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Posts posted by RAMPANT

  1. It would appear that non-premier members can now create blogs.  Is this an intentional change, or something that broke?

    I apologize if this has been mentioned or asked about, I wasn't able to find anything about it, even after several searches.

  2. The last game I played to completion was Persona 5, which I finished about two months ago.  I'm not normally a fan of turn-based games,so I was rather surprised by how much I enjoyed it.  I ended up pouring all my free time into it for about a month and a half, it was the first time in probably two or three years I spent so much time playing a video-game.

    The most recent game I played at all was Code Vein, which I was playing earlier today.  As a fan of Dark Souls 3 I'm really enjoying playing a game with similar combat than I don't have to take as seriously.

  3. I have a pretty good idea of what my first set from each wave was, but I don't usually have a precise order of each wave past that.

    2001: was Kopaka, Followed by Lewa, Gali and Tahu (I'm pretty sure in that order).  I didn't get Pohatu until a couple of years later. I always consider Pohatu as my last 2001 set as in My opinion I technically never "got" Onua, but rather found the parts to build him in various random part hauls, but that's probably just me being difficult.

    2002: is the only year I don't have any real idea of.  I know I got all the Bohrok, Bohrok Va, and Toa Nuva as well as the Boxor and the Bahrag, but all I know for sure of the order is that the Bahrag were last (about 4 years ago when my grandparents happened across them).

    2003: Kohrak Kal (and no other Kal), followed by Kurahk, followed by the other Rahkshi besides Vorahk.  Aslo got Takanuva somewhere during that time, but I'm not sure when.

    2004: In order; Keerakh, Vakama, Onewa, Whenua, Lhikan, Ahkmou, Matau.  This is one of only two years I'm absolutely certain of the exact order I got them.  Keerakh my mom grabbed for me on a whim, and the others through Ahkmou were birthday/Chrismas gifts.  Matau I happened across at a flea-market a few year ago and grabbed.

    2005: I didn't much care for the sets in 2005, so the only normal ones I ended up with were Vakama and Oohnorak.  Somehow though I ended up with all 6 Rahaga.  I happened across Roodaka (unopened!) a couple of years later at a thrift store and grabbed her as well.

    2006:  Nuparu, followed by Hewkii, Kongu, and Matoro all at once, then Axonn then Kazi, then Zaktan from a parts haul last year.  This is the other year besides 2004 I know the exact order, mostly as a result of the unusual way I got the Toa sets.  Basically, when I first sat the Inika, I though Nuparu was the coolest thing I'd ever seen, and I made sure everyone I knew was aware I though so.  These people were the same people who would be buying me birthday gifts later that year and, as a result I ended up with 4 Nuparus.  Three of these  were promptly exchanged for the three other Inika mentioned.  As for the others, I remebered Kazi was the last set I got that year which leaves Axonn as the second-to-last by process of elimination, and Zaktan I got recently enough to remember when it happened.

    2007: I'm not as sure as with 04 and 06, but I'm pretty sure the order is something like Ehlek, Nuparu, Jaller, Knogu, Pridak, Hydraxon, Gadunka, Lesovikk, with Lesokivv being the only one I'm sure of as I got him just a few months ago.

    Form 2008 onward, I really have no idea.  I couldn't even begin to guess what order I got the 4 Phantoka (2 normal-size sets and 2 matoran) and 6 Mistaka (1 normal set, and 5 large) I have in.  For 2009, I'm pretty sure Skrall was my first Glatorian (out of 5, 3 normal, 1 small and 1 large) and Mata Nui was my firs Glatorian Legend (out of 5, all normal size), but I'm not anywhere close to 100% sure, and in 2010 Tahu was the only Stars set I ever got, so I suppose he counts as both first and last(?) for that line.

    I'm sure there are several sets I've gotten I'm forgetting, and I've bought a large amount of "assorted parts" online, so I probably also have the parts to build several sets I don't even know I "Have", but this is the order to the best of my memory.

  4. As several have already said about themselves, mostly creative stuff.  In my case primarily writing.  Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately, I don't really know if my writing is any good) only one piece ever made it online, and the others were all lost when an old computer died, and I really don't have the motivation to re-write several years worth of probably not great fan-fiction from memory.  More importantly though, if not from the inspiration from Bionicle I most likely never would've started writing, and by extension the (unrelated) stuff I'm currently working on, which I hope to eventually publish, would never have existed.

  5. Realistically, it's probably called that because marketers/writers though "Mask of Fate" sounded cooler.  And the actual explanation of it's function could possibly have been decided after the name.  If you want an in-universe explanation Pohaturon's seems like the most likely.




    • Upvote 1
  6. I'd love to see Exo-Force come back, or get something like it at the very least.  Personally though, I'm not a big fan of the idea of CCBS mechs.  I'd also like to see something similar to Alpha Team.

  7. I saw this topic at the perfect time.  I can describe today in one word.  A word that any Warframe player (and only Warframe players) will understand in connection to today:



  8. Carrying over a quote by the OP in a (soon to be closed) thread on the same subject:

    Personally, I'm hoping we get Exo-Force 2.0 mashing System with CCBS. You know, like the last year of Hero Factory, except less of a turd. That, or some new original non-licensed space-based Sci-Fi constraction theme, either with no humans or with armored humans with helmets. Please none of that molded human heads from the Star Wars sets. They look horrible.

    The first idea (CCBS Exo-Force) worries me.  I don't really think CCBS even could be used to make mechs without it looking bad.  If anyone can prove me wrong here, please do, this is one of few situations where I would enjoy being wrong.  

    As for the other idea (CCBS Space theme with no human faces), I really like that one.  I've thought about this one before myself, and to me CCBS is just begging to be used in a Space police reboot theme or similar.

  9. With Bionicle Gen 2 Being discontinued, this leaves a gap is the current list of LEGO themes, that being figure based themes.  I find it hard to believe that LEGO would discontinue Bionicle without introducing a new figure theme, so What does everyone think will be next?  What would you like to see next?  Personally, (yes I realize this idea is generally seen as a joke) I would like to see a Galidor reboot, but that seems unlikely.


    EDIT: It has been brought to my attention that there is already a thread on this topic here that I missed.  I am requesting that mine be closed

  10. These are freaking awesome.  Jens is pretty much perfect.  It would be great to see Nepol, but I don't really see how you could make his head.



    I honestly need to figure out how i can link to the LXF files because some of the weird builds these required aren't quite captured in their fullest here. 0:


    You can actually upload LXF files to brickset (Example here).  I did this pretty regularly back when I uploaded LDD mocs a lot.


    On the subject of knock offs I actually have some...somewhere, my Dad went on a trip to China and because he doesn't seem to care about the names he bought me a bootlegged, Corroder, X-plode, Meltdown, Thunder, and a star skrall (which was under the invincibility robot title), I already owned all these sets so there was no use for the knock offs, do you guys think it's a good idea for me to open them (if I find them). 

    Just open them for the CCBS, even if it's bootleg, it should still be compatible.


    Those sets are all to old to have CCBS parts.

    • Upvote 2
  12. I don't really use emoticons much, but  :wasntme-sign: was always one of my favorites.


    You guys are all way off.  In reposting some of my old comedy stories, I discovered that BZPower actually has "secret" emoticons.  These are emoticons that once had a shortcut on the board, lost it in the upgrade, but still exist on the server.  You can access these by getting the base URL for an emoticon and then inserting an image with that code, only changing the file name (provided you happen to know the file names of disused emoticons).

    I actually have a page bookmarked with what i'm pretty sure is all of the BZP emoticons including the secret ones you mentioned.





    Who will be the first one to explain how the heck should a power like prosperity work?

    It gives energy to the target, as opposed to Hunger which would take it away. 

    Why is it then called prosperity?


    Each of these is a principle that matoran follow in MNOGII.  Courage is the principle of Ta-Koro, Purity is the principle of Ga-Koro, Faith is the principle of Le-Koro, Creation is the principle of Po-Koro, Prosperity is the principle of  Onu-Koro, and Peace is the principle of Ko-Koro.


    I know that.

    I ask why the power of prosperity should suddenly give energy without any explanation other than "it's the opposite of hunger".


    I would tend to agree with that, I was simply answering your question.  The best I can come up with, is that "prosperity" is basically having a large amount of something of value, often an excess of that something, and I suppose a person on whom the power was used would have that, it is still somewhat of a stretch though.



    Who will be the first one to explain how the heck should a power like prosperity work?

    It gives energy to the target, as opposed to Hunger which would take it away. 

    Why is it then called prosperity?


    Each of these is a principle that matoran follow in MNOGII.  Courage is the principle of Ta-Koro, Purity is the principle of Ga-Koro, Faith is the principle of Le-Koro, Creation is the principle of Po-Koro, Prosperity is the principle of  Onu-Koro, and Peace is the principle of Ko-Koro.

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