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Turaga Lianyu

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Status Updates posted by Turaga Lianyu

  1. Exageras. Tu, si por cualquier motivo tienes que decir mi nombre en un post, llamame Lianyu y fuera xD

  2. Hey, Mutran, my moderator friend!! Estoy bien, y tu? =D

    Thanks for accept me as a frien here, you're the first one =D

    (si, es patetico, pero cree esta cuenta cuando la del foro y nunca la llegue a usar xD)

  3. Jajajajaja, yes, I'm Koutra ¬¬

    How are you, country rock star? =D

  4. Luckliy YOU. Ii'll still have a lot of exams until my birthday, 17 June, when I get vacances =(

  5. O_o

    Soy candidato? >///

    Choy felich

  6. Where? In my new name's topic? I forget xD

    Why the ###### we don't speak Spanish??

  7. Yeah, probably... xD

  8. Yes, but my friends go in a school trip for a week and I'll be alone... ToT

  9. Yes, I am.

    You'll be probably Miyuki, from the same place no? =D

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