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Matsuoka Nui

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Status Updates posted by Matsuoka Nui

  1. Here's what I think about the final chapter: From what 231 showed, I think the clones will die :(, allowing the original ones to move on with their lives...and hopefully they'll be together...

  2. hey do you have any other places for conversation?

  3. Hey I hope you're doing well! BIONICLE is coming back indeed and it's like sooo many memories are returning. I miss you!

  4. Hey I'm not sure if you're still here but I uploaded a story from another website. It's called "Brotherhood Forever". ^^ It's one of my many stories that I wrote while BZP was gone for half the year...

  5. hey what's your gmail? I've rediscovered mines finally xD

  6. Hey, how are things going for college? ^^ It's been ages since we talked.

    1. TheJake


      Oh man, has it been this long since I've been on here?! o_o Anyway, things are going good (though I don't really like college at all). I wouldn't hate it as much if I didn't have to stay in the dorm and the cafeteria food kinda stinks... Well, enough of my negativity!!! How have you been lately? (Been watching any good anime?)

  7. Hey, I know it's been a while but YOU are not going to believe on what i just found! I'll try to make a "banner" off of it as a design! You WILL love it! :D :D :D

  8. Hey, I might make a Bioincle "Season 3" series on "that video website". Hopefully, I'll release an opening theme.

  9. hey, i'm finally writing again! :D

  10. Hey, it's been ages since we talked! I hope things are going well! :) (Remember me? I was the one who wrote about the lovable Princess Skralla? XD )

  11. Hey, it's been ages since we talked. :) I hope things are doing great!

  12. Hey, it's been ages since we talked. XD I'm on my way to college pretty soon :( I graduated this year and I want to know if you do other methods of communication outside of this website? ^^ I'd be greatly appreciated! :D

    1. Matsuoka Nui

      Matsuoka Nui

      I just wanted to say that I miss you!!! XD (LOL) We need to start talking again before I leave...my first day of classes begin on August 27....-_- XD

    2. Matsuoka Nui

      Matsuoka Nui

      By the way, there's a Blue Exorcist movie coming out on December 28, 2012. ^^ Here's the synopsis:



      The Blue Exorcist movie revolves around a yearly festival (Once every 11 years) held within the territory of True Cross Academy. Rin Okumura and his friends try to stop a runaway ghost train during the festivities. At the same time, a team of exorcists have been dispatched to prevent the intrusion of demons inside the Academy grounds. Rin, however, encounters a young boy...

  13. Hey, it's better later than never. Maybe xxxHolic will be finished by then.

  14. hmm...that or she's obsessed with this crimson pearl...?

  15. hmmm....it seems very interesting indeed ^^ too bad it's not for a sequel or something....xD

  16. hmmm...maybe because we are the same? xD

  17. Hurray! I got my Vahi Spinny for one year membership completion!

  18. I am SLOWLY reviving! Now that BIONICLE is returning, I shall too...return very soon!

  19. I can't wait till the next episode comes! Only 8 days left! (as of 5/6/09)! Though it needs to be translated but still, only 8 days! :) I heard that there's a Clone Sakura...right? Just when a Clone Syaoran is bad enough....

  20. I do not know...if they do, it's going to take a WHILE...because if they make more OVAs, they'll want to keep using the Japanese Language until they're finish.

  21. I don't know if I have a snow day yet. Thanks again. :D

  22. I don't know, there's only 50 chapters...pretty short for a manga but yet the anime is like 70 episodes...XD

  23. I don't know. When I went to find a pic of FWR, he has only one eye-glass. Maybe the right side breaks...? Oh well...unfortunately, it won't be until June 9th for Chapter 205...:(

  24. I doubt it because they're making Gate 7 and Kobato. Plus I've heard rumors that they return to their older stories like "X/1999".

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