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Matsuoka Nui

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Status Updates posted by Matsuoka Nui

  1. OMG! I hope this episode is awesome! =D

  2. Oh I saw the latest chapter...very interesting....I've heard Amrita...the song is nice and quiet...:) And that movie is called "The Princess of the Kingdom of Birdcages"

  3. It's already out now? Well...okay...but I already know why you're excited! xD It's going to end! :o Oh dear, I'd bet that Watanuki makes that "open your eyes wish" like Clow did and everything will restart...Dx

  4. So far, it's only Kobato and Cardcaptor Sakura. I wanted to read some of their older stories, but I've heard that some stories like "Legal Drug" and "X" are shounen-ai. (and maybe yaoi...DX)

  5. Yeah, I liked that chapter too! This is leading to something....:) :D

  6. I was just happy when Sakura finally confesses her love to Syaoran...

  7. LOL! But did you hear about what happened to his left arm??

  8. Sorry, I was talking about Kobato XD

  9. I go back to school on the 6th, at least that's on a Tuesday! And actually, I had this pic for a while, only forgotten about it. ;P

  10. hmm...that or she's obsessed with this crimson pearl...?

  11. Thanks...:)

    LOL! Oh no! I have to save Sakura! *turns back his own time by using the Vahi*....=P

    Remember that scene back in Chapter 200?

  12. It's hard to say, we'll just have to find out... but I hope they make another set of episodes for Tsubasa. It would be nice if they did the Clow Finale Arc w/ epilogue.

  13. Looks awesome!

    P.S I'm recovering, but I'm still shocked and sad though...:(

  14. ^^ aw thanks, sorry that I'm late...I haven't been on here as much. I'm more active on deviantart though...

  15. There is....it's called "Feather of Love"

  16. hmmm...maybe because we are the same? xD

  17. I can't wait till the next episode comes! Only 8 days left! (as of 5/6/09)! Though it needs to be translated but still, only 8 days! :) I heard that there's a Clone Sakura...right? Just when a Clone Syaoran is bad enough....

  18. and omg, that's a cute pic. of Roy and...a dog? (is it his? or is it just some random dog? xD)

  19. Yeah, it was one of the decent ones. I'll have to try again and hunt for more...xD Are they seriously coming back?!? OMG, I would love that...:D

  20. Oh BTW, that website is great! Thanks! :)

  21. I'm kinda busy right now because of final exams and "some pointless" tests right before it. I dunno why teachers give some tests right before exams...

  22. I know....but guess what?? I'm planning to return to Ohayocon next year and I might even do a skit with some friends of mine! And what's funny is that we're doing a TRC x FMA crossover!

  23. Yeah I saw it...that glass container shattering is EPIC WIN!!! :) XD! But I don't understand...if FWR says that he's the same as Syaoran, could this mean that FWR, Watanuki, and Syaoran are the same beings?

  24. Tsk...tell me about it...Dx Maybe the OAD will explain more about it...??

    *sigh* I have artwork and fanfics but they're too mature for this website....TT

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