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Blog Entries posted by Mesonak

  1. Mesonak
    One of my planned stories, "You're not who I knew." has been scrapped due to horrible name and lack of any usfficient plot. It has been taken off the roster. On the bright side, I am beggining work on a new Ask Mesonak chapter.
  2. Mesonak
    My local Big Lots and Kmart have all the Barraki, Toa Mahri, Mistika, and Phantoka in the stores. They also have the respective titans from each year. They've had them for months, I just forgot to blog about it. Thoughts?
  3. Mesonak
    ToM Dracone gave me a boost for reporting news! Thank you ToM! I just wish I had reported sooner, so people could actually take advantage of the sale...
  4. Mesonak
    Well, to the fans of my stories, you will be pleased with this. I am currently working on a lot of stories. And I mean a LOT of stories. They are listed below.

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Short Story Work In Progresses. 

    Meso VS. Smith! 
    Bring me to Life.
    Never Too Late.
    Let it Die.
    Face Me.
    Creeping In My Soul.
    Breaking the Habit.
    Valentines Day.
    Time of Dying.

    Epic Work In Progresses. 

    The Dawn of Darkness- A complete Revamp of my first Epic. 
    Divided We Fall, United We Conquer.
    Sunrise, Sunset.
    The Six Legions of the Multiverse.

    Comedy Work in Progresses. 

    Ask Mesonak-A New Chapter. 
    The Adventures of Kala.
    Most of these are just ideas, and some might not make it into real stories, but who knows...I am an idea person. Hopefully this will be something to wet your whistle.
  5. Mesonak
    I love to plan ahead...Again, no particular subject in mind, but still...

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «SHORT STORIES. 
    Into the Shadows.
    Move Along.
    It Ends Tonight.
    Thq Quest for the SPOILERS REMOVED.
    General Artwork Forum!
    The Bionicles try to run a School. (With MT's permision, of course!)
  6. Mesonak
    Well, due to some personal issues in my life, I am hereby declaring that I am leaving BZPower. (For the next two minutes.)
    My time here has been very enjoyable, and I would like to say goodbye to all of my friends here. I wish them well in their exploits, adn hope they succeed in their goals and dreams.
    Most of all, I would like to thank BZPower. This community has been very enjoyable for me, and I will remember it forever.
    So now, BZPower, I bid you adeu.
    Goodbye friends!
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