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Matsuoka Nui

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Status Updates posted by Matsuoka Nui

  1. Yeah, the ending was kinda sad, though Teridax (and I hope he is...) died which allows the two worlds to unite. I was hoping for an epilogue in the comics. Maybe there'll be one in the novel.

  2. Yeah!! Now all we have to do is to find it! XD

  3. Yeah....but the Manga story of TRC is over!! I'm still shocked that it's over...The epilogue chapter was released a few weeks ago....:( But it's a great series! :)

  4. Yeah...but I wonder now...maybe Yuuko is reborn....? Yeah I saw that chapter, it was kinda weird at the end with Watanuki.

  5. Yeah...I got REALLY bad issues on my sewing machine...so lucky me, I got help from 2 friends of mine! :D

  6. Yeah...I know. I'm really disappointed. I hope they really make them 40 pages long!! Or else....>_

  7. Yeah...it was alright...but I'M DYING to know the ENDING! I hope Sakura and Syaoran kiss!! The story needs a romantic ending XD

  8. Yeah...me too...I saw a spoiler/rumor that their real names are "Tsubasa"...for both Sakura and Syaoran...and I was like...:/...????

  9. Yeah...the final chapter is pushed back...so it's now 233 chapters...;)

  10. Yeah...the last one made me bored so I changed them...

  11. yep! I like to change it now and then...:)

  12. Yep! I love it A LOT! Despite the confusing "time paradox"...^^

  13. Yep! It's been like a good 5 or so months! :D The funny thing of all of this was that I've had dreams of new updates of the serials. Unfortunately, those dreams weren't true. T_T

    1. TheJake


      XD It's been so long since a serial was released that I forgot about them... ._.

    2. Matsuoka Nui

      Matsuoka Nui

      There was only one update...and that was Sahmad's Tale with the final chapter...

    3. TheJake


      There was an update?! O_o I need to go read it then... :P

  14. Yes but I've heard rumors that it hasn't hit the climax yet...? Wait...let me check...xD

  15. Yes, it's my favorite anime/manga of them all =D. I'm so sad that it's over though...but its sister story, xxxHolic is still going on. I like how CLAMP made those stories together. :D

  16. Yes, it's the opening theme for xxxHolic Kei. :) That song is great! The other opening song is called 19 (or 19sai)

  17. You know, it's amazing how they go on this HUGE journey, only realizing that there were "two parts" to this story...and if it wasn't for the Real Syaoran to turn back time, the entire story would be useless...

  18. You'll love it when you get the chance to watch it! I was REALLY excited!

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