidding across the floor. A rock nailed him as he was skidding, and the Rahkshi blacked out.
    Calypso stood victorious. He was going to celebrate his victory at a Steak ‘n Shake, but it took him 3 hours to find his way out of the arena since it was so dark, and the restraunt was closed by then. Calypso, Rahkshiking, and Brenmac are all tied for the division lead with records of 1-1, while 0-2 Sonu remains in last place.
  4. Mesonak
    Location: The Realm of Shadows.
    Currents of Ebony liquid flowed in statis tubes, and torches were lit on the walkway.
    The torches led into a large dome, with pale, ebony stones lining the floor.
    Torches were lit on the inside, but instead of flames, black some lifted from the torches. The top of the dome was transparent, allowing the gathered crowd to view the raging storm outside.
    This was the Arena.
    Mesonak climbed the marble staircase, taking his place in the announcers chamber.
    "Gathered Friends, Enemies, and..."
    Mesonak glanced at the audience, spotting a Matoran with a Rocket Launcher.
    "...Insane Matoran....I welcome you! To the Realm of Shadows!"
    The audience applauded greatly.
    "Let me introduce our competitors!" Mesonak gestured his hand to the left side of the Arena.
    "Presenting...Toa Zehvor Levacius!" Called Mesonak, to ear-Deafening cheers from the crowd.
    Levacius walked out onto the field, waving to the crowd. He stood on his emblem, and pulled out his weapons.
    "And...Frostbreeze!" Said Mesonak, gesturing towards the right side of the arena.
    From the right side of the arena, Frostbreeze sailed into the Arena, riding his Ice Surfboard. He landed, stowing away the surfboard, and stood on his emblem.
    "Now!" called Mesonak. "The rules are simple! The first one to cause the other to fall unconscious is the winner! There shall be no killing, no matter how entertaining that would be. Now, let the fight...Begin!"
    Levacius and Frostbreeze charged, Levacius twirling his spear in the air. Frostbreeze launched a wave of ice at Levacius, who stopped, and backflipped, landing on top of the ice. He rode it as it slammed into the northeastern wall. Levacius leaped onto the wall, firing bolts of Lightning at Frostbreeze.
    Frostbreeze saw the Lightning coming. He created a shield of ice, causing the lightning bolts to reflect, coming back towards Levacius. Light reflected off the ice, causing the Lightning to heat up, turning into Fire Bolts. They sped towards Levacius, who raised his Reflection Shield, causing the Fire Bolts to once again speed towards Frostbreeze.
    Frostbreeze rolled out of the way, and took off in flight. He fired multiple Ice Blasts at Levacius, who smashed each one with his spear and shield. Levacius jumped off of the wall, landing on Frostbreeze's back.
    Frostbreeze flew into the SouthWestern wall of the Arena, causing Levacius to be thrown off. Frostbreeze launched a fist of ice, which cascaded into Levacius's shield, freezing it solid. Levacius charged his spear, and released a Kinetic Burst of Energy at Frostbreeze, who screamed, and fell to the ground. As he was falling, he made a soft bed of snow on the ground. The snow softened his fall, and he hopped on his Surfboard, and took off in flight again.
    Levy was falling through the air. He was losing consciousness fast. But, suddenly, an idea came to him. He raised his Ice Coated Shield, and fired a burst of lightning at it. It richocheted, and the light fueled it, turning it into a blast of flame. It sped towards Frostbreeze, striking his surfboard.
    He looked down, and saw his Surfboard melting. He jumped off just in time, only to find Levacius crashing into him. They tumbled to the ground, landing faar apart from each other. Levacius walked over. He noticed that Frostbreeze was lying on the ground, eyes closed. He raised his hand. "I wi-"
    Levacius didn't finish his sentence, for a large shield of ice had been slammed into his chest knocking him backwards. He slammed into the NorthWestern wall, causing it to crack open, revealing the Lake of Shadows.
    The raging storm outside brought water flooding into the Arena, causing Levacius to be swept towards Frostbreeze. He jumped, and kicked Frostbreeze in the face, sending him skidding.
    He lunged, but was blocked by Levacius's shield. Levacius pushed forward with his shield, reflecting the weapon and increasing damage.
    He thrust it upwards, smacking Frostbreeze in the face. Frostbreeze was slammed backwards, and Levacius advanced. He charged his spear, and let off a blast of Kinetic Energy.
    Frostbreeze slumped to the ground, unconscious. Levacius walked over, and held his hand into the air.
    "I win." he said plainly, to the uproar of applause from the crowd.
    Mesonak sighed, upset that the fight was over so soon, and called the medics to take Frostbreeze to the nearest hospital. He stepped down, and congratulated Levacius on his win.
    "Nice Job, Levy." said Mesonak, shaking Levacius's hand.
    Levacius returned the handshake, before walking out the left exit. He had more fights to train for.
  5. Mesonak
    I need al Kendan to submit information here. This is what I require.
    Short Bio:
    Known Attacks:
    General Description of how and MOC of you would look:
    This is because Kendan Deputy Strakk the Mental will be MOCing all of the Toa Kendan.
  6. Mesonak
    My Toa Team. Comment here if you want to join.

    Current Members 

    Mesonak-Shadow and Ice. Chaotic Being-Chaos.
    Strakk the Mental-Ice.
    Nidman-Ice and Air.
    Xaphor-Earth. Colors-Black and grey.
  7. Mesonak
    My local Big Lots and Kmart have all the Barraki, Toa Mahri, Mistika, and Phantoka in the stores. They also have the respective titans from each year. They've had them for months, I just forgot to blog about it. Thoughts?
  8. Mesonak
    I love to plan ahead...Again, no particular subject in mind, but still...

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «SHORT STORIES. 
    Into the Shadows.
    Move Along.
    It Ends Tonight.
    Thq Quest for the SPOILERS REMOVED.
    General Artwork Forum!
    The Bionicles try to run a School. (With MT's permision, of course!)
  9. Mesonak
    Well, to the fans of my stories, you will be pleased with this. I am currently working on a lot of stories. And I mean a LOT of stories. They are listed below.

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Short Story Work In Progresses. 

    Meso VS. Smith! 
    Bring me to Life.
    Never Too Late.
    Let it Die.
    Face Me.
    Creeping In My Soul.
    Breaking the Habit.
    Valentines Day.
    Time of Dying.

    Epic Work In Progresses. 

    The Dawn of Darkness- A complete Revamp of my first Epic. 
    Divided We Fall, United We Conquer.
    Sunrise, Sunset.
    The Six Legions of the Multiverse.

    Comedy Work in Progresses. 

    Ask Mesonak-A New Chapter. 
    The Adventures of Kala.
    Most of these are just ideas, and some might not make it into real stories, but who knows...I am an idea person. Hopefully this will be something to wet your whistle.
  10. Mesonak
    ToM Dracone gave me a boost for reporting news! Thank you ToM! I just wish I had reported sooner, so people could actually take advantage of the sale...
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