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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by P~M

  1. P~M
    I just had the silly idea of some sort of "MOC Boot Camp" where a bunch of talented (and well-known) builders get together and come up with a sort of training program for prospective MOCers, or just anyone who wants to get better at Bionicle building. It could be in the format of a video series, or a picture-and-text post, or whatever, really.
    Bloggers, what do you think? Has anything like this been done before? Does anyone want to participate?
  2. P~M
    Explaining to my mom why Bionicle coming back is so exciting:
    "So in order to understand that, you have to know that Bionicle's storyline is a bit crazy. For instance..."
    (I proceed to give an account of all ten years of the main storyline, which takes about half an hour and probably bores her to death)
    "...But I digress."
  3. P~M
    Hi guys!
    I started a subreddit for all your LEGO creations right over at /r/mocs. Feel free to post them over there and have others vote on them!
    If there's anything not allowed about this, admins, please let me know and I'll remove it.
  4. P~M
    My old cat disappeared on us back in the spring or so and now that I've moved to a new place I figure a cat would be nice. And who knows, maybe he/she would distract me from wasting all my time on the Internet.
  5. P~M
    I bought this game last night and I started playing it today, and so far it seems pretty fun.
    I started a discussion topic in COT here if anyone wants to talk about it. There are links to the website and the Steam page in the topic.
    Would anyone be interested in a Starbound server for BZPers?
  6. P~M
    I feel like one of those serial killers in the movies that listens to Haydn while they dissect their victims.
    Except instead of dissecting humans I'm drinking chocolate milk and fooling around on the Internet.
    Man, Spotify is great.
    . .
  7. P~M
    ...seems pretty fishy, but I thought I'd give it a go to see what was what.
    Those of you who have gotten some result out of this: thoughts? viruses? gift cards?
    So yeah, definitely a scam, so don't bother with it. Doesn't seem to be a virus, but I wouldn't risk it. Who knows, maybe there really is a gift card at the end of the tunnel, but I'm not risking my sanity for $10.
    . .
  8. P~M
    So I'm a POBZPC now. That's pretty cool!
    Anywho, I've been working on this fellow on and off for a month or two, and I thought his color scheme kinda matched the occasion. What do you all think?
  9. P~M
    Vote in the BZPower Q&A Contest #@: 'The Only Stupid Questions...' today!
    I'm Entry #6 here, in case you want to vote for me. The other voting topics are all pinned in the Q&A forum.
  10. P~M
    So here I am, with this so-called "blog" (there are so many The Piraka Blogs that I've created but never really used-- wordpress, tumblr... heck, even facebook) and I never do anything with it.
    I might as well start, right?
    This is me.
    So I've been playing Cookie Clicker lately. It's pretty darn gratifying to wake up after a nice night's sleep and see my bank full of hundreds of trillions of cookies.
    Also: Wrinklers? Cutest darn little buggers ever.
    . .
  11. P~M




    P ~ M ' s - C o m i c s !


    Yes, now that the forums are back online, it's time for the midseason reboot of P~M's Comics, formerly known as The Adventures of Three Matoran! Unbelievable!


    Sadly, with the auto logout problem that occurs on a visit to the archive, I'm not going to link to the old topic. However, if you really want to see it, I'll give you a hint.




    There's your hint.

    If you really want to see it, you can open it in another browser and it shouldn't log you out.


    So, once again, without further ado...


    P ~ M ' s - C o m i c s !


    Character Sheets




    Season I

    1. A Normal Day on Mata Nui...
    2. Ummm... Who?
    3. Yoiks!
    4. Summer Special, introducing our Guest Stars!
    5. Wait, Dume?
    6. PGS? (NEW!!!)
    7. :eyebulge:
    8. Yaaahhh!!
    9. Careful, this is a link to the archives.
    10. Oh, NO!
    11. ...Sorry!
    Season II
    1. Shiny
    2. Season Intro... sort of
    3. I feel...
    4. Science Project
    5. Hard Decision
    6. Fired!
    7. BZPster special
    Season III

    1. The Fabric of Spacetime is Unpredictable

    GIMP'D! ...Sorta...

    Yard Sale

    That Darn Fridge!

    Through the Keyhole


    I Need a Map

    Gerlicky Hates Me

    Of Seaking and Avohkiis [feat. Black Six!]

    Guest Stars:
    Reptor Vahki
    The X

    GS (10 per season):








    Sign-Up Sheet
    (If a PGS slot is available, please specify whether PGS/GS):
    Nickname (optional):
    Powers (optional):
    Obsession (optional):
    True Love (optional):
    Anything else:
    Sprite sheet (Some form of Chimoru):


    Guest Star Guidelines

    I will not accept GS or PGS submissions from any member who has not posted at least once in this or previous "P~M's Comics" or "The Adventures of Three Matoran" topics. Yes, I will know. Don't try to fool me.

    I will now accept 10, I repeat, 10 GS appearances per season, and when that list is full, I will not accept additional submissions. I will most likely do a few GS appearances in one comic, across a few comics, depending on how things go. If you complain in any way, you will be removed from the list and edited out of the comic you appear in.
    Spritesheets can now be in any form of Chimoru, as long as they have 3 or more shades. Custom made (such as Chimoru Kal) will be allowed. Any continuity-exclusive or invitation-only variants require a PM from the creator or a continuity member.

    I am no longer removing PGSs if they do not post, but it would be greatly appreciated if they would.





    Wow, thanks so much to The X for these amazing avatars. I'm too lazy to put in codeboxes, but you guys know how to link to images.






    Fan Comics:

    (none yet)


    Feel free to contribute to the community with your avatars, banners, fan comics, et cetera. If you make one that I really like, I'll give you a present. Please send avatars and banners via PM. Fan comics should be posted so that others may enjoy them before I have a chance to put them on the front page, but if you really want to show me first, go right ahead and I will post them.


    Thanks to The X for those awesome avatars and for PGSing.

    Thanks to Loading..., .:Reznas:., Reptor Vahki, grayfore, Biocryptid21, and, as previously mentioned, The X for PGSing.

    Credit to Dark709 for Chimoru Alpha and the Expressions Kit.

    Credit to Gerlicky for the Six Shade Expressions Kit, even though he hates me for saying this.

    Credit to grayfore for the NEW! animation.

    Kudos to Black Six for getting the forums up and running and better than ever. Thanks.

    Credit to Loading... for some of the backgrounds.

    Thanks so much to everyone who has posted in this or any of the previous P~M's Comics topics for keeping us alive and (semi) popular.

    Credit to anyone else I missed.




    © MMX-MMXI Piraka~Mistika. For information, please PM me or contact me at this email address.

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