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BS01 Poll Mistress

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Year 15

About BS01 Poll Mistress

  • Birthday 02/11/1997

Profile Information

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    United States of America
  • Interests
    Ooh, look! An UPDATE.<br /><br />Now that I have your attention, let me fill you in on who I am, what I like, and all that jazz.<br /><br />I'm a fourteen year-old girl who lives in Illinois (OOOOHHHH the glorious Land of Lincoln). I play soccer and will soon be refereeing games for $10 a game (major happydance here). When I'm not writing, spriting, reading, or sewing, I'm either on BZP and BS01 or at church. I enjoy hockey (GO CHICAGO BLACKHAWKS!), watching the Olympics (U S A! U S A!), and baseball (YEAH CUBS!).<br /><br />Oh, btw, I'm the Poll Mistress on BS01, as well as an Event Log archivist. :)<br /><br />On BZP, my only claims to fame are my brother (LewaLew, a RK), my comics (Mega(n51's) Comics. Check them out), and my Short Stories.<br /><br />Oh yeah, go read those. :P<br /><br />However, I dislike pro basketball, pro football, pro soccer (pro soccer players should be in the movies -- they're brilliant actors :P), horror movies, rock music, pop, country, Christian rock (and pop and swing and all other things contemporary), aka every kind of music other than Christian and banjo picking songs like 'Bile Them Cabbage Down'. Some of you may say, "But Christian Rock and Pop and Country are good! They're Christian!" Well let me tell you that just because something is labeled as Christian doesn't mean that it is. After all, a rose by any other name is still a rose.<br /><br />Sorry. Mini rant there.<br /><br />Swearing's also a no-no with me. I dislike it immensely. I also dislike miniskirts, low tops, bikinis, and all other non-modest clothing. Yay skirts! I dislike it when people look at me weird because I have different standards of dress and dating.<br /><br />Oh, btw, I don't like hanging around with boys in RL. Must be when that kid tried to kiss me back in 4th grade. That snowshovel to the head taught him. >:D<br /><br />Oh, am I disturbing you? I r sry.<br /><br />Aaaaand that's about it. Now you know a bit more about that monster called Megan51.<br /><br />WAITWAITWAIT! I FORGOT SOMETHINGS!<br /><br />I like Pixar movies. And I wish I had a blog. <br /><br />I'm a conservative Republican, and I'm a Baptist. Not southern Baptist, mind you. I read the King James Bible. I was born again on the 11th of February, 2003.

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