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Toa Blackout

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Blog Entries posted by Toa Blackout

  1. Toa Blackout
    I was doing some research about my little dwarf caiman. I found out the largest one ever recorded was a 2.6 meter male. That is approx. 8 feet 6 inches. I was told by many places they only got 5 foot max which I thought was sort of small. I knew there was some recorded over 6 foot but didn't realize that large. Also knowing males get larger anyways I proceeded to sex my caiman. It is in fact a male.
    I hope he gets 8 foot. That would make me a very happy man.
    And in other news Gator Country possibly going to be on TruTV. Or if they do not want the show there is several other channels interested in us. Also we just received a African Rock Python at Gator Country, which is the second largest species of snake and incredibly aggressive compared to the Burmese Python.
    Anyways how are you guys..
  2. Toa Blackout
    I don't really care for once in my life.
    Tomorrow I am gonna go to school. Get throught it. Then go to the basketball game and watch my cousin play. Afterwards I will probably go out to eat with said cousin who happens to also happens to have his birthday tomorrow. Don't really care if I get anything for my birthday. I don't even want anything to be honest. I have great friends and familly who care and thats all I need. I don't want a iPad or iPod or anything like that for that matter, I just want to hang out with my friends and family and just have a good day tomorrow.
    Anyways how are you guys doing in this crazy world that we call home.
  3. Toa Blackout
    You bore and depress me sometimes. But sometimes you excite and make me happy. But usually the first.
    Mainly been going to Gator Country on weekends and going to the school during the week.
    Found out one of my best friends is moving to South America for a year and a half so kind of sad about that.
    My brother and his fiance are getting a house and moving out soon so I am happy for them (and I am also kind of happy that I get a second room :>).
    Also found out my friend has brain cancer and his insurance runs out in a week so that's not good at all.
    And my cousin from Vegas is coming down for 5 days tomorrow so I finally get to meet him so :>
    Anyways this weekend I am going to be doing a toy drive for Blue Santa at Gator Country so looking I am really looking forward to do that. Going to be a very busy day but I am ready. Hopefully the weather cooperates with us Saturday.
    So, lovely freezing weather we are having eh?
  4. Toa Blackout
    BZPower is finally back. Nice to see that. Now I guess I shall tell you guys what I did.
    I watched MLP: FiM.... its not that bad at all
    Went to Gator Country a lot.
    Got a Nile Monitor which will get about 5-7 foot.
    Got 6 new snakes. All ball pythons.
    My dwarf caiman finally bit me good. Latched on for 7 minutes but it didn't really do much damaged.
    Also got bit by a lot of snakes.
    Played minecraft.
    Went to San Antonio and went to the zoo which was amazing.
    ....That is about it.....
    Oh wait except for that part were I went to Washington D.C.... That was so awesome. Museums were nice, hotel was nice, went to a bunch of memorials and monuments, got to fly for the first time, and went to Mount Vernon so I had a good time.
    Anyways right now I am doing a haunted house at Gator Country. Did it last year and it was a blast scaring people so I got something to keep me busy at the moment.
    So hows life and such guys?
  5. Toa Blackout
    So yeah watching it right now. Never seen it before till now, seems good so far.
    Also got a savannah monitor today, who is on my head at the moment and he keeps pulling my hair with his little hook claws.
    He's only 2 weeks old too and I got him for helping a guy out.
    Pictures will be taken later.
  6. Toa Blackout
    So today I was turning on my heat lamps for my animals when one of them started shooting flames out the top of it scaring the heck out of me. I had to unplug it and the flames were right next to the plug so I nearly got burned. But everthing turned out right and nothing got burned.
    Anyways hows life and such.
  7. Toa Blackout
    So I haven't blogged in a while. And I've had quite a bit of stuff happen.
    First I went mudding and had a great time. Then went to Gator Country and got to feed Big Al (the 13' 4'' alligator)
    Then went to school for a week and didn't do much.
    And now schools out for a week yay. Went to a concert Friday and it was awesome.
    Today we headed up to my grandparents (which is were I am at currently and is where I am gonna be till Monday.)
    Rode the four wheeler for a while. Then my grandma collects a bunch of stuff and I went through some of it. Found a small pistol sized cross bow. Put a pencil in it to see how well it shot. Didn't found out how well it shoots because the cross bow was so strong it snapped the pencil into three pieces. So tomorrow heading to academy to find some arrows that are small enought for it.
    And now I am going to bed since its 2:16 am.
  8. Toa Blackout
    So lately I have been slacking on making mocs. When I build most of the mocs end up looking horrid.
    So I ask what should I build to test my mocing abilities? Another massive dragon? A giant? Some sort of Alien beast? What ever give me ideas.
    Thanks -Blackout
  9. Toa Blackout
    So I have a question for you guys. Who do you think is the manliest man?
    If you ask me there are a couple of contenders.
    Chuck Norris
    Clint Eastwood
    Pat Tillman
    Bruce Lee
    thats all i got
    So who do you think is the manliest man?
  10. Toa Blackout
    yay its my birthday
    ono im sick and have a fever and i have bronchitis and cant go to school this week so im gonna be way behind
    also my boss gary shaved my head when i stayed the night at his house XD
  11. Toa Blackout
    So he has started to outgrow his tank. And I talked with my father today and made this decision. I do not want Poseidon living outside with such harsh temperature changes. He is from South America around the equator were there is hardly any major temperature changes like here. So I am going to start saving up all the money I receive for supplies to make Poseidon a indoor pond. Hopefully by the time he completely outgrows his small 40 gallon tank, my brother shall have moved out (hes 21 and he is making lots of money). So I now I am not going to buy anything for the next several months. Hopefully with all the money I get for my Birthday (last time I got over 300 dollars) and the money I get from working out at Gator Country (lets see 7.25 x 9 hours a day x 5 days a week so 60 days of work = iunno alot) I have enough to get the things I need.
  12. Toa Blackout
    This is an awesome movie.
    So far in the past two days I've watched a bunch of movies.
    I have watched:
    Hancock (liked it a lot)
    The Breakup (very funny)
    The Other Guys (one of the best movies I have seen)
    Couples Retreat (also very funny)
    Friday the 13th Part 5 (HORRIBLE)
    Kick *censored* (i have one thing to say: B))
    And tomorrow I am going to watch 9 in blu ray B)
  13. Toa Blackout
    I have decided to not make the Freddy Krueger moc. It started off good but now it looks horrible. Sorry.
    Anyways I will be making a moc of something. What I am going to moc though I have not a clue due to the fact I never know what to make
    So once again I ask what should I make?
  14. Toa Blackout
    Today I went to target and walmart. At target I found Surge 2.0 so I bought him. Then at walmart I found something awesome. The Lunar Limo in all its gloriousness for a mere 16 dollars. I snatched it up and checked out immediately. I love the lunar limo. The set is absolutely amazing. One of the best sets I have ever gotten. I recommend you get it. Seriously get it.
    Also Surge is okay. The gun thing is cool.
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