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Blog Entries posted by Mesonak

  1. Mesonak
    Here's a topic
    I'm sure there's not a single person who doesn't want GN10 to be released; In order for that to happen, though, we have to buy GN's 8&9.
    So, buy them.
    Go the topic, and let's help get this released.
    Just spreading the word.
  2. Mesonak
    Well, 2009's been a pretty good year for me. I'll list my reasons why below.
    1. I was finally brave enough to tell my crush that I liked her, and now have a girlfriend.
    2. BZPower. My first full year on BZP was great, and I've matured in a lot of ways too, adapting a nonchalant attitude. I've made lots of new friends, and expanded my talents.
    3. I've replenished (mostly) my lost BIONICLE collection from 2001 to 2004.
    4. Became an POBZPC... And then losing a proto point.
    5. iBZP: Became a guest host, and then a full fledged host. Now if Var would only finish the episodes...
    6. Life. I've made a lot of friends IRL, and have become a bit more athletic.
    7. I grew about 5 inches, rising to a grand height of 5 feet and 2 inches.
    8. Joining the awesomeness that is the Ventorus. B)
    So yeah. Here's hoping for another great year in 2010.
  3. Mesonak
    I will be entering. So, I ask this question. Many people don't know what I'm talking about, but for those who do...
    Should I restart The Six Legions of the Multiverse, or go with something else?
  4. Mesonak
    The absence is very disturbing.
    Nothing of note has happened in life recently.
    *Thinks of something else to say*
    Oh yeah. Got the final BIONICLE comic today.

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «PLANET HEADSHOT LOL 
    But yeah, Makuta's death seemed underwhelming. I guess it was fitting, but... I dunno.
    The rest of the comic felt a little rushed, but was the perfect way to end the Mata Nui Saga, IMHO.
  5. Mesonak
    For anyone interested in participating or listening to iBZP Live, Var has forgotten to tell you something very important.
    You need to download Audacity, a type of voice recording software. There is the link. It's completely free, and essential to the episode.
    If you have another voice recording software then that's fine too.
  6. Mesonak
    Happy Sisen? I'm currently reading the Percy Jackson and the Olympians Book, The Lightning Thief. It is a wonderful story, and would reccomend it to anyone.
  7. Mesonak
    Ok so.
    First, I'd like to do a mini-rant on the weapon arms, possibly my biggest dislike of Hero Factory as a whole.
    Duncan Bulk. Jimi Stringer. Preston Stormer.
    Possibly the best Hero Factory small sets. They all have one thing in common: They use the "Weapon arms."
    These arms were initially believed to be a piece of armor that fit onto a normal arm. This was met with dislike by some, because these pieces would have next-to-no MoCing ability.
    I hated this. Over time I grew to like it. Now what do we get?
    We don't even get the decency of an even number of arms and hands on these sets. On sets with one piece torsos, immovable limbs, and other assorted problems.
    I still love 'em though. That's one of my only problems with Hero Factory, those weapon arms.
    Now for a crazy dream.
    Alright, I was in a Wal-Mart. I dunno what was going on, because when I stepped inside, it was some kind of food festival. So I walked around, tried some food, and ran into some people I know. The Lego aisle consisted of nothing but sushi and fried rice. So, I find a door in the back of the store. I walked through it, and I come out into some theater. Like, an auditorium-size-theater. I wonder for a second why that's in a Wal-Mart, but I shrug and take a seat. Only problem is, few other people are in the theater. So I wait for the movie to start. It never does. Eventually I get down and walk back into the Wal-Mart, only to find that it's been remodeled yet again. It's now some museum about something I've never heard of before. I find a Furno Bike on a shelf containing some kind of skeleton of an animal. I pick it up, and walk home. When I open the Furno Bike, I find it's already assembled. I walk into my bedroom to take it apart for MoCing when I find my room's gone and is replaced with this weird, spherical chamber.
    And that ends my dream.
  8. Mesonak
    Why does every nonsense whistle throughout lolwut Arby Spaegefefrwewr? Lolwut Arby Spaegefefrwewr implements Tarakavarbiter. Tarakavarbiter flies in lolwut Arby Spaegefefrwewr. Can a publicized rhythm confirm the thinking keeper? Tarakavarbiter groans underneath a sentient.
  9. Mesonak
    Credit to good ol' Tilius.
    Thunder: Failure. The silver Stars feet make it worth getting, though. Anybody else think the helmet looks like Vezon's Ignika?
    XPlode: Epic, but waaay too cluttered. Maybe it's because the posers forgot to attach the spine to the torso... Lol.
    Corroder: Ew. Av-Toran arms are awful, I'm gonna start calling him Pinocchio cause of his nose, and I don't know what the deal is with his weapons, but they're ugly. Shadow Matoran feet are horrible, and the only good thing is the two Ben 10 limbs: It means I won't have to buy Big Chill.
    Dropship: Epic win. Could do without all the stickers though.
    Furno Bike: I love you Lego. Too many awesome things to list.
    Von Nebula: Epic. Has quite a few problems, but the parts are very nice: Two black Bohrok faceplates, creative use of the Mantax claws to give the head a unique appearance, recolored Hydraxon mask, and more Skrall armor makes this set good in my book.
    Rotor: I lol'd big time at the jetpack on hand. Orange Thornax launchers, orange shin guards, and orange Inika armor makes this set good. Has no share of problems, though, which I'll elaborate on in another entry.
  10. Mesonak
    I have mixed feelings.
    Sets are meh at best. Nice parts, intriguing designs, epic weapons, but I'm not too fond of the leg armor. We'll see.
  11. Mesonak
    But not really.
    Haha April Fooled you by making you think this entry is about April Fools.
    But wait.
    I think I just fooled myself.
  12. Mesonak
    Eh. It's cool, but I'm only gonna use the new guidelines when I need to; A few more lines of text, a little bit bigger of a banner, etc. Not gonna just randomly use this huge banner for no reason.
    It's cool though. The freedom itself feels good.
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