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Toa Mahar

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Status Updates posted by Toa Mahar

  1. So many comic makers are dying around me...

    Legolover's AWOL, my topic just died, Light Blazer has no Paint or GIMP, ATV is not touching HIS comic topic...



  3. That sig is so CREEPY!

  4. That the comic made you change your name.

    But it didn't.

    Oh well.

  5. That's the problem with not putting up your birthday. Oh well. It's today, peeps.

  6. The plot twist is awesome, isn't it?

    But keep in mind, Mahar is still good...

  7. This is an announcement:

    I have not been on for two weeks and will not be on for at least another two weeks (or until I get back my straight A's). My parents have banned me from the internet until such time as that happens. But don't worry, there is nothing that can get a geek like me to move like having to internet access.

    This was an exception, of course.

  8. This is curious... another Shadix...

    Oh well, welcome to BZP! I hope you survive- I mean enjoy your stay!

  9. This is the first time I've seen your profile and my profile free of comments that say: "OMG! Someone stole your name!:Mahar: Toa of Mangosteen."

    It may at last be over.

  10. This is weird. You're on my friends list... How odd...

  11. TNM, what ever did he do to deserve THAT!?!

    And what's this about hating B6?

  12. Wait, do you take Judo?

  13. Wait... oh I just forgot that you're a Premier Member. The waiting period for a name change is only a month, right?

  14. Welcome to BZPower, be sure to swoop by the comics section sometime!

  15. Welcome to BZPower. If you need anything, PM me, so I can forward you to someone who actually knows what he or she is doing. 8P

    I hope you have a good time in Bionicle Zone Power.

  16. Well... time to listen once again to the tale of MAHAR and LJ.

    I live in the Philippines, where mangosteen grows. So I stumbled upon LJ, thought "Who is this guy?" and after some pleasant small talk I ended up becoming a new Toa of Mangosteen. You can also give credit to Eljay for my comics.

  17. What an original name. 8P

    Welcome to BZPower, Taka. I hope you enjoy it. Feel free to go by the New Member Q&A if you need anything!

  18. What do you mean by 'why'? It's a LOL. And maybe you should stop the spam. 8P

  19. What Hukster said. Me Mahar. Me eat Mangosteen. What's with the username? And PMs work perfectly for me.

  20. What!?! How can you escape from a Master Ball!?!

  21. What!?! No!! He OFFERED ME THAT NAME!

  22. What? My Stink-type Pokemon is no match for your Perfumite!

    Return, Shoekachu! Go, Chuck Norris! Use your Epic Type Special Attack, Roundhouse Kick!

  23. Win for the avvie. That's from Starcraft, right?

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