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Artakha Prime

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Year 14

About Artakha Prime

  • Birthday 06/19/1996

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    A galaxy far, far away...
  • Interests
    Short version:<br /><br />My interests/hobbies includes:<br /><br />-Bionicle<br />-Lego in general<br />-Star Wars<br />-Transformers<br />-X-files<br />-girls ;)<br /><br />What i like to do in my free time:<br /><br />-MOCing<br />-Blogging<br />-chat with my friends<br />-Watch television<br />-listen to music<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Long version:<br /><br />My interests includes:<br /><br />BZPower: Why else should i be here?<br /><br />I joined this spectacular site late in 2008, December the 28th, to be excact.<br /><br />I have since done lots of things in here. I am a MOCist, and have posted some of my MOCs, as well as share my opinin on others. I have gotten better since that time.<br /><br />I also like blogging. You may check out my blog. :D<br /><br /><br />BIONICLE: Of course!<br /><br />I have followed Bionicle for pretty long time, since 2002-2003, i think. From those years to 2007, i didn`t really follow the storyline as much, though i did enjoy watching the movies. I didn`t either buy many sets, only a few per year, actually.<br /><br />Then, 2007 came. I had always wanted to get all the sets of Bionicle, but this year i stepped up, and tried to do so. I got all the Mahri, 5 Barakki(no Mantax XI), and Nocturn. I also did get the Toa Terrain Crawler.<br /><br />In 2008, i also tried to get all of the years sets. Though, here in Denmark, most of the Warriors and Titans aren`t able in shops, so i ended up getting 6 Phantoka, 6 Mistika, 6 Matoran, and Toa Ignika and the Axalara. I really wanted the other big sets, but i didn`t.<br /><br />2009, i got most sets, the only ones i hadn`t got being Click, and the Vehicles.<br /><br />Anyway, i have followed the storyline more closer since 2007. I may not know everythin about Bionicle, but i do still know much.<br /><br />I also am a decent MOCist, in my own opinion. Try to check out my MOCs, and tell your opinion. :)<br /><br /><br />LEGO: Generally<br /><br />Though, i have also been into other kinds of LEGO. I think my very first set was the "Desert Skiff", a little Star Wars set.<br /><br />There have been many other themes that caught my interest, the biggest ones being Vikings, Exo-force and Castle. All three of them have cost me some money, wich i COULD have used on Bionicle instead. Another theme i got interested in was Speed Racer, though there was only a few sets to buy.<br /><br />I am also going to buy some of the upcoming Hero Factory sets. Maybe i will even join the fandom?<br /><br />Star Wars: another interest of mine<br /><br />Though not as big as Bionicle, i also have found some interest in Star Wars. Even though i only really have seen the movies, and bought some LEGO SW sets, i do still find the theme interesting. I have checked out the themes wikia. I also am thinking of beginning to buy some new sets.<br /><br /><br />Transformers:<br /><br />I also have found some interest in Transformers. I have an account on one of the fan-sites, as well.<br /><br />X-files: I want to believe<br /><br />I enjoy watching X-files. My favourite episodes includes those that includes aliens. Other episodes may be found boring for me.<br /><br />Girls: with this, i do actually mean "my own life". I enjoy chatting with my friends, though i don`t have that many. I have never had a girlfriend, and being 13 and in puberty, i see myself as being "behind" my classmates.

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