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Matsuoka Nui

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Status Replies posted by Matsuoka Nui

  1. Hey, it's been ages since we talked. XD I'm on my way to college pretty soon :( I graduated this year and I want to know if you do other methods of communication outside of this website? ^^ I'd be greatly appreciated! :D

    1. Matsuoka Nui

      Matsuoka Nui

      By the way, there's a Blue Exorcist movie coming out on December 28, 2012. ^^ Here's the synopsis:



      The Blue Exorcist movie revolves around a yearly festival (Once every 11 years) held within the territory of True Cross Academy. Rin Okumura and his friends try to stop a runaway ghost train during the festivities. At the same time, a team of exorcists have been dispatched to prevent the intrusion of demons inside the Academy grounds. Rin, however, encounters a young boy...

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. Hey, it's been ages since we talked. XD I'm on my way to college pretty soon :( I graduated this year and I want to know if you do other methods of communication outside of this website? ^^ I'd be greatly appreciated! :D

    1. Matsuoka Nui

      Matsuoka Nui

      I just wanted to say that I miss you!!! XD (LOL) We need to start talking again before I leave...my first day of classes begin on August 27....-_- XD

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. Oh I almost forgot, did you see Blood-C?

    1. Matsuoka Nui

      Matsuoka Nui

      I got some news about the Blood-C Movie! It's called Blood-C: "The Last Dark" ^^ and it will be released on June 2, 2012. (lol that's my graduation date xDD)

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  4. Oh I almost forgot, did you see Blood-C?

    1. Matsuoka Nui

      Matsuoka Nui

      Yeah, but I just had enough of the "eye" loss that CLAMP keeps doing. But I know that she does get it healed in the movie thank heavens! xD

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  5. Yep! It's been like a good 5 or so months! :D The funny thing of all of this was that I've had dreams of new updates of the serials. Unfortunately, those dreams weren't true. T_T

    1. Matsuoka Nui

      Matsuoka Nui

      There was only one update...and that was Sahmad's Tale with the final chapter...

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

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