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Artakha Prime

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Blog Entries posted by Artakha Prime

  1. Artakha Prime
    James Cameron. So, he made both of the worlds highes-grossing movies. Well, to say it good, Avatar was only good for its picture, as the plot basically was the same as Pocahontas. Titanic, well.... yes, sad story, true story, but, in my opinion, it`s not that great either.
    Just wanted to say so, after taking a peek on the Highest-grossing movies list on Wiki. I realized that many movies on the list was those with a great fandom. Star Wars, Transformers, Spiderman etc. Huh...
  2. Artakha Prime
    In the rush of my life at the time, i have not shared anything with you for a long time. Now let me
    Sunday, i got confirmed. Great party, my family, and some friends of the family, came, and i ended up eaning 3000 dollar. Yeah. I also have told you of the new PC that i got a month ago.
    Anyway, i have put 2000 dollar in one of my bank accounts, and are planning on taking them out when i`m 18. By that time they have multiplied a bit, and imma gonna be rich.
    That left me 1000 dollar, wich i put in on my own account. So now i have plenty of money to spend on useless things, like Yu-Gi-Oh cards, Hero Factory toy, and the alike.
    Then i had Blue Monday, where i was on a place called "Bakken", wich is an Amusement Park. I were there with two of my female friends, whereas i have a lesser crush on the one of them.
    As well, i`m going to Korfu friday, with my bigger brother, his girlfriend, her son and her little sister, who`s on my age, and happens to be the girl i told about above. Things point that me and her are going to share room.
    So yeah, i`m happy.

  3. Artakha Prime
    I`m flying instead.
    Well, i am going on vacation on friday. That means i most likely won`t be online until the next friday(28th), where i will be home again.
    But until then, DONT PARTEH IN ME BLAWG
  4. Artakha Prime
    No, seriously! What now if somebody made a movie, that focused on the Martians, and how their life on Mars could have been? How they were created, and how they were distinguished. I think it would sell better than Avatar!
    Speaking of wich, i bought Avatar on DVD yesterday I must say, that was a good film, as i hadn`t seen it before.
  5. Artakha Prime
    So, as you may have noticed, i`ce changed my name from "Artakha Prime" to "97061". "97061" is my profile ID number, and i`ve been considering doing this name change for some time. If you like, you could also join the fad, and change YOUR name to you profile ID number...
    anyway, comments? Thoughts? Tomatos?
  6. Artakha Prime
    Humanity is coming closer to extinction. The values of Peace, Justice and Freedom that our leaders claim to strive for are non-existent. In there place are the values of Greed, Hatred and Violence. These will ultimately lead us to our doom. We are entering the Age of Incompetence. What hope does humanity have when the Bad people commit inhumane acts while the Good people just stand by and watch?
  7. Artakha Prime
    How my week went?
    Monday, i was(,of course) at school. Not much interesting happened there.
    Tuesday, we started out with Science. I hadn`t been in school for many other Tuesdays, and the ones i had, we didn`t have Science. So i found out that we were currently learning about faring animals, and i had to go to a group. I usually don`t really care for what groups i`m in, but i ended up working with the most annoying persons from my class; The girl who constantly loughs so loud, my ears start bleeding; the boy, who both is the biggest soccer freak, as well as the other class clown; and another girl, who are friends with the girl that loughs like a horse. These three are all good friends, but also find it amusing to irritate me in all possible ways. So not only did they brag about me talking and joking constantly, they also told me to be quiet when i had something serious to say.
    Wedensday, i didn`t go to school. I just wanted a little break from all the constant bullying. Instead, i helped with doing other things at home. I also completed GTA San Andreas. Or at least i think so... Whatever, Crash got owneded, so i`m happy.
    Thursday, i went to school again. Well, first i had to go to confirmation practise(i think it`s called somethign else). I was there first, and then a girl i have a crush on came. We had a little chat, and hen her annoying friend came. Anyway, an hour and a half later, we got to school. We started with English, and then Math - or at leats we thought so. Our German teacher came in instead. He told us we were going to get some German pen-friends. I just said that as long as mine weren`t a boy called Bill, i was happy.
    Friday, i also went to school. We started out with English and German, and then Sports. Todays game was Dodgeball, with some newer rules. I ended up with the most suckiest team, where only me and my best friend were the ones who were somewhat good at playing. Anyway, after school, me, my dad and my little brother drove over an hour to get to my aunt, who lives near Copenhagen. Though, i din`t get to see Avatar in here, beacuse my Dad is low on money. "Next week", he said. In the evening, we had some guests, and saw the Danish version of X-Factor. Dissapointing, i tell you.
    Saturday(today), nothing interesting have happened. Well, i`m writing this weeks blog update, but nothing else, really.
    Anyway, some of you may have noticed that i haven`t been online as much as i use to. Thing is that i`ve begun to Play GTA, and also gotten a little more online on some other social networking sites.
    I still am not doing well on the romantic side of life, and my classmates doesn`t seem to like me. The most social thing i`m doing may be playing games with other users on a social networking site. So yeah, things are really doing well. Oh, and i still haven`t watched Avatar!
  8. Artakha Prime
    So, i`m curently working on my "Junk-bot" series. I`m thinking of writing a little story about them...
    "Junk-bots" is, from what i`ve heard, a kind of MOCing style, like SteamPunk and TransforMOC styles. They mostly consist of robots with scrambled up color schemes, and random pieces that might not fit in - all in a good way. Though, i`m not really good at that... most of those i`ve build now are mostly black, with small traces of grey... and they also look too much like Transformers robots...
    Some pictures may or may not be posted some time.
    I`m thinking of making the story happen in the Hero Factory univese...
  9. Artakha Prime
    So, i watched 9 ealier today. I liked it. I think that it is a bit slow and boring at certain points, and it doesn`t really appeal to many people. But i liked it.
  10. Artakha Prime
    or not really.. though, there`s less than two weeks until i can change my display name again! So, what shall i now call myself?
    Nah, that`s a boring name... whatever, i`ll see if i can come up with something.
  11. Artakha Prime
    So, a couple of days ago, an event called "LEGO World" was held here in Denmark. I wasn`t there myself, but one of my friends on *insert name of very well known social networking site* was at the marvelous event, and took some pics. So, here is a few pictures of the creations build there.
  12. Artakha Prime
    So, i have recently begun writing a little more of my story about Artakha`s life, and i am wondering a little: what scene with Artakha would you like to see the most? The creation of the Mata? The battle of the Avohkii? Or a whole other?
  13. Artakha Prime
    I did it again. Accidently post, unknowing that the very post would be an anniversary. This time, it was my 100oth post. And i messed up. Big time.
  14. Artakha Prime
    So, i want to ask you guys a favor. Could any of you draw Artakha? No, not the being, but the island. See, i`m working on a seiral, but i think i`ll need some drawings or such to describe the island. I would very much appreciate it if you did this favor for me.
    In other news, my building contest is out. No one participates, so why have it open.
  15. Artakha Prime
    Gosh, how parents can be annoying sometimes.
    I was just using the computer, and they suddenly begin to freak out on me!
    Earlier this week, my stepfather got mad, beacuse he couldn`t get into his net-bank account. Fair enough. Then, they asked me of help, beacuse they think i know everything about computers, just beacuse i use them more than them. Fair enough. Then, they say the computer have been slow, and blame me and my siblings for going on sites that slows down computers. That was a little mean, but still understandable. Then, i say it could be my stepfathers many images and pictures, wich he have on his computer - though, he won`t listen, and he and my mom still blames us for using too much space on the computer. Not fair, beacuse pictures actually fill KB, and the history of sites, and such, doesn`t take too much KB. So, they suddenly say that me and my siblings can`t use the computer anymore, beacuse "we ruin it by going on those sites". Not fair! Seriously, why can`t they just understand that pictures fills a lot more space than internet-history!
    Now, just some minutes ago, i went on the computer again. Now they say that "i can`t be on more than one thing at a time" and "have to delete anything i have", meaning i for an example can`t have a window on BZPower on, while i have one of another site, or save pictures! TOTALLY unfair! Why am i not allowed to chat with my friends, while i listen to music, or update my blog? I mean, of course the computer ain`t as fast when you have more than one fan or window open, but come on!
    So, i think that`s a bit unfair. Tell me if i`m just rebelling, or if i`m into something here.
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