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Posts posted by Synan

  1. So I just started going down this myself, so most of this is still early discoveries on my end. I'm mainly prototyping on an Ender 3 with a .4 mm nozzle. This is great just to get a quick idea of how the part looks and works size-wise after a fast print, but certainly doesn't have the "LEGO fit". If I'm happy, I swap to a .24 mm nozzle. Then give it a longer print with solid infill. A light sand has it looking nice then. I'm just starting with resin printing, but it does a better job catching the slick look of real bricks. Sadly, I'm still getting the hand of that so I can't say much about it at the moment.

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  2. How long will it be before someone releases add ons so the NXT so it can interact with this?

    I think this is a great way to get younger kids into programming, but looking at the complexity of the builds, I'm a bit confused by the intended age. They can't be far off from being ready for the full Mindstorms sets. This feels like an adult playing with WeDo.

  3. This is amazing. I just spent an hour playing around with it and I still want to keep looking. Even if there's no story, I greatly look forward to the rest of the island and just walking around.


    Good luck in this great undertaking, I can't wait.


    Also, am I right in assuming that Kuki happened to spot a Time Lord?

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  4. A bit of copy/paste from the old thread:MATORAN MAKERThis is a somewhat simple program I made that allows you to make your own Matoran as they appeared in 2001/2002Just use the arrows to select the mask, mask color, arm color, body color, and foot color. Downloadmatoran_maker.jpg(This image is of the older version)Enjoy making MatoranThe Matoran in this program are from the MNOG Character kit, which has a thread right here.I don't care what you do with the Matoran you make in this kit, just remember to please give credit, and don't change any of the files. Update:After several years, I actually opened my old file host to discover a little surprise. Ever since the BZP forum archives came back up there had been downloads of this program almost daily from the mirror host, and I have no idea how many times the other host was used. A quick online search revealed that it's still used. Videos, art, and links on forums to the download are everywhere. It's extremely heartwarming to see that it's still used, and I want to thank everyone for making my day with that.Then I came to BZP. I've hardly done anything here since the forums went down, and saw that the shops and kits sub-forum, once so large, needed a bit of love.I do tinker with this when I'm really bored, and may actually finish some of the updates I'm working on, but don't get your hopes up.

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