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Status Updates posted by _Keerakh_

  1. in your signature, change the dragon code's number to the one below(4 to 3 ETC)

  2. go on, you know you want to

  3. Why not say whether your boy/girl, get a pic, and inform on your interests?

  4. post 10 times, and you can PM me!

  5. C'mon, post 10 times.

    try one per hot topic.

  6. I have just worked out that if I stick my left finger in my right ear, I can electrocute myself.Terminally.

    you need only give the word.

  7. dont laugh.its REALLY irritating

  8. "I insist they are not!"

    may, or may not be a load of garbage.

  9. It ain't workin'

    Go on Photo bucket and look for

    Keerakh_Enterprises. (thats my username.)

  10. personal photo? what personal photo? I haven't got a personal photo!

  11. you like Gresh. Thats a shame.Ive heard gresh's gonna get massacred for gregf's amusemant

  12. happy birth day!!!!

  13. ahh...this is most regretable...

  14. ok...errrr......AAAAARRRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. KILL!!! Die die die die die ...

    Sorry. I say these things when exposed to *trembles* ...

    Justine Bieber

  16. jest not, lest thou suffer mine wrath

  17. When you say you like crash bandicoot, are you talking about the old games or the newer ones?

  18. my only comment so far. pointless and stupid, but, hey, its a comment.

  19. lost in the deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep

    daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaark woods?

  20. I insist they are not!

  21. Does that work? I'm not sure...

  22. I prefer the old ones, for the very good reason I only have a PS1, which has been confiscated.


    do I have to read your interests EVERY time I want to comment?

  23. oh, i'm getting bored now

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