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This weekend, I should probably come up with some ideas for stories. So that over the midterm week and Thanksgiving vacation, I can actually get to writing. I haven't written anything not school-related for a while now, so I want to get back into that and improve some more. If you want you can give me some starter ideas for stories that I could build on or use for inspiration. =D
No one I know understands how fun drawing leaves and twigs are. No one but me is insanely motivated in art class by this. No one. *cries*
So remember when I said I drew a random chick? Several entries ago? Well I'm coloring her in Photoshop right now. Really my first true attempt at coloring a drawing like this, and I have high hopes for it. ^^ yes Leada it will be done in time >:3 Blog theme ideas anyone? Maybe I won't ignore them this time?
I wish I had Microsoft Word o this computer so I could write a nice short story. But, I'll be trading it in this weekend so installing would be pointless. And this computer is sooo slow it completely froze once today ;__; (thanks a ton, AIM T_T) School was okay. Nothing special. Except the blonde guy with glasses in Italian used kneaded erasers to sculpt a pig with demonic wings, tail, and horns. We named it Lopez. Oh how I love art majors at my school (I'm one of them lol). <3
I'll be watching it tonight... in like ten minutes. Less. And I won't be on after it to ramble about it so here's the entry. =P <3
I love Sudoku. <3 The hard/high-level puzzles are... well, hard to do, though. =P
I saw it today. And it was rather different and amazing. And I'm too lazy for full-on reviews of this movie.
When you're writing, especially complicated stories such as Science Fiction and Fantasy, you want to lay out a good concept that your story will be based on. This includes (but may not be limited to): Setting (location [if a made-up location, name, description, characteristics, major figures, history, government, and other], time period [may or may not be based on our world timeline], age of technology, laws of physics), Species [made-up/mythical species need naming, description, abilities [if any], and where the species is commonly located/affiliated), Characters (names, descriptions, bios, abilities [if any], relations to other characters, affiliation), Factions, History up until current plot, and summary of plotline of story (unless you prefer to let it come out as you write, although even without a basic idea of this you could mess up). If your story takes place in space or on another planet, you probably have more to do in terms of physics, technology, etc. Then you can write with a clear vision of what's going on. Aaaaand I'm doing my book's concept right now, hence writing this entry to help clear my mind a bit. >__>''
Today I got this brilliant story/character idea while walking down the street and flapping my arms randomly while listening to "Arigato" by Home Made Kazuko. now to find time to write this out...
Wired magazine in the mail
The cover of Scar Night by Alan Campbell, the Russian edition. I want the Russian version now. <3
As some of you might know, I've recently started writing my book, which hopefully will be successful and published, after looong work on the concept. I started the concept about a year ago, then dropped it for no reason and went back to it a few months ago, and heavily improved upon it. I already have three chapters down as first draft, and I don't have a prologue yet (in the works). I'm not sure if this only a single book thing, or a multiple book story - that's undecided, but I should be glad that I'm at least getting closer to my goal of author. Now for some inspiration for The Documentary... xP
I finished all episodes of The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. Beautiful ending, I'll say. <3
Half day at school today, so I'm on early. Not for long, just so you know. It's raining and I have nothing to do, so I'll finish my Senior Art Project first. After that, I have an idea for a story, so I'll hand-write in my notebook. I'd go to the library to pick up my reserved copy of The Jungle by Upton Sinclair, but alas, it is raining too much for the trip. Also tomorrow is math finals D:
Remember when I tutored two of my friends in math, and I bet that they hardly got anything out of that? Well now a guy who's missing at most twenty homework assignments from the marking period is asking for it. Although he'll probably want more just the answers than actual help. -__- In other, happier, news, my Senior Trip is tomorrow. I'm off to a Dude Ranch upstate, I'll describe it tomorrow. B)
So, today in math class we started Trig. And we learned the abbreviations to remember sine, cosine, and tangent: SOH CAH TOA. As soon as my teacher said "TOA" the guy next to me and I both yelled "Bionicle!" Also when you say Soh Cah Toa in a hissing voice it reminds me of movie Nidhiki. o_O
See here. I drew it a while ago, just the sketch, but today I found it in a "Random Art" folder and decided to finish it. Also I updated The Documentary, there's a link somewhere in my content blocks... Just check it out.
Quick guys, inspire me! In any way! Cuz I really need it these days.
I believe so, because I have been on a roll with writing my latest concept for the past week. Usually, I end up with a block in the middle of writing anything, but here I've been typing and editing non-stop, except for internet check-ups and life stuff, and am past 8 pages with a lot more to go. Gonna get back to it after posting this entry. I have amazed myself.
I think that instead of jumping straight into publishing my works in the main market, since I want to be a writer, I'll try entering the Writers of the Future contest. I'm working on a concept for it right now, and it's looking to be good. If I can get it all down by the end of the year I could possibly be their youngest contestant, I bet. And if I actually win that'll be a totally different thing.
I don't think my friends learned anything from my tutoring.
Like in a few minutes I'll begin. At least they actually admit they're stupid at it. >__>