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Nuile the Paracosmic Tulpa

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Status Updates posted by Nuile the Paracosmic Tulpa

  1. That's exactly what the brackets were: a more convenient way to put in proper quotation marks, but I'd forgotten to before I sent it to you. :P I'll fix that, no worries.

  2. I love your avatar and signature. :D C&H is the best.

  3. Awww, why?

    Okay, great. ^^ I don't use PMs, so is it okay if I put my Guest Star form here?

  4. Nice signature, but it got caught by the filter. :P Maybe you should use a less offensive, unfiltered word.

  5. Happy birthday! (: Have a good one!

  6. *poke'd* I'll pop by again later and start filling you in. (:

  7. Ah, but you forget the computer mouse! ;P

  8. Gah. It was cut off at 'cliffh'. I wish I could use PMs... XD Could you add the rest?

  9. A bit late, but happy birthday! (: Hope you had a good one!

  10. We could always scare them off with a plate of beef, too. :P

  11. Don't feel down, lots of people haven't written much. But that doesn't matter. What matters is that, if you like to write, you write! There's nothing else to it...except grammar! :P

  12. LOL .... that I will not deny.

  13. Sometimes I think I should be in about five different asylums at the same time.

  14. I see I'm a day late, but happy belated birthday! =D Hope you had a good one.

  15. I haven't gotten profile comments in so long, I forget to check to approve them. :P Well, as I'm discontinuing AM for a while, it'll be quite some time. But, if you want, you can be my first GS in Prototyping!

  16. That first thought in your signature is one that often gets me, too. XD Another is what nothing looks like.... o.o

  17. Yeah, complicated story. Anyway, all the info's there and you didn't repeat anything. (: Thanks, I'll start writing soon.

  18. I like your name! I'm an ASOUE fan, too, and a Monk fan, for that matter. :P I also like your personal picture! :)

  19. I see. Well, I hope you find time to write it, because I'd definately love to read it! :)

  20. Don't be so hard on him, Karzahnii. I accidently did the same thing with Ask Mantax. Gresh, just report the duplicate and explain the situation, and a staff member will delete it.

  21. Can I make a modification to Steve's profile? Just erase everything after the words 'Planet U' and put this:

    But before they managed to return to Earth, he disappeared. Steve, to follow in his father's footsteps, and to attempt to locate him, joined Rock Raiders Academy.


  22. Thanks for voting for Olmania, which I think was my Multiverse name! ^^ Looks like it lost, but at least in second.

  23. Thanks for voting for Olmania, which I think was my Multiverse name! ^^ Looks like it lost, but at least in second.

  24. Thanks for voting for Olmania, which I think was my Multiverse name! ^^ Looks like it lost, but at least in second.

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