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Status Updates posted by Drago11

  1. Why are the two of you commenting on this? I left this site years ago! Anybody else I would understand, but you two know where to find me if you actually want to talk.

  2. No. So why are you commenting on it?

  3. And this is news to you?

  4. Well, if you want to get to know me, feel free to strike up an email. My address is MegaDrago@gmail.com. Don't go through the board, I don't like the idea of them being able to see our private conversations.

  5. I don't seem to remember you. Did I actually know you, or were you just somebody you saw around a lot?

  6. A variety of reasons. Bionicle is bad this year, I'm older, I've got other places to chill, and life is keeping me busy. I still look at this place occasionally, and I've been meaning to make a comeback. This place sure has changed a lot.

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