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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Mesonak

  1. Mesonak
    i think ill do one more abstract name before sticking with just Mesonak pretty much forever
    unlike the others though, this one didn't come from Coheed and Cambria

    EDIT: please note my name is case sensitive kthxbai
  2. Mesonak
    I may not have a snazzy image like The Blog Rebellion, but that does not defeat the cause!
    The bloggers shall never succeed in defeating Tufi's glorious empire.
    They shall fall trying.
    Those bloggers who support Tufi should post in this entry.
    Let your voice be heard, my friends! Fight for the new leadership!

  3. Mesonak
    Well, just got finished recording MakutaFest 2012.
    That was a blast. It went very well, which is good considering all the difficulties we had this year.
    There were a few problems along the way, as is the case every year, but it all turned out well in the end.
    Thanks so much to everyone that came out for the event. You guys make it worthwhile; we're glad to hear that everybody enjoyed the show.
    Recorded version coming soon; I'm in charge of editing that, so no promises on when that'll be up but it will happen.
  4. Mesonak
    Plenty other things, but mainly Minecraft.
    I started following Minecraft, playing Minecraft, working on Minecraft projects, etc. It's kind of become my third major interest.
    Also Xbox with friends.
    Now that BZP's back I can fall back into my old routine; Arguing with people over bringing back BIONICLE, discussing Hero Factory and the BIONICLE Story, and managing and helping manage TTV and BioCraft respectively. Fun times are ahead.
  5. Mesonak
    It's a blog entry.
    Heard the forums were going down in a few hours so I'm going out with A BANG
    Nothing to talk about.
    Crysis 2's cool and such.
  6. Mesonak
    Eh. It's cool, but I'm only gonna use the new guidelines when I need to; A few more lines of text, a little bit bigger of a banner, etc. Not gonna just randomly use this huge banner for no reason.
    It's cool though. The freedom itself feels good.
  7. Mesonak
    Finally; Now I can approve some awesome blogs.
    Also credit for my approval seal goes to Spectral Avohkii Enterprises. (Had to give credit somewhere. )
  8. Mesonak
    I'm so glad to have Var on my team still.
    He's found not only a way to host a perfect live episode for Makuta Fest, but also a way to eliminate the need for an editor.
    Yup, episodes will be released on the exact same day they're recorded now.
    Which means one episode a week.
    It's awesome. Simply awesome.
  9. Mesonak
    Broad incision sits across the evening
    The victim to our fathers lost war
    The restless children sit and mourn the graves
    Of those they've never seen before
    Will they be buried here among the dead?
    In the silent secret
    The pioneers
    In dealing with it they march for dawn, of Will and worthy
    The truth be told the child was born
    Man your own jackhammer
    Man your battle stations
    We'll have you dead pretty soon
    And now
    Sincerely written from my brother's blood machine
    Man your battle stations
    We'll have you home pretty soon
    And now
    Awake through motion with curiosity to curtain your first move
    Over arms length they'll break protocol
    Jealous envy for the youngest one
    To be the hero is all I'll ask
    Can I be buried here among the dead?
    With room to honor me here in the end
    You'll be better off too soon
    You'll be better off when you get home
    For you,
    I'd do anything just to make you happy, hear you tell me that youre proud of me
    For them,
    I'll kill anything cut the throats of babies for them break their hearts for they were them
    Waiting for you to say: I love you too
    The navigator
    The pilot
    Her favorite
    The one they call the vision that bears the gift
    Do the children really understand the things you did to them?
    And why oh why
    Should they conjure up the will for you my love I would kill him
    we're coming home pretty soon
    Coming home
    In the seventh turning hour
    Will the victims shadow fall?
    Should the irony grow hungry?
    With the victory and all they sought for
    We were one among the fence
    One among the fence
    We're coming home
    Man your own jackhammer
    Man your battle stations
    We'll have you dead pretty soon
    And now
    Sincerely written from my brother's blood machine
    Man your battle stations
    We'll have you home pretty soon

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