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Posts posted by christo1096

  1. That torso design is amazing, however it looks like it is not attached very securely.


    Thank you, yes, I need to sacrifice the playability for aesthetic, but the build is actually pretty solid.



    I'll second the torso appreciation. The harpoon gun is pretty cool as well. I can't decide if I like the skull spider thighs or not. I think the're just a bit too big.



    I want to bring kind of feminine looks, so I thought of buffing the thighs, so I added skull spider masks.

  2. Hi BZP! long time no see! I'm not completely disappear, it's just college is a time consuming ahahaha. I have very limited parts as always since moving to college, all of my parts are on the other side of the world so...


    Gali Nuva 2016 Revamp, pretty satisfied with the torso design but not the limbs, especially lower legs, I have no idea how to fix this with little amount of parts. She got a harpoon-kind-of gun instead of a spear.





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    • Upvote 6
  3. This is insane (in the good way)! This is going to be VERY hard to beat!


    (also, as I said in the official topic, is this going to try to take over my Mata Nui entry? :P )


    Thank you! yes of course



    This is great! While not inherently a "Teridax" look, the red and black do help with association. But regardless of which character it is supposed to represent, this moc is absolutely fantastic. It's huge and bulky and the weapons and mask help make it look all the more menacing. Looks great from the front, but man I was not expecting the back! Quite a complex and mechanical build. Really shows the creativity that went into this one. The feet show that well too. Some really great stuff going on here, and it all comes together to make a solid SOLID entry. Great job! :)




    The back side is kinda empty, but yeah should cover it with something. thanks!



    Amazing homage, especially considering your limited parts selection! I can really see the resemblance to the original.





    That is...great...all here for me to criticize is the colour scheme,


    Well based on gen 2 sets colorscheme...

  4. I can see traces of the original Makuta set here, and I like it. Especially for working with parts from the Toa. 


    The hands and staff are the biggest throwback to me, and the purple is a nice touch!


    Thanks! I prefer to change purple with black or red if I can, but yeah, purple still acceptable.


    It may not be as obvious at first, but I can see a little of the old Makuta shining through. As mentioned before, those shovel-hands and staff work in helping us recognize the old Master of Shadows, as does the purple. I like the bulk of it, especially around the torso and  upper legs, and I like how creatively put-together the feet look. I feel as if the hands on the feet give him a look like as if he has toes, and considering how many of the beings in the new series do, it helps him fit in more.


    I suppose the amount of silver is not easily avoidable, but I'm so used to seeing the old Makuta with subdued colors, black and 'gunmetal', but considering you did only use three sets to put this guy together(impressive, by the way), it looks just fine the way it is.


    I'd love to see this Terry' in Tahu's new mask. Remember when Makuta was in Matoran-form, proclaiming himself undefeatable because he was 'nothing'? It'd be a fun throwback, but the Skull Spider works just as well, and gives Teridax here the creepy vibe he so well deserves. :P


    Wish you luck in the competition!


    If they released infected tahu mask, I'd love to put it on his head hahaha. For me, the gen 2 build is also cartoon-ish, so I make a really bulk body with short legs.

    And Thank you very much!


    Looks quite nice indeed. Though can we get a contest where people don't start doing Makuta(Especially Teridax)? It's starting to get really old as an idea honestly. But as I said the entry looks great, design wise.


    well, this is the only thing that pops up when I start to build. Thanks



    Though can we get a contest where people don't start doing Makuta(Especially Teridax)?

    Given that there are multiple people who have made entries for this contest which are not Makuta (and you're one of them!), this is such a contest already.


    Anyway, to speak of the actual creation here, overall it looks pretty good. Nicely armored, and making good use of the parts from the Toa Okoto that you have. The Skull Spider mask doesn't exactly scream Makuta to me, but I recognize that you were doing your best with the limited parts.





    Agreed, I really want to use krahkaan, but I have no one right now, I regret I didn't bring some of my parts from back home.


    I am quite impressed with this, considering what you had to work with. I agree with others that the shovel hands do a lot to enhance the resemblance of the original. Makuta.


    Thank you!

  5. Very nice moc... Good distribution of parts from the selected sets. Not sure how well it pays homage to the Original Teridax but I do like what I am seeing anyway...


    P.S. I may advise that for future reference, if you are going to place a link directly to your gallery page, make sure it is a public folder. Prowl cannot see anything and we don't know if it is due to the folder being "private" or him not having an account on the site.


    Thank you! It would be as titan sized sets I think ahaha.

    Those numbers under the image will direct you to pictures, the gallery will be public soon.



    Limited by the color palettes of the sets as you may be, I can definitely see the traits taken from the original Terry. This is impressive! I feel like the purple is sorely limited to the shoulders and chest, but seeing as there isn't much purple in Onua to begin with, it makes sense. :P Excellent work, as always!


    True! This is just my interpretation of Teridax, I'm reffering to the 2003 set as well. Well yeah, I would love to change those purple with red or silver or black if I have more parts... Thank you!

  6. My entry for BBCC69, Makuta Teridax. I only use parts from Gali, Pohatu, Onua, and Tahu (that's the only sets I have here). This is my interpretation of Makuta Teridax if it's become a Gen 2 set. With typicall Gen 2 cartoon-ish shape and color scheme. Also with working gear function.





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    C&C are welcomed! :D

    • Upvote 7
  7. Nice one. Mixes futuristic and animalistic characteristics quite well.


    Thank you, I really want to make it more "flea" like shape, but ended with this


    This is by far my favorite entry so far, purely because of the head. Don't get me wrong, the whole thing is a marvel--it flows well and looks very sleek and powerful--but that head is what really sells it. Very nice work!


    Thanks :D agreed with the head, very parasite like and a little bit mech looking


    This MOC is really cool. I like the agile predator look ot has and the spiked legs, but where is the brain part.


    Turtleman brings up a good point. Where is the brain part? I'm pretty sure a mention in the bio alone does not justify entry. You need a pic showing off the probe injection.

    Other than that, I like the use of the rahkshi parts and I LOVE how you integrated Frost Beast's face on the top of the head. And judging by the underside, you've got some ingenious technic construction in there.


    Yeah, you should just take a picture of the thing on your head... I think that'd count. :lol:


    Thanks guys... I think it doesn't really need to expose the brain parts, since the other entries didn't show brain parts. But that's a good idea for sticking this parasite and take the photos :D

  8. My entry for BBCC#66 : Brains! on BZPower. Unit White Hound BCIV (Brain Control Parasiste Mech IV) is a small, fast and dangerous unit. This unit jump to target's head and inject its probe (which hidden under its body) to target's head. White Hound can recieve data and control target's mind by injecting probe and leave the probe on target's head, and the unit user can control target's mind.



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    C & C are welcomed!!!

  9. Lol thats a very interesting foot design! And i love you were able to include Jaller Inika's rubber mask near the back and it looks pretty cool, sorta like a tail somewhat. Very nice torso design and head design. I like you used the new hero factory brain attack villain face to add to the head in order add a bit for coverage. I really like the overall design and just wow, great moc :D

    But seriously, that foot design. Does it have trouble standing?


    Thanks :) that's a little abdoment. yes, it's unsatble without support


    Excellent design! The rollerblades on the legs are something ive never seen before. The black and red go together great and the silver isn't bad looking. I don't get the jaller inika heads in the back, they seem short for a tail so i don't know what they are. I don't like the back view either. It seems like this to me-Vakama:"Hey! Look at my but!


    Thank you. The wheel thingy use some small system parts attached on the kanoka disk. hahhaa, that's the abdomen


    Nice! I love the twisted, alien appearance. I love the use of the various heads/masks on it. The rollerblades are extremely well designed, but they seem out of place on such an organic-looking MOC.


    The main idea is combining between robotic and organic look, thanks


    It's not bad, just... odd. The mix of aesthetics is weird, between the rounded organic shapes of the feet and stuff contrasting with the normal robotic feel of the limbs (which are, IMO, unfittingly simple)... maybe it's just me, but this isn't as good as most of your MOCs, Alva. :notsure:

    I will say that I really like the head. The Pyrox face actually looks quite nice there.


    Their are a couple of parts combos here I really like. The head, claws and thorax all look great. But overall it looks a little messy. The limbs look very thrown-together and don't really work with the overall aesthetic. The concept with the feet is cool, but it really doesn't work for me. The housing for a wheel really needs to flow, and the shape of the claw piece doesn't match up, and that technic L-beam doesn't match any other shapes on the MOC. So awesome design, but like Chro said, not quite as excellent as your other work.



    Thanks bro :D yep, i think this is not the best from me too. it just a warming up after MOCing fasting because of school. I will remake him, but not today...

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