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About IceToa

  • Birthday 06/05/1995

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Bolton, UK
  • Interests
    Here are my interests;<br /><br />BIONICLE<br />I have loved Bionicle since I got my first Tahu and I still love it just as much. My favourite character is Kopaka and my favourite set is Jetrax T6. I'm not too interested in it anymore but its still nice to see that the story is going on.<br /><br />BZPower<br />One of my favourite places to stay. When I first found out about BZPower (via Google) I was shocked to see how many people my age are still into Bionicle. I also have made many good friends here that are great fun to have a chat to. <br /><br />Formula 1<br />Undoubtedly my favourite sport. There is nothing more I like to do on Sunday mornings than watch these amazing cars drive round the most challenging circuits in the world. I support Ferrari and Renault and my favourite drivers are Fernando Alonso, Robert Kubica, Felipe Massa and Sebastien Buemi<br /><br />Moto Gp<br />I also follow Moto Gp where I support the one and only Valentino Rossi.<br /><br />Games<br />I have a PC and a Wii in my house. I prefer racing games like F1 2010 and ToCa 3 but I also play other stuff on the Wii like Mario Kart and FIFA.<br /><br />TV<br />Ahh the TV one of many wonders in my house. I have many favourite shows many being US Crime Drama. Such as Numb3rs, CSI, CSI Miami, CSI New York, The Mentalist, Flashforward and NCIS. Other shows I’m into include: House and Top Gear. <br /><br />Books<br />I really enjoy reading and I do it a lot. I read lots of different novels, mainly fanatasy and stuff like that.<br /><br />Music<br />I like listening to lots of music but I can't be bothered typing it all. =P<br /><br />And that’s all about me! ^^<br />The End!

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Seeker (16/293)

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  1. Oh, awesome! I'd suggest practicing a bit and unlocking stuff before playing online, though. There are three other BZPers on there, too, so maybe we can get a race together soon! ^^

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