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Blog Entries posted by Roablin

  1. Roablin
    This version of the kit previously existed only in my profile, but with the free premier perks I am so glad to have somewhere else to put it. This is where I shall point to now when people ask about the kit.

    As many of you know, long ago the old MNOLG kit (WARNING: links to archive) closed. I followed the old topic thoroughly during it's last days, and have backups of all the original features. In addition, I have compiled most all of the quality fan additions and have tracked down and given credit to as many of the creators as I could. I am trying to keep all the (quality!) fan additions on this page, so if you have any, please notify me.
    Main Body Kits
    Includes two poses of turaga
    Currently includes Toa Mata, and two poses of Toa Nuva
    Currently includes one pose of Bohrok
    Tools and Items
    Accessories and Costumes
    Kit Related Programs
    Matoran Maker
    Download Link Topic (WARNING: Links to archive)
    A program that allows you to make Mctoran without the tedious coloring process. Created by Synan.
    This list may be incomplete. If anyone has more information, complaints, or lawsuits, please notify me before taking my money.
    Matoran Onknu
    Takuma Nuva
  2. Roablin
    Lego Lord of the Rings is going to be real!
    It's coming next summer and it will include the Hobbit.
    Finally I'll have a reason to buy sets, and a huge reason that will be.
  3. Roablin
    The pony creator is fun.
    Here's Roablin as an Everfree Forest denizen.

    Some part of this is going to have to become my avie.
  4. Roablin
    So I was just about to ditch all my other money plans and buy this book.
    But then I noticed my library had it already. Three copies. And I am the first to request one. I love my library. Libraries are great.
    Now I don't have to throw my last 30 bucks out the window.
    Also, I'll probably lose this blog soon. Which means I need to post an MNOLG entry before then. Also I am now using a new font, I liked it on Matoro Inika's posts.
  5. Roablin
    Yesterday I went to Magic Mountain with my family for home-school day. This was the first time I had been on any roller coaster with a loopedy-loop. It was a great day to go, although it was a bit chilly. The lines were short, and I got to go on several coasters more than once.
    It was probably the most exciting day of my life.
    One more interesting thing happened. When I was at the top of the Goliath (a coaster with a 250 ft. high drop) for the second time, it started to rain. Not enough to get soaked, but as the ride went on, I was going so fast that the rain hurt. It felt like small needles hitting my face. It was interesting, and exhilarating.
  6. Roablin
    So I really want to get this game. My parents will let me, and I have enough money. I'm also in need of an awesome strategy game like that.
    But I downloaded the Steam demo, and whenever I launch it, my computer crashes completely. I've never even had my pc crash like that with anything else before.
    Help? Or am I going to have to ditch that game?
    EDIT: So apparently uninstalling the Realtek HD Audio Driver will let me play the game. I am extremely concerned about that, although numerous sources claim that it works. Will this take away my sound?
  7. Roablin
    I was so excited and hungry. I eagerly pulled it open to see what was inside...
    It had nothing inside. I was extremely disappointed.
    And then I had a boring lunch. It did taste good, though.
  8. Roablin
    So I watched 4 episodes of MLP today. That makes twelve in all, and I started 5 (ish) days ago.
    Seeing as I love this show now, and my brother face-palms everytime I talk about it, I probably have to call myself a brony.
    But my bro-not ny can't say anything, he has never seen it.
    Anyways, my two favorite ponies are Apple Jack and Twilight Sparkle.
    My favorite episode is either; the one with Trixie and the Ursa Minor, or Bridle Gossip, which I just saw today.
    And now about the worms (I know that was what you all came here for).
    Last friday I was at my Grandma's house and my grandparents have two guayava trees. My mom picked one that was a little green on one side but otherwise look alright. It wasn't. When I bit into it, I saw some red stuff a little further into it. With my mouth full, I showed it to Mom questioningly. When she shrieked, I spun around and spit everything I had bitten out onto the grass behind me. Apparently there was a maggot right beyond where I had bitten. I almost didn't show mom the red stuff. I wouldn't have if she hadn't been right there. If I hadn't I would have eaten that worm.
    It was quite an interesting experience, but I can now only hope I didn't eat any eggs.
    I've also been listening to the same three MoL soundtracks for the last hour because I'm too busy to change them. Maybe now I will.
  9. Roablin
    Well, it's been back two days. I didn't think I missed the forums that much. I also now realize how time-draining this is. This is my day off from school. What have I done?
    All day.
    Whoof. Not sure how I feel about this, but naturally I'm just going to start posting again.
    I also can't figure out how to change this blawg's title.
  10. Roablin
    I just realized (thanks to Sumiki's recent entry title) that i have a lot of stuff that needs remembering and I should find some way to force my computer to do the remembering for me.
    Well after searching through my computer and googling stuff I found nothing extensive enough, so I just wonder if i could get any suggestions from ya'll. I need some program or preferably website that will allow me to make multiple personal countdowns that i can look up again later. Thanks for your time.
    EDIT: Oh yeah, and how do you change the date on blog entries to move them up up the list?
  11. Roablin
    I'm picking my way through the book, The Fellowship of the Ring, and am coming to Lothlorian. The last time I read it was when I was nine, and I don't remember much. I was really bored then, and I skipped segments. Now it is much more interesting and immersive. My plan is to read all three books and watch each corresponding movie (extended edition) after each one. Then I will read The Silmarillion. With regards to TFotR, I am now surprised to say that the book is better than the movie. It's the small details that count, and everything is much more epic and realistic in the book.
    The movie also omited some huge parts, such as Tom Bombadil and the Barrow Wights.
  12. Roablin
    It seems my blog hasn't died yet. I had might as well make use of it.
    Due to the time spent with my late Grandpa, my family was unable to devote much time to presents. On Christmas day I only got a book, Choices of One, by Timothy Zahn. Not bad at all, as I had been wanting that book, and m library doesn't have it. And in my stocking I got $25 Amazon dollahs.
    The day after Christmas, however, I went to another family, and there I scored much larger than I was expecting. I got:
    A 25 bucks Amazon Giftcar
    A package of Axe (I hope that's not a hint)
    2 Lego collectable minifigs (these are my first, they're great).
    $50 check
    1 Lego plane
    A huge camera package!
    It included a Samsung HD Camcorder
    A tripod
    Sony Vegas Movie Studio
    4 GB SD Card
    A book, 101 Things I learned in Film School
    A camera bag
    This was all from my awesome Aunt and Uncle. It was a present to my whole family, but I'm pretty much in charge of it, because I'm the only one besides my Dad who can do anything with technical devices. I've already figured the whole camera out, most of the rest of the family never will, and they'll all have to ask me how to take a picture. Dad will use it some, but he already has his own camera.
    My brother got the newer Nerf Longshot, which happens to be my favorite Nerf gun. So now I don't have to get it, I can just use his!
    With my money I plan on buying Garry's moderator, and if I have enough, a graphics tablet. I have to save some for those LotR sets coming out in Summer.
    Happy Holidays, and I wish you all a lucrative Christmas!
  13. Roablin
    Last night, the night before Christmas Eve, my Grandpa, Godfather, and great inspiration passed away.
    It couldn't have been more peaceful. I stood at his bedside as he took his last breaths, along with several of my relatives. As I continue to remember him, he inspires and amazes me evermore.
    It seems this is the last entry I will make for awhile. Merry Christmas, everyone.
  14. Roablin
    Wow, it's Friday already? It feels like Wednesday.
    My Xmas break has taken a turn for the worst. My Grandpa and Godfather, who is 93, has suffered two strokes two consecutive days in a row. We moved him out of his home were he had been bedridden into two hospitals, then a hospice.
    This happened four days ago. Every day since my family and extended family have watched over him constantly, keeping vigil over a dying man. His five daughters, their families, visit, and even ancient relatives from Mexico have come to say goodbye. I am continuously amazed by my Grandfather's strength, fortitude, and remarkable kindness. Even in his greatly weakened state, he inquires about our health and raises his feeble hands to give blessings. I have never known him to complain. It has been my great consolation to as a family pray with him and sing songs to him.
    It is likely he will not live till Christmas. We can only hope. But although his passing will be a great loss to my family, I am happy for him. I know that he has desired this for a long time. And it really is the best way to go. He has already seen a priest, and he is surrounded by those who love him.
  15. Roablin
    Well, school's over for the year. I'm not ecstatic about that, but it's welcome. I have some large projects though, so bummer. It looks like I'll have time to work on that metru body tho.
    Lego Lord of the Rings is going to be the best thing since Bionicle. I thought I was through with System since a year ago. Apparently not. I've been waiting for this since even before I watched the movies. I absolutely can't wait for the Hobbit, although I'm afraid it won't live up to the other three movies, or worse, the book. The Hobbit is my favorite book ever, and it tops any movie too.
    I'd like all the wizards, including Radagast, Alatar, and Pallando. That probably won't happen tho.
    "Tho" is actually a legitimate respelling of "though."
    Why isn't "cool dude" censored? It is such an insult.
    Mumak and Nazgul and Sauron oh my!
    Even Tom Bombadil won't be able to withstand Sauron's forces!
  16. Roablin
    So is that project still running? I know they made their own forum someplace, but I haven't heard anything about it in awhile.
    In other news, there's only one thing I don't like about the new (ish) rich text editor. The font button takes forever to drop down its list. It needs to be clicked like 5 times.
  17. Roablin
    Today starts my more than a week long vacation from school! And it's just before MC 1.0, so I'm obviously going to blow it all sticking mods together and posting here.
    Two days ago I took a field trip to San Diego to see an air craft carrier that was moored there. It was pretty cool, but now I know it must be Karzahni to live on one of those. I'd be hitting my head all the time.
    With my week break I should be able to get a MC server running. Unfortunately I won't be able to release it here, I can't make it dedicated. It will also be modded, I'm thinking I'll add AtomicStryker's Battle Towers mod and the Portal gun mod.
    I'll close this with the last thing I was working on for the MNOLG kit. This probably won't be finished though, this is from a long time ago. You'd think eleven shades would be enough for a kit, but on this mask it would help to have more.

    And woo I got Inheritance.
  18. Roablin
    Disclaimer: This entry is not about that guy who used to make those fantastic Bionicle cgi pictures.
    I think I really like the amount of members here. On larger forums my posts get swept away in the stampede of the crowd. Here, there are plenty of nooks inhabited by a few. If I am a regular, I am recognized by the others who frequent those places. Newcomers are realized and welcomed. There are still plenty of people that I haven't seen before, who might surprise me when I venture out into unbeforeseen places. There are dark denizens who inhabit the crags of the forum, who are keen to jump on you and strangle you when you pass by.
    Well, there aren't that many enshadowed cave dwellers. But srsly this atmosphere is great.
    And that's why I stay.
  19. Roablin
    to be sick.
    I got the flu yesterday and have since puked 11(?) times.
    All my plans are thrown out the window. Oh well.
    After I was rested, I watched Nyan Cat in its entirety. That was the longest 3 and a half minutes of my life. It also made me feel bad again.
    The Land of Fans and Music is awesome. It's one of my favorite albums, with a whole lot of that Sburb stuff. It's free, too, which makes it even more awesome. I want to forget the SBaHJ thing, though.
    So this has basically been bad food month. I got sick at my Grandma's. And although I did eat a guayava (for the few who remember my last blog entry), I think it could have been from a slice of pizza that I ate a few hours after it was delivered. Then I had to sustain an hour+ long car trip back to my house, feeling horrible. Bad food month started even before that maggoty guayava with an extremely gross plum.
    Anyways, lying on the couch I made two constellations out of bubble wrap. They are kinda sorta bad.
    Big Dipper
    Ursa Minor
    The Stare Master is now my favorite MLP episode.
    Enough of the info dump. Time to go back to sleep. See you later BZP.
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