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Status Updates posted by Spirah

  1. Cool! :D I'd love a blog.

  2. Cool! Did you like them? Which songs did you recognize?

  3. Cool! I can't wait to see them! Is one already posted, you say?

  4. Cool! I'm actually going to New Jersey in August for vacation!

  5. Cool! Is it fun? :D

  6. Could you go to the voting forums and vote in the scripts for The Next Generation please? Entry 10 is mine. Thanks!

  7. Could you vote for entry 10 in the voting forums for The Next Generations scripts? I'd really appreciate it. Thanks!

  8. Cyber school, it's on the computer. So I'm really homeschooled. xD

  9. DC? As in DC comics? Cool!

    I'll have to look it up!

  10. Did you really join on the 10th of January... THIS year?

  11. Doesn't matter anyway. ^^ Hope you enjoyed it though.

  12. Dude your on! Like the new epi?

  13. Duhhh...I meant to say "How BIG of a fan" :P

  14. Eh, I don't know anything about sprites. xD I'd like to be a Makuta though.

  15. Eh, not much. I posted in The Making of TLR yesterday, and I'm about to post in my comedy now...

  16. Eh, not much. I've got 3 parts to my new epic, and I think I like it. It's a tad challenging because there's not nearly enough humor, but I'll get the hang of it. ;)

  17. Eh... yeah. I (unfortunately) find myself less and less excited for the new album. I hope that Amy hasn't turned into a smooth EZ listening band and not rock. All this "electronic" and "no conventional instruments" is making me skeptical.

  18. Er...

    I appear to have lost my train of thought.

    What is it we were talking about? :guilty:


    2010 album to be released, and hopefully a new single sometime soon. I've been all over evthreads waiting for news!

  20. Fan of Nightwish?

    Fan of Evanescence? :o

  21. Fluffiness? Fluffiness!

    Awsome name. ;)

  22. Foo... it was epicly epic. Maybe you can ask one of those people-in-charge as to its whereabouts. I dunno otherwise. :/

  23. Friday? That's tomorrow! Happy birthday!!! :D

  24. GAAAAHHH!!! I just spent many, many hours meticulously writing that story you sent me! But I did change the ending some, because it would have taken me a whole lot longer to do it otherwise. GAAAHHH!!! it took me foreveh! But I enjoyed it. ^^

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