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Matsuoka Nui

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Status Updates posted by Matsuoka Nui

  1. As for my cosplay, it's actually my Syaoran Epilogue Costume...;D And I'm working on it...but the sewing machine is driving me crazy! DX

  2. as for my parents....my dad is going to take me...and I'm secretly making my own costume...too. it's a long story...xD

  3. as for xxxholic...yes, it's quite a surprise though I don't know what's gonna happen w/ Watanuki...idk if we'll see Yuuko again...the oad trailer showed her...O_o?

  4. As promised, I think I found something for the xxxHolic Rou Subs. I haven't had the chance to try out the links but it does say something :D

  5. At the end of that chapter, I seemed to recognize that apartment from one of the episodes in the first xxxHolic Season....but from what episode?

  6. Aw, I go back on Tues. xD

  7. Blue Exorcist x Blood-C: The Last Dark :D (Wow...it's been ages since I've been on here...XD )

  8. Blue Exorcist x Blood-C: The Last Dark! :)

  9. But I think they did it! The Time Loop is broken! :) :) Now at last...we can move on...hopefully....

  10. but yeah, I hope so too! :D

  11. College life is college life....-__-

  12. Did you hear that Tsubasa RC is about to end? DX :( Chapter 232 will be the conclusion of the story... :(

  13. did you say gmail? I have one too actually, does that do instant messaging?

  14. Did you see TRC 232? :( I almost cried...:*( *sniff* I can't even explain how sad it was...

  15. Do they make somewhat sense? xD I'm worried that they might confuse people even more...

  16. Do you watch Rome x Juliet (the anime?)

  17. Eh, it's alright, but OMG, go to chibi yuuto's website and guess what? THERE'S A NEW OAD (ROU Part 2) NEXT SPRING :D :D

  18. From the looks of that picture, I think it shows that same moment when the C!Sakura and C!Syaoran turned back their time...? Or just when they're about to...?

  19. Get Ready, A sequel to my story is coming!!!

    Princess Skralla: Rising Darkness

  20. Get the first and the last volume! =P That's what I'm going to do...I already have Volumes 1, 21, and 22 but I decided that I'll just get 28.

  21. Give me what you found though, and I'll see how good/bad they are in my opinion.

  22. Grrr. I had school today. But at least it was an easy day, kinda. :) At least I got to see all of my friends again!

  23. Have you seen that movie? I like it myself...^^ I heard that it either bridges the gap between Season 1 and 2 (aka episodes 26 and 27) or it's a filler....I'm not sure which...

  24. Haven't been on here for a long time...-_- I miss you all!

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