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Blog Entries posted by IceToa

  1. IceToa
    1 L. Hamilton - McLaren
    2 S. Vettel - Red Bull
    3 M. Webber - Red Bull
    4 R. Barrichello - Brawn
    5 J. Button - Brawn
    6 J. Trulli - Toyota
    7 R. Kubica - BMW Sauber
    8 N. Heidfeld - BMW Sauber
    9 N. Rosberg - Williams
    10 S. Buemi - Toro Rosso
    11 K. Raikkonen - Ferrari
    12 K. Kobayashi - Toyota
    13 H. Kovalainen - McLaren
    14 K. Nakajima - Williams
    15 J. Alguersuari - Toro Rosso
    16 F. Alonso - Renault
    17 V. Liuzzi Force - India
    18 A. Sutil Force - India
    19 R. Grosjean - Renault
    20 G. Fisichella - Ferrari
    Well not much to say other that a good performance by Heidfeld and Kubica on BMWs last F1 race. Solid 10th for Buemi on his 21st birthday but disappointing session for Sutil, Alonso and Raikkonen.
  2. IceToa
    2006 - 1st race winner (Fernando Alonso) - WDC (Fernando Alonso)
    2007 - 1st race winner (Kimi Raikkonen) - WDC (Kimi Raikkonen)
    2008 - 1st race winner (Lewis Hamilton) - WDC (Lewis Hamilton)
    2009 - 1st race winner (Jenson Button) - WDC (Jenson Button)
  3. IceToa
    Just lost some for bypassing the filter.
    Apparently I was warned, yet I wasn't.
    I'll get over it.
  4. IceToa
    1 - M. Webber -
    Red Bull
    2 - R. Kubica -
    BMW Sauber
    3 - L. Hamilton -
    4 - S. Vettel -
    Red Bull
    5 - J. Button -
    6 - K. Raikkonen -
    7 - S. Buemi -
    Toro Rosso
    8 - R. Barrichello -
    9 - H. Kovalainen -
    10 - K. Kobayashi -
    11 - G. Fisichella -
    12 - V. Liuzzi -
    Force India
    13 - R. Grosjean -
    14 - J. Alguersuari -
    Toro Rosso
    Ret - K. Nakajima -
    Ret - N. Rosberg -
    Ret - N. Heidfeld -
    BMW Sauber
    Ret - A. Sutil -
    Force India
    Ret - J. .Trulli -
    Ret - F. Alonso -
    Phew, what a race the start was rather chaotic as Kovalainen spun nearly taking out Fisichella. Then Webber cut across Raikkonen damaging the Finns front wing. As Sutil tried to pass Raikkonen he was hit by Trulli. Sutil was then sent flying and collided with Alonso. Trulli then decided to blame the crash on Sutil as the both nearly went into a fight. Kovalainen and Raikkonen then pitted and Kovalainen took the fuel hose with him, and the leaking fuel dramatically cought fire right in Raikkonen's face. The Finn was ok. Next Jenson Button was stuck behind Kamui Kobayashi and the newbie refused to give in. Nick Heidfeld later broke down as did Nico Rosberg’s. Kazuki Nakajima then careered across the gravel at the end of the back straight. He smacked into a tyre wall. Replays showed he was trying to get past Kobayashi - who weaved on his fellow Jap. Lewis Hamilton then came into the pits - and almost made a mess of it on the way out down the pit lane. Barrichello's awful, awful luck at Interlagos continued. The left rear was punctured, which must have happened when he was clipped by Hamilton. Finally Mark Webber went on to win the race and Jenson Button became the new Formula 1 world champion! Still one more race to go and Vettel and Barrichello must battle for 2nd and 3rd.
  5. IceToa
    I got a 45 minute detention tomorrow after school for not completing some Geography homework.
    The stupid thing is this is the first time I've forgotten and when others forget they just stay behind at dinner to complete it and also, oddly enough, if I do the homework I still get the DT. O_o
  6. IceToa
    Yeah so I bought 6 months Premier Membership just to see what it's like.
    My blog will get a bit more interesting after a while.
    Oh and my blog title is a terrible pun. Block of ice to Blog of Ice. Geddit?
  7. IceToa
    More F1 2010 news! (Rubbish title, I know. )
    Timo Glock will race for Manor, it will be interesting to see what he can achieve. So much for him going to Renault with Kubica.
    Now all you F1 fans will know that Mercedes took over Brawn and blah, blah, blah. So what’s happens now?
    Button and Hamilton at McLaren. I personally want to see the two Brits in different cars next season, is it Senna and Prost all over again?
    Now what about Brawn Mercedes, eh? Well you get two amazing German drivers in what could be one amazing German team. But who could they be? I'm going to say Heidfeld and Rosberg, Glock is now confirmed at Manor, I doubt Vettel will want to leave Red Bull and Sutil has already said he'll be happy staying at Force India.
    Two potentially good line-ups there, 2010 is getting more exciting by the minute!
  8. IceToa
    So BZP is being really slow for me at the moment so I can’t post and stuff so I’m going to be pretty inactive.
    So if you send me a PM don't expect me to reply to it straight away.
  9. IceToa
    School is closed today due to heavy snow and a grit shortage. They say it may even be closed tomorrow but don’t expect me to be on here all the time, I’ve got to catch up with some coursework.
  10. IceToa
    So now that Sauber have finally been announced as back in the game we can start thinking about a full 26 car grid again. Let’s just put to the back of our minds Renault possibly pulling out and USF1 chickening out and not getting to Bahrain.
    The last Grand Prix to have a full 26 cars starting was the Monaco Grand Prix on the 28th May 1995. The race itself was won by Michael Schumacher by 34 seconds from Damon Hill. The only other person to finish on the same lap as them was Gerhard Berger. Pedro Diniz was the last classified finisher 6 laps down on the leader. There were 6 British drivers on the grid that day (Hill, Coulthard, Irvine, Brundle, Herbert and Blundell) more than any other nation. Italy being second with 5 drivers! Bet you can't name any of them without checking Wikipedia!
    The current gossip at the time was that Mark Blundell had replaced Nigel Mansell full time at McLaren after Nigel finally gave in trying to actually get into the McLaren cockpit which was too small for him. Also a year after his accident Karl Wedlinger was finally dropped from the Sauber team and replaced with up and coming super star Jean-Christophe Boullion - didn't turn out to be that up and coming really though did he?
    Only 4 teams were on the grid then who will be on the starting grid at Bahrain - Ferrari, McLaren, Williams and Sauber! - Only Ferrari and McLaren of these are running the same engines.
    Most of the current grid was probably watching this race at home drinking chocolate milk.
    Lewis Hamilton was 10 years old and on his way to becoming British Cart Champion.
    Sebastian Vettel was 8 years old and just starting karting.
    Jenson Button was 15 and still dominating the karting world.
    Fernando Alonso was 14 and trying to find funding to get his karting career going.
    Flav was still allowed to smoke in the pit lane - now days he's not even allowed in the pit lane.
    And where was Rubens Barrichello? On the grid of course as he's taken part in every F1 race since the championship began. He qualified 11th in his Jordan Peugeot but retired on lap 60 with a throttle problem, bless him.
    How times change eh? Anyways after that little history lesson I'll get to my point. 26 cars on the grid? No one (other than Rubens) has experience of that. You think we're going to see an increase in accidents of the starting line? Just for info the 1995 race itself had to be restarted due to an airborne Ferrari!
  11. IceToa
    Yeah so today I decided to make a Legend Reborn fan trailer 9 style. So it’s was going well when I remembered the bit in the trailer where it flicks through all the characters (1-9) and I thought who could be who.
    So here is the list of TLR characters.
    And here are the 9 characters.
    1=to protect us.
    2=to inspire us
    3=to define us
    4=to teach us
    5=to guide us
    6=to lead us
    7=to defend us
    8=to guard us
    9=to save us
    9 of them as you can see. So I need you 9 fans to help me decide which number for each character i.e. Raanu=1 Mata-Nui=9 etc. But make them have sort of the same personality like 1 and Raanu are both leaders if you know what I mean.
    Please help.
  12. IceToa
    So today was Halloween, as you all probably know. I didn’t go trick or treating, I’m too old for that stuff, but my sister did and she brought a lot of sweets and junk food for us all. Anyway I carved out the pumpkin and here it is.

    So what do y'all think?
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