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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Mesonak

  1. Mesonak
    Finally; Now I can approve some awesome blogs.
    Also credit for my approval seal goes to Spectral Avohkii Enterprises. (Had to give credit somewhere. )
  2. Mesonak
    From the Ventorus, temporarily, for reasons I'll keep to myself.
    And before you ask, NO I am not joining the Zehvor/Starting my own Toa Team/etc. Just taking a break from "Toa Teams."
    Also, KTM, in the comics say I went on vacation.
  3. Mesonak
    I may not have a snazzy image like The Blog Rebellion, but that does not defeat the cause!
    The bloggers shall never succeed in defeating Tufi's glorious empire.
    They shall fall trying.
    Those bloggers who support Tufi should post in this entry.
    Let your voice be heard, my friends! Fight for the new leadership!

  4. Mesonak
    Who dat? Who dat? Who dat say dey gonna beat dem Saints?

    -ironic that this was the only game I watched out of the entire season-
  5. Mesonak
    Toa Zehvor MT's wonderful comedy, and IMHO, the best comedy ever to grace BZP's Library forum. Lewa0111's comedies rank only a bit behind Aftermath.
    Just thought I'd help MT with marketing, promotion, and all that jazz.
    Another thing:
    I have awesome friends in real life. One friend texted me the other day asking if I had Tahu Mata. When I responded "Yes" he told me he picked up a mint, never before opened Tahu Mata at a flea market for fifty cents and was going to give it to me. I happily excepted.

  6. Mesonak
    -A head that lets the eyes show fully.
    -Lower arms, instead of Hordika necks.
    -Feet that actually fit his size.
    -Less fail legs.
    -A better weapon than a a ball on a stick.
    -A more interesting head.
    -Actual hands, instead of feet as hands.
    Guess I had unreasonable expectations, huh?
  7. Mesonak
    One of the best sets ever.
    I'm talking about BIONICLE/Hero Factory here.
    Seriously. So much better than the Kaxium.
  8. Mesonak
    A lot has happened in the last few hours.
    Another rebellion, B6 is back, and other assorted drama.
    After reading the last talkback topic in full, my thoughts are this.
    If it was a joke, it was very well done. Certainly had me fooled for a bit.
    If it wasn't a joke, then..... Well, everything's better now, so...

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